• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[Solution] Temple postion wrong...


Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
Far away from home.
[Solution] Temple position wrong...

Hello dear Otlanders,

I can see that many got problems with login issue and that it's being spammed with questions about it on Support board... So i made this thread that, 100% will solve your problem about "Temple position wrong, contact the administrator." issue!

Just follow the guide, good luck! This is only for site account maker!


1. Enter your site and create an character.

2. Go to your phphmyadmin and then to the character you just made.. look what town_id that character have.


1. Enter your mapeditor and check that towns cordinates are right, also remember the town ids.

2. Go to "C:\xampp\htdocs\config" And open the file "Config.php"

3. Press Ctrl+F and then search for this $towns_list

4. Add your towns Names and IDS, Etc.
// list of towns on ots
$towns_list[0] = array(1 => 'Thais', 2 => 'Edron', 3 => "Ab'dendriel", 4 => 'Kazordoon'); // list of towns, id => 'name', $towns_list[0] - for world id 0

5. Now Press Ctrl+F again and search for // sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4):

6. Then you see this line:
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(1,2);

7. Change (1,2) To your own town ids.. If you got one main town then just put one number (the number of town id in your mapeditor)

8. If you got several towns then it should looks like this for etc.

$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(1,2,3,4);
1 stands for Thais
2 stands for Edron
3 stands for Ab'dendriel
4 stands for Kazordoon

So all you need to do is to put the id of towns in the 7th step and then save!

Still got that problem? Then post your config.php and write yours "town ids & names" (From mapeditor) and i will help you out!

Best Regards,
Last edited:
Nice, thanks this post could be helpfull.
Because i had problems with that years ago xD!
lols i think he means Temple, and this might be sticky, a lot of newbs out there that don't know that :(
Cybershot: Many got problems with login issue, etc. They can do account and create character but at the end when they trying to connect into game they get this message "Temple position wrong, contact the administrator."... And here where i come in, This thread will help them out!

And ohh thanks for telling about that.. didnt notice that :p
Last edited:
here is mine i
$config['site']['worlds'] = array(0 => 'Server 1');
$config['site']['otslist.eu'] = 101; //server id in otslist.eu to show Players Online Chart (whoisonline.php)
$config['site']['quests'] = array('Annihilator' => 100,'Demon Helmet' => 2645,'Pits of Inferno' => 5550); // list of quests, 'questname' => storage-id,

// ACCOUNT config
$config['site']['one_email'] = 0; // one e-mail can be used only to create one account 0 / 1
$config['site']['verify_code'] = 0; // show verify code to block stupid scripts, set 0 if you have problems with image
$config['site']['email_days_to_change'] = 2; // how many days user need to change e-mail to account - block hackers
$config['site']['newaccount_premdays'] = 999; // how many days receive new account

$config['site']['create_account_verify_mail'] = 0; // when create account player must use right e-mail, he will receive random password to account like on RL tibia, 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey'] = 0; // let player generate new recovery key, he will receive e-mail with new rec key (not display on page, hacker can't generate rec key)
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey_price'] = 5; // you can get some Premium Points for new rec key
$config['site']['send_mail_when_change_password'] = 0; // send e-mail with new password when change password to account, set 0 if someone abuse to send spam
$config['site']['send_mail_when_generate_reckey'] = 0; // send e-mail with rec key (key is displayed on page anyway when generate), set 0 if someone abuse to send spam
$config['site']['send_register_email'] = 0; // send e-mail when register account

// CHARACTER config, format: ID_of_vocation => 'Name of Character to copy', load vocation name from $vocation_name[0] (below)
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][1] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
// sample, if rook only:             $config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(0 => 'Rook Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(1);
// sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4):          
$config['site']['guardian town'] = array(1);

// list of vocations on ots (world 0)
$vocation_name[0][0] = array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Sorcerer', 2 => 'Druid', 3 => 'Paladin', 4 => 'Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[0] - promotion level 0, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0
$vocation_name[0][1] = array(1 => 'Master Sorcerer', 2 => 'Elder Druid', 3 => 'Royal Paladin', 4 => 'Elite Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[1] - promotion level 1, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0

// list of towns on ots
$towns_list[0] = array(0 => 'guardian town', 1 => 'Thais'); // list of towns, id => 'name', $towns_list[0] - for world id 0

