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Scripter Scripter Needed!


Pandas Go RAWR!!!
Oct 10, 2008
Reaction score
New York
Well, I'm working on this project, FuryOT and I'm in need of a scripter who is good with spells and NPC's. The spells I'm looking for are advanced spells and need experienced scripts to complete them. The npc's are quest based also. If you are interested in looking at more info about the project look at this thread. FuryOT - Progress. We are planning a new vocation system, with new vocations and a balanced system so we are in need of plenty different scripts.

So if you are willing to spare some of your time to help the us, just send me a pm or add me on msn.

MSN: [email protected]
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Now looking for a scripter that can work with npc's and spells!
Still in need of these scripters. Come on guys, I know your out there.