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PZ in Nightmares?


New Member
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
Gold represents the PZ

Take it out -.-
On real tibia, controlling guild controls leveling spots and money making spots.. amiright?
sadly, i think it should be taken out, yea it gives hunted people a spot to hunt, but... hunted people usually DONT hunt in tibia, they either sit in pz all day, grow a pair and fight, or payout and hunt freely, we only atk you because of you atking us earlier in cyntara or because of trash talking or whatever, we dont randomly hunt people, you are hunted Bcuz u and your gf atked a friend at vip bkb's one day, happy not hunting.
Only people that will be killed in the pvp areas is the guilds that are against us and or the players that are hunted by our guild
Thank You RED!!!!!

So... I run to attack some nubs that sit at this pz all the time... and I get trapped between the pz.


I agree that this spot should be taken out. Even though it was put in there for hunting purpouses (or so i have been told), it is a detrament to PVP in that area.
I agree that this spot should be taken out. Even though it was put in there for hunting purpouses (or so i have been told), it is a detrament to PVP in that area.
On a PVPE server -.-
again the non pvp should stay there bcuz if we take a spawn where u get the most xp and make it pvp someone will own it and i mean how are we gonna get more players playing on this ot if everyone pwns them and already the other players who play r beginning to get very pissed off and some have started quitting so think logically rather then how many ppl u can kill there and how fast you can own that spawn i mean rly cmon the game is more then picking on low lvls and killing everybody...
again the non pvp should stay there bcuz if we take a spawn where u get the most xp and make it pvp someone will own it and i mean how are we gonna get more players playing on this ot if everyone pwns them and already the other players who play r beginning to get very pissed off and some have started quitting so think logically rather then how many ppl u can kill there and how fast you can own that spawn i mean rly cmon the game is more then picking on low lvls and killing everybody...
non pvp = didnt happend

This is PVPE. Get used to it.
and as a vice leader in the leading guild I can assure you we don't randomly PK.
well u say that now but i very much doubt it will happen and as u said ur a vice leader and even if u were a leader u cant control other ppls actions... can you
i dont want to be completely safe i just dont think u should make the most valuable spawn which u have to pay 20$ american pvp...
unfortunately for u u had nothing to say on the cant control other ppls speech...
i dont want to be completely safe i just dont think u should make the most valuable spawn which u have to pay 20$ american pvp...
unfortunately for u u had nothing to say on the cant control other ppls speech...

What the fuck are you on about? I'm not trying to limit your speech, I'm just not in agreement with you. Why should it not be PVP? If you don't do anything wrong nobody is going to kill you usually.
lol i never said ur limiting my speech re-read that buddy and ppl randomly pk all the time just because they want 2 and they find it amusing to kill someone who has no chance...
i dont want to be completely safe i just dont think u should make the most valuable spawn which u have to pay 20$ american pvp...
unfortunately for u u had nothing to say on the cant control other ppls speech...

lol i never said ur limiting my speech re-read that buddy and ppl randomly pk all the time just because they want 2 and they find it amusing to kill someone who has no chance...
Go learn some english, then post.