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Pits Of Inferno Quest!

So, i was the only one that block spawn, and got 125cc...

100 from Big
25 from Richux

I tought that it was gonna be like 4 ppls, but, nvm, it's k...

Anyways, leaving by now, ill get back in like 7 hours.

It should'nt really be the MAIN TEAM paying anyway. I know its unfair your getting like,.nothing.,But the softboots r rather pointless to me.give me thats 125cc and you can get my softies. But anyway,that wasnt my point. Since the quest was free,its should be all the fucking noobs who didnt listen a damn fucking things along the quest that should be THANKFUL TO YOU and actually give you sumthing.Likew we set up the quest and you end up having nothing,unfauir yeah,but it was free.Im not getting anything in return of this + ive lost my time there. Took us 1h20.... i still think that 1.25kk is fair enough for 1h20. But shouldnt be only Richux and Mr Big paying..Dunno if you get what i mean imm using my mom pc and the keyboard sux...wtf r those digital thingy it type letter 2-3-4times when i type haha.getting piss
Im not complaying about it.

I really don't care about money, since i don't play toooooooo much.

And, about Softs, i just need avenger ;P

Too bad i took Arcane staff,I would have gave you that sword anyway. Anyway,block some demon,get yourself a descent amount of cash and buy the donator thingy.

I still thing it sucks you get nothing. But fuck that quest piss me off with all the damn people not listening and such.i was gonna quit but after 2-3seal i mean,i start it so imma finish it i guess.

Sry for that Qaacro,if i can be of any help,catch me ingame.If you wanna host one,send me a whisper i'll be glad to help blocking.