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Windows Problem to login othire serv //access to my othire serv


Ghost Member
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hello Otland

I have this ussie that does not let me login to my othire server whitout normal // otclient or ipchanger

i hadn't errors while compiling, my ports are opened , website works(db properly setup into website and serv) and i can login to my others servers. This is the weird thing(the server or console is like not listening connection) i tried with global and local ip none works

im using latest repo downloaded from here:

my console

here the compilation part

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: othire2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>  otpch.cpp
1>  actions.cpp
1>  admin.cpp
1>  allocator.cpp
1>  ban.cpp
1>  baseevents.cpp
1>  beds.cpp
1>  chat.cpp
1>  combat.cpp
1>  condition.cpp
1>  configmanager.cpp
1>  connection.cpp
1>  container.cpp
1>  creature.cpp
1>  creatureevent.cpp
1>  cylinder.cpp
1>  database.cpp
1>  databasemysql.cpp
1>  databaseodbc.cpp
1>  databasepgsql.cpp
1>  databasesqlite.cpp
1>  depot.cpp
1>  exception.cpp
1>  fileloader.cpp
1>  game.cpp
1>  globalevent.cpp
1>  guild.cpp
1>  house.cpp
1>  housetile.cpp
1>  ioaccount.cpp
1>  iomapotbm.cpp
1>  iomapserialize.cpp
1>  ioplayer.cpp
1>  item.cpp
1>  items.cpp
1>  logger.cpp
1>  luascript.cpp
1>  mailbox.cpp
1>  map.cpp
1>  md5.cpp
1>  monster.cpp
1>  monsters.cpp
1>  movement.cpp
1>  networkmessage.cpp
1>  npc.cpp
1>  otserv.cpp
1>  outputmessage.cpp
1>  party.cpp
1>  player.cpp
1>  position.cpp
1>  protocol.cpp
1>  protocolgame.cpp
1>  protocollogin.cpp
1>  raids.cpp
1>  rsa.cpp
1>  scheduler.cpp
1>  scriptmanager.cpp
1>  server.cpp
1>  sha1.cpp
1>  spawn.cpp
1>  spells.cpp
1>  status.cpp
1>  talkaction.cpp
1>  tasks.cpp
1>  teleport.cpp
1>  thing.cpp
1>  tile.cpp
1>  tools.cpp
1>  trashholder.cpp
1>  vocation.cpp
1>  waitlist.cpp
1>  weapons.cpp
1>  Generating code
1>  Finished generating code
1>  othire2.vcxproj -> c:\users\winds\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\othire2\Release\othire2.exe
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

config.lua(db etc is properly setup)
-------- config.lua --------
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- data directory location
datadir = "data/"

-- map location
map = "data/world/world.otbm"

-- Type of map storage,
-- 'relational' - Slower, but possible to run database queries to change all items to another id for example.
-- 'binary' - Faster, but you cannot run DB queries.
-- To switch, load server with the current type, change the type in config.lua
-- type /reload config and the save the server with /closeserver serversave
map_store_type = "binary"

-- mapkind
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- server name
servername = "OTServ"

-- server location
location = "Solar System"

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = "190.xxxxxxx33"

-- login server port
-- This should be the port used for connecting with IP changers etc.
login_port = "7171"

-- game server port
-- game server must be on it's own port (due to limits of the protocol)
game_port = "7172"

-- status port
-- Used by status protocol connections, should be same as login
-- to work correctly with server lists etc.
status_port = "7171"

-- admin port
-- Port used by the OTAdmin protocol
admin_port = "7171"

-- server url
url = "http://otland.net"

-- server owner name
ownername = "peonso"

-- server owner email
owneremail = ""

-- world name
worldname = "Legacy Server"

-- world type
-- options: openpvp/pvp, optionalpvp/no-pvp, hardcorepvp/pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp"

-- Auto Stack items in containers (like in newer Tibia versions)
container_items_auto_stack = false

-- does player rate (from lua functions) count on experience gained from killings players on pvp-e worlds?
rates_for_player_killing = false

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for "yell" speak type
exhausted = 30000

