• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Online Windows Compiler

If you somehow collected all C++ libraries and configs to compile TFS X.X (any) on Windows. Just release these files in .zip.

Most of tools released on OTLand are online version + downloadable version (ex. build .exe) + source files ex.
You can edit IP and RSA in your Tibia 12+ client.exe on my site:
but you can also download all my site files and use it on your PC or even host it on your server and offer same free service: GitHub - gesior/ots-ip-changer-12: Tibia 12+ IP Changer - code of https://ots.me/ots-ip-changer-12/ (https://github.com/gesior/ots-ip-changer-12)

As processing any data - ex. edit .exe/compile TFS - costs (often pretty much) and you offer it for free. It's obvious choice to release it as open source software and let anyone create copy of your service (as he also won't make any money, if he run it on his VPS).

Probably no one ever forced anyone into fraud 🤔
You just make 'too good to be true' offer and wait for someone who accepts it.
I never stated that this would be a free service. However, I might consider releasing it as a ZIP file or making the system available once everything is working 100% and fully compatible with TFS and other platforms.

The reason I posted this thread was to gauge interest and see if there were any people who might find it useful. Unfortunately, it seems that some are quick to jump to accusations of "fraud" or similar concerns. To clarify, I haven’t shared any links or made this system available for use yet. Everything is still a work in progress and open to changes based on feedback.

If you have any suggestions on how you'd like the system to work or how it can be improved, feel free to share them. I’m not here to scam anyone or steal source codes. I’d encourage everyone to take a moment to reread the topic and understand my intentions before jumping to conclusions.
If you have any suggestions
Only one: make it open source.

There are many projects that themselves were not finished/not useful (ex. my GitHub - gesior/open-tibia-library: Library to manipulate files used by OTS and OTClient. Written in TypeScript. (https://github.com/gesior/open-tibia-library) ), but someone else used them to make their great open source software (ex. .otbm screenshot generator by combining GitHub - gesior/open-tibia-library: Library to manipulate files used by OTS and OTClient. Written in TypeScript. (https://github.com/gesior/open-tibia-library) and GitHub - Inconcessus/OTBM2JSON: OTBM2JSON - A generic framework for programmatic modification of OTBM files. (https://github.com/Inconcessus/OTBM2JSON) ).

Post first barely-working version ex. just for TFS 1.6, people will see your open source code/configs and for sure someone will help you to develop it.
No real downside to making it open source - those who could make use of the source don't need it for its core function, and open source doesn't mean you can't also charge for it as a live service.
Lots of upsides though, including but not limited to:
  • supporting the open source community
  • earning some degree of trust
  • others may contribute and improve the core tool

I can imagine that if it works, it could actually be useful for some people in certain circumstances.
I also think that the type of people that would use this service probably don't actually have any non-public code in their server source anyway, so not a lot of opportunity for stealing code 🤷‍♂️