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Should i buy this computer?

Should i buy this awesome Computer?

  • Total voters
My left penis says yes, but my right one says no.

I guess i'll go with the right one...
Naa, buy a new one every 6mnd (and just move the harddrives if you don'y use so much space). It gives you a top computer all the time. Or wait 2 years with that overpowered shit, and everyone got a better computer then you. :p
You should consider building yourself an own computer. And second, that computer will go down quickly in price since there are coming more things all the time and what are you planning to do on the computer with so good specifics?

Although, it is your opinon so if you feel you have the money, go for it but you'll get a better computer if you just buy the items seperately and build it on your own.

~ Port
The price for that computer is a sit its to expensive in my eyes I would say I get this pc for 1500 Euro not more.
Ask yourself:

- for what you need that RAM
- for what you need that graphic card for playing tibia? NOT!

and dont buy a pc via ebay it sucks!!

I would search a serious online shop.

Black Pearl