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Schools real purpose?

I agree, sometimes, students are better than teachers, I was in that case many many times. Thats why I left college, I mean not exactly leave but I go there for 2h a week just to be there, and I'm not planning to go University after this school year, because that would be the biggest waste of time of my life. You don't need to no qualifications for most of the jobs, Ive worked for loads of different IT companies, and NONE of them asked me for ANY kind of graduation from ANY school. Maybe it depence on a kind of job, but as a programmer, you don't need no government school qualifation.
Umm I think all of you guys are seriously immature. The schools curriculum may vary and is subject to corruption, propaganda, and bias, however this does by no means mean that schools are bad. They are not perfect and the system must be improved, but schools also teach fundemental parts of history, math, science, health, religion(if you go to a private school), language, grammar, etc.. Without schools we would just be a huge population of morons who would barely be able to speak their own language properly. So in my opinion schools do not "suck", and there is no "revolution" coming.

Secondly, whats all this talk about "rebelty"? Yes yu have to ask to go to the bathroom or to move out of your seat, but that teaches you life skills. It teaches you that you can not do whatever you feel like whenever you feel like in real life, which is completely true. Yes you CAN move out of your desk or simply walk out of the room, the teacher won't hit you or hurt you, however you will recieve a punishment of some sort(demerits, detention, etc..). And if you continue to behave that way you will be asked to leave. Imagine if you could get up and leave to the bathroom whenever you felt like it during class. There would be nobody in the classroom, no learning would take place, people would do whatever they felt like it, and once again we would end up with a brainless society. And honestly, I do condemn being a "nerd", meaning that you don't socialize or anything, however school is our primary task. Look at everything you have today, you can buy whatever shoes you want when you want, there is mass production of all kinds of our favorite goods(food, drink, snacks), there is so much technology, computers, super advances in sanitation. The "cool crowd" doesn't understand that they have all of these things, they are not swimming in their own waste, they don't die at the age of 30, plagues dont ravage places and kill of 75% of a country's population, you don't die from simple diseases, and many more things exactly because of the people they called "nerds" in high school. Well lets compare an average "nerd" to your average "jock". A "nerd" who isn't really a nerd but simply takes learning seriously goes on to finish a great college with a good degree. He has a myriad of open doors, and he can choose anyone he likes. He finds a good respectable job which he likes, and what comes with it is a sense of success and also a respectable and intelligent social group. He finds a smart beatiful woman, woman love MEN(the ones who actually make something of their life), and he lives ahppily ever after. The "jock" ends up working in mcdonalds making minimum wage, having a crappy life and dies in misery. Who's the "douche bag" now?
As i said in a previous comment, schools ARE usefull to be a part of this corrupt system and get money etc, thats the idea, its dificult for inteligent people to succeed on this system, why? inteligence in my personal opinion is a synonime of rational rebelty, im rebel, im not rebel whn something is logical, im rebel against ilogical things like being forced to memorize things and puting them into a paper just to get a good grade in order to achieve something in life.. is that actually showing how inteligent you are? studying 5 hours to write something in a piece of paper? do you really think that what i just mentioned is actually helping humanity to evolve? No.
Schools dont want thinkers, they want people like you, people thinking that having a good wage and a hot girl are succesfull in life, people that think that "life" is this working system, your completely wrong, life is nature, surprises, exploring, adventures, love, animals life's are exactly like what i just mentioned (because their not into a manufactured system)

They dont even teach creativity, they completely block it, because creativity = creation of something innovative, this system is based on ignorance, pain and fear, politicians and governments are afraid of young people with a potential to update and create a better world, imagine if we had schools that qualify creativity instead of memorizing efficiency, if they could make kids explore, make they'r own conclutions, study whatever they want, that would actually create a world full of geniouses, not of eficient dumb people without the capability of looking deep into life and into this corrupt system.
It's funny, the people saying "fuck school" are the same people that either live out on the street or live off of welfare and will make nothing of their life.
I am sorry to contradict you Flaite but in my state of mind, you're completely wrong. Schools are to teach people things (obviously) but it is also about teaching us common sense and be smart/educated. I'm going to state out a couple of examples, have you seen the "cool bad boys" in school? Those that only make jokes and don't care about anything..? Well, they are just simply retarded, they are in school to LEARN, yet they practically fail every single year, now without school, every person will most likely grow up to be like one of them. Those who beg for money and are just plain RETARDED. I know school is boring, but it is for our own good, those who choose to drop out of school 2 or 4 years before they finish it, tend to work twice as much than someone who finished school.. Why? because those who finished school have a real job that pays a fair amount of money, while those who drop out, need to work in any sort of job they could find, hard hard work, and little payment. I'm only 13 and I'm already thinking about what master I wish to obtain and I've visualized how I'd obtain it, for those who are so curious, I wish to be either a doctor, or a soccer player. I'm not joking.. The only perspective that I believe it's worthless is HOMEWORK. We spend more time in school than we do at home (Not counting Sleeping) but you stay more hours in school than you do at your own house, plus the fact that it's 5 days a week, it just becomes really STUPID to make us work more at home, in my opinion, homework should only be projects, or things that require articles/newspapers and the use of internet.. Other than that it's completely worthless. That's a big reason why there are many lazy students out there, they do their classwork but when it comes down to homework they just ignore it. Hopefully I did not offend anyone nor those were my reasons, I'm just stating what I believe about school. If I were to describe schools in 1 sentence it would be: Helpful but plain retarded systems.

PS: I did not read the whole post but if you're in my side, then I'm sorry about the first sentence :p

Thats completly opposite of what reality is.

You see, school got ya, because now you think after finishing school you will get job straight away, the reality is that paper does not prove anything, and they tell you that it's important because they earn money from government on each student, so the more of you they have the more they get simple. I left college, and Im not planning go university, and I'm 17, I exactly know how education system works. I got only secondary education certificate and what else? 45 000 pounds a year and a nice office in centre of london next to harrods.

I do agree secondary education is required and very good, but higher education is a complete shit and one big business
In order to achieve good grades you need: a standard memory
And studying alot.

Most people that achieve the best grades usually do that and are considered "intelligent", for me, they're well indoctrinated kids with no internal voice at all, just repeaters, not philosofers, not poets, not artists, not even scientists, theyr repeaters that will do whatever an authority tells them... School determines how brainwashed are you, the more brainwashed; the better grades.

The worst think is that artists or philosophers or just rebel people, never get heard in this system, because they will "almost always" fail in this system independantly of how smart they are, thats what government wants, thats why school was created
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i will comment about the thread but first of all i wanna say that : you freaking type alot... even more than me.

@ thread
Well I didn't read what u wrote in your first post cuz it was too long and i couldn't be bothered to but i could be bothered to write this much.YEs thats me

According to people school is to develop children's mind and social skills, but now it shows the opposite , some kids become more idiot, some kids are not socially accepted by those with more money,better looks,etc. Also I don't see having so many subjects in school so useful because by studying so many subjects one can get confused about which career to choose and if someone would like several careers then bad luck that won't be possible unless you study for 10+ years.

The only useful thing you learn at school is maths, and language classes(foreign,etc).
I don't wanna type anymore. Only thing I can say School Sucks.
Schools now teach us how to learn much more than you will ever need in life in very limited time. This kind of activity will improve your memory. But schools are also destoying creativity of students. The WORST thing is "What author had on mind writing this poem" and there's only one way of interpretation.