• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Gaming OTLand @ Aurora

i've made new account after that and did succesfull trades and made like 1000 euros from shadowcores, few ppl can confirm it haha :) + if anyone remembers me from Neobot forums , he will know that i was trusted there as i had over 150 rep & was doing middle-man services.

how did u make 1k from shadowcores?:eek:
I fail to believe that shit anyway
1k euro from shadowcores is hard, chars lvl 200 go for 10 euro max and 1kk for 0.5 euro

me & Switz (player from poland) had 10 characters that we used to go on warzones , we went on warzones like 8-10 hours at day , we made like 60kk per day, when he quitted the server , he left all the items and money he had to me , and back then , 1.5kk was 1 € ^^

also forgot to add : back then you were able to enter same warzone each 30 minutes :) and yes , we went with all 10 chars from once
Died on my EK tonight, not sure how though...

Feb 10 2013, 09:37:21 CET Died at Level 59 by fire.

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I'm planning on fragging a certain Riny Haalta.
Can anyone help me, pref a mage for UE/SD combo & can anyone block PZ anywhere? :}
Shiit i dont really understand this new pvp system with swap and shit. i hope they will remove the swap thing.
Shiit i dont really understand this new pvp system with swap and shit. i hope they will remove the swap thing.

trust me, they wont, so many people complained about it since it came out, after 8.6, and they still haven't removed it, it's kinda easy to get around though, just always leave 1 space open.
anyone know any other site like tibia-stats.com where you can see how long it takes u to get X skill ?^_^
Three, are you here? If you are, please log in, our target is online :]

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Best thing I ever accomplished in Tibia.

And a few more advancements




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Saw a body in Water Elementals, decided to open it aaaaaaand


He probably came to kill me, lol.
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- Complete Access to Meriana and do Assassin Headpiece.
- Complete Access to Goroma and do Assassin Katana.