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Lua Question about loops


New Member
Apr 14, 2011
Reaction score
I was wondering how i can add a delay or something to a while or for loop? Using TFS 0.3.6pl1
		while (i == 0) do
		doCreatureAddMana(cid, mana2)
		doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), '+'..(mana2), COLOR_BLUE)
		i = i + 1

This is just a small part of the script, but i would like that loop to repeat with a delay or in intervals. The way i had it set up (not the example) it would add mana2 together x amount of times and give the mana in 1 big chunk. I would like it to give it in intervals of like 1 second. Any help would be great, i do not understand a lot about loops in C++ as i just started learning C.
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I was just reading about those, i don't quite understand how to do that. Could you give me an example on how it would work with this kind of script? Thank you tho :) now i know i can do it.
Okay after reading it, i am as confused as ever >.< i wish i understood this more, i really do. I get it a bit just don't know how to use it and how it will make a delay. :( god i feel stupid lol.

edit:Anything you can tell me that will help understand how to use these?

edit: Yeah i just started to mess around with the addEvent and all i got was a headache and a lot of errors, i have no clue what i am doing >.>
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Could someone explain to me how i would use addEvent in this kind of situation? I tried looking online for stuff but i didn't find anything i could use or understood. Any info would be useful. Thank you.
I tried to do that, since i do not understand it, it is hard to edit it and make it work. Also if i just edit something and don't understand it i won't learn much so i wont know what to do next time i need to use addEvent. I just need a simple explanation i think as i am still reading posts about it.
local combat = createCombatObject()
setCombatArea(combat, createCombatArea(AREA_SQUARE1X1))

local t = {} -- table used to store event IDs for each player
local mana2 = 25

local function f(cid) -- loop function
	if isPlayer(cid) then
		-- player exists
		doCreatureAddMana(cid, mana2)
		doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), '+'..(mana2), COLOR_BLUE)
		t[cid] = addEvent(f, 1000, cid) -- schedule the event again in 1 second
		-- player disconnected, remove table value
		t[cid] = nil

-- main function
function onCastSpell(cid, var)
	if t[cid] then
		-- event is already initiated, stop it
		stopEvent(t[cid]) -- killing the event
		t[cid] = nil -- freeing table value
		doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) -- "turn off" effect
		-- not initiated yet
		t[cid] = addEvent(f, 1000, cid) -- init event for player after 1 second
		doCombat(cid, combat, var) -- effects
	return true
Thank you, yeah the way i had it was way different because i didn't understand anything about addEvent :( sorry for taking your time like this and thank you so much. Testing it now.

edit: It worked, kind of :p. It is doing exactly what the script is telling it to. But it is not exactly what i wanted. But with this i should be able to finish it, thank you again. If i have some problems i can't figure out i will post here.
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Is there a way to set it up so it will work like in this pic? I can enter, and it turns the event on and i can leave via portal and it turns event off. But the door wont turn event off (without turning it on first)

local t = {} -- table used to store event IDs for each player
local mana2 = 500

local function f(cid) -- loop function
	if isPlayer(cid) then
		-- player exists
		doCreatureAddMana(cid, mana2)
		doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), '+'..(mana2), COLOR_BLUE)
		t[cid] = addEvent(f, 1500, cid) -- schedule the event again in 1 second
		-- player disconnected, remove table value
		t[cid] = nil
-- main function
function onStepIn(cid, item, pos)
	if t[cid] then
		-- event is already initiated, stop it
		stopEvent(t[cid]) -- killing the event
		t[cid] = nil -- freeing table value
		doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) -- "turn off" effect
		-- not initiated yet
		t[cid] = addEvent(f, 1500, cid) -- init event for player after 1 second
	return true

function onStepOut(cid, item, pos)
	if t[cid] then
		t[cid] = nil 
		doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) 
	return true