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for aggressive spells/weapons
fightexhausted = 2000

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for none-aggressive spells
healexhausted = 1000

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for floor changing
stairhop_exhausted = 0

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell/yells (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedadd = 5000

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second)
in_fight_duration = 60000

-- how long a field belongs to a player before it no longer causes PZ lock for the owner
field_ownership_duration = 5000

-- When a player dies, how many of the assisting players (ie. how many of those who made damage) should be stored in database?
death_assist_count = 10

-- Should only the player who did the last hit get the 15-minute pz lock?
last_hit_pzblock_only = true

-- minimum amount of time between actions ('Use') (1000 = 1 second)
minactioninterval = 200

-- minimum amount of time between extended actions ('Use with...') (1000 = 1 second)
minactionexinterval = 1000

-- house rent period
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "monthly"

-- whether or not to check for premium accounts when using beds
premonlybeds = true

-- Should the server use account balance system or depot system for paying houses?
use_balance_house_paying = false

-- How long time the red skull will last in seconds (default 30 days)
red_skull_duration = 30*24*60*60

-- White skull duration, how long a player will get pz locked/white skull
unjust_skull_duration = 15*60*1000

-- Enable this and players will get pzlocked regardless of being the aggressor or not (<8.5 this was set to true)
defensive_pz_lock = true

-- How many players you need to kill to gain a red skull per day/week/month
-- Set 0 to disable
kills_per_day_red_skull = 3
kills_per_week_red_skull = 5
kills_per_month_red_skull = 10
-- In Oldschool you would get banned by doubling the needed month unjustified kills for red skull
kills_to_ban = 20

-- Broadcast violation window banishments
broadcast_banishments = "no"

-- Violation window config
max_violation_comment_size = 255
notations_to_banishment = 3
warnings_to_final_banishment = 4
warnings_to_deletion = 5
banishment_length = 7*86400 --seconds
final_banishment_length = 30*86400 --seconds
ip_banishment_length = 86400 --seconds

-- Extra experience % per player when sharing experience
party_exp_mul = 5

-- Anti-MageBomb system
-- This system works as in Tibia, time in milliseconds
login_attack_delay = 10*1000

-- AFK Configuration (in milliseconds, but use values for minutes)
-- Maximum time a player can stay away from keyboard before being kicked
max_idle_time = 16*60*1000
-- Player will be warned about being kicked at this time
max_idle_time_warning = 15*60*1000

-- Exp Stages configuration is in /data/exp_stages.lua
experience_stages = false

-- rates (experience, skill, magic level, loot and spawn)
rate_exp = 1
rate_exp_pvp = 0
rate_skill = 1
rate_mag = 1
rate_loot = 1
rate_spawn = 1

-- Rookgaard system
-- level_to_rook if player reach this level he is sento to newbie island at level 1
level_to_rook = 5
-- rook_temple_id newbie island temple id
rook_temple_id = 11
storage_sendrook = 31009

-- What message should be sent for the player, after its own death? Use "" to disable.
death_msg = "You are dead."

--should players be able to rope creatures (like at older versions of tibia)?
can_rope_creatures = true

--how many floors away of a player should a monster be to become idle?
--WARNING: setting this as any number bigger than 3 may increase CPU usage and
--setting this to any value smaller than 2 will make nearly impossible to rope monsters from a hole
height_minimum_for_idle = 2

-- Should the level requirements on runes be used [default: false]
use_rune_level_requirements = false

-- Remove ammunition
-- If false, ammunition will not be removed when using distance weapons
-- (or other weapons that use ammunition)
remove_ammunition = true

-- Remove rune charges
-- This only applies to runes done using the default functions.
-- Custom runes made using actions will not be affected.
remove_rune_charges = true

-- Remove weapon charges
-- Set to false to disable charges disappearing from weapons on use
remove_weapon_charges = true

-- Distance weapon configuration
-- Should exhaustion and action time be checked for using a distance weapon?
distance_weapon_interrupt_swing = true

-- Wands configuration exhaustion
-- Should exhaustion and action time be checked for using wands?
wands_interrupt_swing = true

