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Selling 2 lvl 500's


New Member
Jan 22, 2010
Reaction score
Since Icechaw is working really hard to make people leave this shit server by coming with new problems every day, I've grown really tired of playing here.

I got a level 500 EK and a level 499 ED for sale.
They both have nice skills and magic level + full warrior outfit on the EK and full druid outfit on the ED.

I'm accepting RL cash or cash/items on either Inferna or Saphira.

You can contact me here by sending me a private message, on [email protected] or in-game.

Yours, Mosarn
Yay wanna buy! Me noob har yes!

Did I write anywhere in my post that my characters are the best ones on the server? No, these are 2 decent leveled characters which you can have fun with some higher levels on, war or random pk whatever they'll be used for. Posts like that one are just annoying and stupid, but thanks for the free bump m8.

Yours, Mosarn

Edit: Oh, just noticed that you're just some dude trolling around on this forum writing meaningless posts in most threads. Must be really funny, ye?
"which you can have fun with some higher levels on" - Haha me like;>
Did I write anywhere in my post that my characters are the best ones on the server? No, these are 2 decent leveled characters which you can have fun with some higher levels on, war or random pk whatever they'll be used for. Posts like that one are just annoying and stupid, but thanks for the free bump m8.

Yours, Mosarn

Edit: Oh, just noticed that you're just some dude trolling around on this forum writing meaningless posts in most threads. Must be really funny, ye?

Lol come on whos gonna buy an 500 ? that takes 1 day?