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Suggestion Otland Hold'Em Poker ?

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Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hello there!,
Well I don't know you guys, but I think that it could be a great idea if otland make a poker game specially for otland members, like the facebook one, this of course will attract many people, I guess...

Comment about this, about what do you think!
Thanks for your attention,

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You got dedicated sites and you even got 20+ poker games for facebook. :p

Read :p

I do not think it will attract many more members. But I totally love the idea. Otland Poker hold'em. With otland member based high scores. It would definitely be my favorite web based game. :p

I also agree on having tournaments once in a while witch rewards with etc donators subscription for 1 - 3 months as reward. It would be really cool.

For random users on the internet, they will prefer more dedicated websites for poker. But in my case, otland would be great. :)

*Try to beat this poker face: (thanks Barker for giving me it! :D)
True, as long as some would enjoy it, it can we worte implanting. :)
Thanks for the good comments, keep posting about the idea!
hmm, i'd prefer the forum to stick to Open Tibia, sure it'd be a side game, maybe if it was edited so it was tibia related like..

Instead of kings, would be an image of king tibianus!

r0x idea

.. w/e i wouldnt play it anyway
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