-- maximum amount of items inside of a container (including the items inside of any container inside of it)
-- Use 0 for infinite
max_amount_items_inside_containers = 2000

-- maximum amount of containers inside of a player inventory
-- it fixes some CPU bug so it's not recommended to change this value to very high
max_containers_inside_player_inventory = 100

--maximal length for chains of containers (i.e, a container inside of a container which is inside of a container...)
max_deepness_of_chain_of_containers = 500

--should OTServ bind only global IP address ?
bind_only_global_address = true

-- How many items can be stacked in a single tile (all type of tiles)(client side)? DO NOT CHANGE IT UNLESS THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING
max_stack_size = 1000

-- How many items can be stacked in a normal tile ? (0 = max_stack_size)
tile_limit = 0

-- How many items can be stacked in a protection zone tile ? (0 = max_stack_size)
protection_tile_limit = 0

-- How many items can be stacked in a house zone tile ? (0 = max_stack_size)
house_tile_limit = 0

-- fist fighting configuration
-- How strong should be the attack using bare hands (fist fighting)?
fist_strength = 7

-- Allow gamemaster multiclient login to everybody?
allow_gamemaster_multiclient = true

-- despawn configs
-- how many floors can a monster go from his spawn before despawning
despawnrange = 2
-- how many square metters can a monster be far from his spawn before despawning
despawnradius = 50

--should players be able to hit invisible creatures using not AOE runes? (default: true)
can_attack_invisible = true

--players with a level smaller than this number can't be attacked by other players. Set it to to 0 to disable
min_pvp_level = 0

--how much % of the total damage players actually receive when attacked by other players?
--Old Tibia has this in 100%
pvp_damage = 50

--should pvp restrictions apply to summons too?
-- (experimental code - requires otserv to be compiled with flag __MIN_PVP_LEVEL_APPLIES_TO_SUMMONS__)
min_pvp_level_applies_to_summons = true

-- How many milliseconds (1 sec = 1000) we should wait until the player will be pushed by another player.
push_interval = 2000

-- How many milliseconds a player should wait until he can move another item after moving one (0 disables it)
move_item_interval = 500

-- max number of messages a player can say before getting muted (default 4), set to 0 to disable muting
maxmessagebuffer = 4

-- if you doesn't wish to see errors like this: "Error: Expected an integer/boolean parameter"
--(it means that you are missing an return somewhere but this is not so important and is just spamming your console on a production server) then set this to false
lua_excepted_type_errors_enabled = false

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters)
motd = "Welcome to Tibia Legacy Server."
motdnum = "1"

-- login message
loginmsg = "Welcome to Tibia."

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 5

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip)
retrytimeout = 5000

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again
logintimeout = 60 * 1000

-- What is the maximum number of packages the client can send per second?
max_packets_per_second = 25

-- how deep queryDestination should look for free slots (default -1, infinite)
player_querydestination_deepness = -1

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char)
allowclones = false

-- only one player online per account
checkaccounts = false

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "900"

-- save client debug assertion reports
-- to use this option you have to create file called client_assertions.txt and make sure after client crash to change IP to otserv one then click "send".
saveclientdebug = true

-- Set the max query interval for retrieving status information
-- default: 5 minutes / IP
-- set to 0 to disable
statustimeout = 30 * 1000

-- accounts password type
-- options: plain, md5, sha1
passwordtype = "sha1"

-- Password salt
-- Offers better security against rainbow table attacks etc.
passwordsalt = ""

-- House configuration (game_class)
-- House tile price
house_tile_price = 100
-- Only premium players can buy houses?
house_only_premium = true
-- Level to buy houses
house_level = 1
-- Show house price and its rent price when looking at its door?
-- PS: This info is going to be shown just if house has no owner
show_house_prices = false

-- SQL type
-- options: mysql, sqlite, odbc or pgsql
sql_type = "mysql"

-- SQL connection part (mysql, pgsql, odbc)
sql_db   = "otserv"
sql_host = ""
sql_port = 3306
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""

anyone can help me?