• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[POLAND] [13.10] IglaOTS Start: 12th April 19:00 CET

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Premium User
Premium User
May 26, 2021
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Welcome to IglaOTS!

  • We are excited to announce that new IglaOTS server will launch at 12th of April at 19:00 CEST. IglaOTS will be based on 13.10 client with full real map content (with working Soulwar Quest, Gnomeproma with Primal Quest in first update) but comes with custom city of Ul'den&Zah'din and a lot of new quests, bosses, hunting places. PvP system will be set to Retro-PvP all the time with 5 daily frags.

    Our Website: https://iglaots.net/
    Our Discord: Join the IgłaOTS Discord Server! (https://discord.gg/qGtRGW9ewm)

    Keep in mind that our OTS is strictly against any type of CAVEBOTTING.

    Our Server Rates:
    Exp Rates:
    1 - 50 level: x20
    51 - 150 level: x12
    151 - 250 level: x8
    251 - 300 level: x6
    301 - 400 level: x4
    401+ level: x3
    Magic Rates: 0 - ∞ magic: x5
    Skill Rate: 10 - ∞ skill: x8
    Loot Rate:


    Most important features or systems, which some of them are completely custom:

    -Real Tibia Forge
    -Wheel Of Destiny
    -Custom Enchanting System
    -Custom events like: Snowball, Last Man Standing
    -Bosstiary System
    -Bosshunting System
    -Fully Working Soulwar with bosses and final
    -Custom Reforge System
    -Custom Task System
    -Custom Currency
    -Party Hunt Analyser

    -Custom Global Bosses System
    And maany many more..!


Just 48h left to start! check out our new updates:


6 hours left to start!

Server is already started!
If you would like to get more information about our custom content visit our website: https://iglaots.net/?view=news
And check out igla-wiki!
Check out our boss system!soulhunter 1.png
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Played for 2 days, Crashes Rollbacks its constant, they say they trying to fix, but no results beside verbal bug fixes. Not for me.
Yes, there was problems at sunday with crashes but everyone who works on live server know how hard is it to fix, however its fixed already.
We are sorry for problems yesterday but theres not much than global compensation what we can do.
Shame, the loot is the same day as skill :D I cannot pg and skill at the same time

Sad Sponge Bob GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
There are weekend events going on, check out our website or discord to get more info!
Today is last day of weekend events, check it out!
Check out our weekend events on our discord or website!
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