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Gamemaster Searching for active GMs

What kind of information are needed.
just tell me and i will write it down.

What kind of information are needed.
just tell me and i will write it down.


I allow you to use my application for the questions/info, check out my post. BUT I don't want you to copy my answers.
Name: Jake
Nationality: English
Why would you qualify for this position: I'm very active on servers and am a fully English citizen!
Other information:I don't expect to get this job as i'm active on Nysacia allot, but if you have no options i't be a honor to take the job.

Kind regards,
Real name: husam
Age: 14
Nacionality: English
Languages: English,some swe
I played tibia 3 year ago and i got a online server and i know all think about commands-who i ban and who i namelock and who i BanIp
Real name: husam
Age: 14
Nacionality: English
Languages: English,some swe
I played tibia 3 year ago and i got a online server and i know all think about commands-who i ban and who i namelock and who i BanIp

Sorry but i dont think ur english.
Job application

Real name: Daniel (Uncle Dekon)

Age: 24

Native: Sweden

Native language: Swedish/English

Experience in Tibia and Open-Tibia: Have been working with ot server since 7.1,and have been playing tibia since 1999.2 Newest server i made Rexina & Zerenia Rexina one of the famous swe server. around 400-500 players dayily until i closed it.

GameMaster experience: ive beeen gm since 7.1 to 8.11 servers with around 50-500 players online daily. God on some of them.

Experience in making servers: The first server i ever made was Medieval Kingdom (7.1) then i quit until 8.11. when 8.11 was released i decided to make a whole new server called Rexina it was a success first day i had 150 players online and it raised to 300 then the final week i had 500 players online.
Then i updated the server to 8.22 changed name on it to Zerenia it wasnt a real success i had 200 players online 1 week then i decided to close it.

Why you should choose me to be a GameMaster in your server: im a nice guy loves to support ppl with help and tips. Cant tell u how much i can be online becouse some day i can be really tired since i just got a newborn Son his only 2 weeks old so i have to be with him to.But i really want this job.u guys will love to work with me.:)

Extra information: Ive been working with u before Ryan long time ago (cantera 8.0)

i hope u liked it.

@zoriath thx.
Hello there Ryan, here my application

Real Name: Floris
Age: 16
Country: The Netherlands
Experience: I have been on several servers gms, one with the record of 323 players, some other servers but they are not very popular
Languages: English and Dutch ofcourse
Why should we choose you?:
Because im needed in one of your servers and i'd love to do the job

What about my application?
What about my application?

Floris, frankly I think your application is too short, since he rejected longer applications then yours because they are too short. But it's not on me to decide.
Keep trying :p

Real name: Marten

Age: 14

Native: The Netherlands

Native language: Dutch

Experience in Tibia and Open-Tibia: I've been playing Tibia since I was eight years old, played OT since I was ten. I've played on Askara, Antica, Inferna and Zanera. I've played on many Open-Tibia servers, I liked the real-maps the most, except if it was a good custom map.

GameMaster experience: I've been GameMaster in some servers, some serious ones and some fun ones, but nobody has ever complained about me being GameMaster.

Experience in making servers: I've made some servers, all projects failed, because I couldn't find anyone who wanted to host for me, since my ISP blocks the ports. I've tried hard, but I didn't make it. Never hosted one. Edit: I'm working on a server right now.

Why you should choose me to be a GameMaster in your server: I like helping people. I'm very active! I can be online like 6 hours during the week and 7-9 hours in the weekend. I'm serious!

Extra information: I would like if it was a real-map, with around 30-50 people or more online. It can lagg a bit, but not too much. If it isn't too high experience then it's even better. Like 50× or less, or stages from like 2 till 80. I can speak English very well, so I can communicate with almost anyone.



PS: I know, I'm 14, but that shouldn't matter in my opinion, since people from 18 years old can be just as unserious as kids from 7.

Edit: And if you would choose me as a GM, I would prefer being GM on the Radonia based server.

Just changed some things ;)
I want you to see it so BUMP!!:D
What will you provide me If I get accepted? I don't think it's worth to help you without having any advantage on your open tibia server.

And which are those 3 servers?
hi, my name is Rafael im from Mexico and i'm 16 years old.
I have 3 1/2 years playing tibia and alwas loved to help people and i think as a GM i could make it BETTER. thank you
OT name =PerGeR (deception)