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royal warlord

Sure I understand talking with people face-to-face is mature if you live in the same city/county. Not traveling into another country to beat someone up over a video game. That's the part you guys are still not getting and yet again you get laughed at for it. Btw when Darren was on Chidori Pierce posted the screen shot of him saying that he never said anything about beating Pierce up.
Oh yeah i forgot to tell you avi & david both completely denied any knowledge of it.

Maybe they didn't want to be associated with your childish accusations :\
hahaha,u are just mad cuz u know im better than u, when i died on royal at lvl 250 by u on ue combo i was just like, "oh well, np" and when i killed u on belick (120) u were crygin so hard, "U FUCKER, ILL FUCKING KILL U, I HATE U, ILL TELL DAVE TO KICK U OUT OF THE TEAM, WELL FUCKING SNEAK U ALL THE DAY, DONT TALK TO ME ANYMORE.
u are just such a retard ;]

HAHAH when i killed u in that UE combo u cried to me, you were like DONT EVEN TALK TO ME, I FUCKIGN HATE U. i died on a 120 cus u have serious anger issues and than u come to vent when i told u, im not ur friend anymore, and u go "man it was an accident im so sorry, please dont eb mad at me.. i distinctly remeber u sayin will ug o on cam with me 1 more time before i get kicked from the team?" so sorry alan but nice try bud.
hahah royal ur funny
i dont belive that you dont act like 12-year old kid, cuz i have facts that u do
when u died, u was like "u dont remember me", "ill make you remember idiot"
HAHAHA Were mature, dude are you gay, jesus christ, anybody who chrips over the internet and doesnt have big enuf balls to do anything face to face is not mature, i remeber when pierce BEGGED alex not to buy that plane ticket and he wud stop being such a dick, so stop being a fucking lier. mature my ass..

last post kk thnx bye.

Last post, aye?
Sep 29 2009, 22:11:10 Killed at Level 269 by Eldalek
Sep 26 2009, 01:57:10 Killed at Level 258 by Jamfrix <<<His own team
Sep 24 2009, 04:13:47 Killed at Level 237 by Awiwi

Guess its already been taken care of Macan