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Premium problem :S


New Member
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, I have the next problem:
All the created accounts have 999 premium days... And I want that the created accounts have free acc...
I have search a lot of time about this problem, and i cant find solution :S...

Also i have another problem... The webpage says that the server is offline, being that it is online... :S

Thanks :D I hope you guys can help mee :)
Hello, I have the next problem:
All the created accounts have 999 premium days... And I want that the created accounts have free acc...
I have search a lot of time about this problem, and i cant find solution :S...

Also i have another problem... The webpage says that the server is offline, being that it is online... :S

Thanks :D I hope you guys can help mee :)

Isn't it in config.lua? :pp
what server do you use?
Perhaps this? The prem days on the account manager.

I have fixed the problem of the premium days...
I only went to xampp\htdocs\config, and open the "config.php", and changed this :
['newaccount_premdays'] = 999;
for this
['newaccount_premdays'] = 0;
----- but i have the next problem: The webpage says that the server is offline, being that it is online

thanks for trying helping me :D (sory for bad english)
I have fixed the problem of the premium days...
I only went to xampp\htdocs\config, and open the "config.php", and changed this :
['newaccount_premdays'] = 999;
for this
['newaccount_premdays'] = 0;
----- but i have the next problem: The webpage says that the server is offline, being that it is online

thanks for trying helping me :D (sory for bad english)

Set your port correctly at config.lua