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outfit bonus table

outfit bonus table

abdala ragab

Veteran OT User
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
abdala ragab submitted a new resource:

outfit bonus table - outfit bonus table Two different Script:

Two different script: A script if you were to give all the outfits the same reward or some of them with the same reward, and a script with different rewards.
Here is the first script of the consolidated rewards
local addonBonus = CreatureEvent("AddonBonus")

function addonBonus.onLogin(player)
    -- Define conditions
    local conditions = {
        mage = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
        noble = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
        Citizen =...

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Hello, the script looks very good and interesting, but I tried to use it in TFS 1.3 OTG base but it is necessary to relog for the attribute to appear, could you adjust it for us please?
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All conditions and their parameters are not set using any player value (his level etc.).
They should be created and configured above function addonBonus.onLogin(player) ex.
-- Define different conditions
local conditions = {
    mage = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    noble = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Citizen = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    hunter = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Knight = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Summoner = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Warrior = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Barbarian = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Druid = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Wizard = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Oriental = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES),
    Custom = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)

-- Set parameters for each condition

conditions.noble:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1)
conditions.noble:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, 15)
conditions.noble:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAGICPOINTS, 50)
conditions.noble:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_DISTANCE, 50)
conditions.noble:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_MELEE, 50)
conditions.noble:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST, 50)

-- HERE rest of conditions

function addonBonus.onLogin(player)
-- HERE code related to player starts:
    -- Getting the player's outfit directly
    local outfit = player:getOutfit()
    local lookType = outfit.lookType
    local lookAddons = outfit.lookAddons

All code inside function addonBonus.onLogin(player) is executed every time player logins into game. So it creates 12 new conditions in C++, set their values and then only add some of them or none in ex. player:addCondition(conditions.Knight). At end of execution of addonBonus.onLogin it will remove them all from Lua (they are local inside that function). I'm not sure, if it will remove these Conditions from C++ at all!

Code above function addonBonus.onLogin(player) is executed only once at server start (also on /reload xx), so making it create variables saves a lot of CPU.
You can apply same condition to multiple players using player:addCondition(conditions.Knight). That's what all Spells do with Conditions and Combats.

To make it easier to understand. Your Lua script may look like this:
local loginMessage = CreatureEvent("LoginMessage")

local loginCounter = 0

function loginMessage.onLogin(player)
    loginCounter = loginCounter + 1

    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Players logins into game " .. loginCounter)

    return true

whenever any player relogs, it will increase count +1. Variable is outside "callback" function, it's shared between function executions.

You don't have to understand C++. From Lua point of view (what C++ "does"): when new player logins, it executes in Lua (imagine it's pasted at end of your .lua file):
local playerLoggingIn = Player(123)
Second player with GUID 567 logins, it executes:
local playerLoggingIn = Player(567)
Third player with GUID 789 logins, it executes:
local playerLoggingIn = Player(789)
so everytime some player logins into game, it defines new local variables at end of file ex. local playerLoggingIn = Player(567) and pass it as parameter to your function ex. loginMessage.onLogin(playerLoggingIn).
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