// list of monsters on ots - names blocked, you can generate list of your monsters in acc. maker admin panel ( Reload Monsters )
$config['site']['monsters'] = array("amazon","valkyrie","carrion worm","rotworm","rotworm queen","cockroach","kongra","merlkin","sibang","crystal spider","giant spider","poison spider","scorpion","spider","tarantula","achad","axeitus headbanger","bloodpaw","bovinus","colerian the barbarian","cursed gladiator","frostfur","orcus the cruel","rocky","the hairy one","avalanche","drasilla","grimgor guteater","kreebosh the exile","slim","spirit of earth","spirit of fire","spirit of water","the dark dancer","the hag","darakan the executioner","deathbringer","fallen mooh'tah master ghar","gnorre chyllson","norgle glacierbeard","svoren the mad","the masked marauder","the obliverator","the pit lord","webster","barbarian bloodwalker","barbarian brutetamer","barbarian headsplitter","barbarian skullhunter","bear","panda","polar bear","braindeath","beholder","elder beholder","gazer","chicken","dire penguin","flamingo","parrot","penguin","seagull","terror bird","bazir","infernatil","thul","munster","son of verminor","xenia","zoralurk","big boss trolliver","foreman kneebiter","mad technomancer","man in the cave","lord of the elements","the count","the plasmother","dracola","the abomination","the handmaiden","mr. punish","the countess sorrow","the imperor","massacre","apocalypse","brutus bloodbeard","deadeye devious","demodras","dharalion","fernfang","ferumbras","general murius","ghazbaran","grorlam","lethal lissy","morgaroth","necropharus","orshabaal","ron the ripper","the evil eye","the horned fox","the old widow","tiquandas revenge","apprentice sheng","dog","hellhound","war wolf","winter wolf","wolf","chakoya toolshaper","chakoya tribewarden","chakoya windcaller","blood crab","crab","frost giant","frost giantess","ice golem","yeti","acolyte of the cult","adept of the cult","enlightened of the cult","novice of the cult","ungreez","dark torturer","demon","destroyer","diabolic imp","fire devil","fury","hand of cursed fate","juggernaut","nightmare","plaguesmith","blue djinn","efreet","green djinn","marid","frost dragon","wyrm","sea serpent","dragon lord","dragon","hydra","dragon hatchling","dragon lord hatchling","frost dragon hatchling","dwarf geomancer","dwarf guard","dwarf soldier","dwarf","dworc fleshhunter","dworc venomsniper","dworc voodoomaster","elephant","mammoth","elf arcanist","elf scout","elf","charged energy elemental","energy elemental","massive energy elemental","overcharged energy elemental","energy overlord","cat","lion","tiger","azure frog","coral frog","crimson frog","green frog","orchid frog","toad","jagged earth elemental","muddy earth elemental","earth elemental","massive earth elemental","earth overlord","gargoyle","stone golem","ghost","phantasm","phantasm","pirate ghost","spectre","cyclops smith","cyclops drone","behemoth","cyclops","slick water elemental","roaring water elemental","ice overlord","water elemental","massive water elemental","ancient scarab","butterfly","bug","centipede","exp bug","larva","scarab","wasp","lizard sentinel","lizard snakecharmer","lizard templar","minotaur archer","minotaur guard","minotaur mage","minotaur","squirrel","goblin demon","badger","bat","deer","the halloween hare","hyaena","pig","rabbit","silver rabbit","skunk","wisp","dark monk","monk","tha exp carrier","necromancer","priestess","orc berserker","orc leader","orc rider","orc shaman","orc spearman","orc warlord","orc warrior","orc","goblin leader","goblin scavenger","goblin","goblin assassin","assasin","bandit","black knight","hero","hunter","nomad","smuggler","stalker","poacher","wild warrior","ashmunrah","dipthrah","mahrdis","morguthis","omruc","rahemos","thalas","vashresamun","pirate buccaneer","pirate corsair","pirate cutthroat","pirate marauder","carniphila","spit nettle","fire overlord","massive fire elemental","blistering fire elemental","blazing fire elemental","fire elemental","hellfire fighter","quara constrictor scout","quara hydromancer scout","quara mantassin scout","quara pincher scout","quara predator scout","quara constrictor","quara hydromancer","quara mantassin","quara pincher","quara predator","cave rat","rat");
// list of NPCs on ots - names blocked
$config['site']['npc'] = array('alice', 'oarkhal', 'equer', 'parkhal', 'leoric', 'sarkhal', 'pallo', 'riona', 'her miona', 'varkhal', 'eura', 'blitz', 'markhal', 'wengo', 'larkhal');
$config['site']['max_players_per_account'] = 10; // max. number of characters on account

// GUILDS config
$config['site']['guild_need_level'] = 50; // minimum level to create guild
$config['site']['guild_need_pacc'] = 0; // guild need pacc 0 / 1
$config['site']['guild_image_size_kb'] = 50; // maximum size of image in KB
$config['site']['guild_description_chars_limit'] = 1000; // limit of guild description
$config['site']['guild_description_lines_limit'] = 6; // limit of lines, if description has more lines it will be showed as long text, without 'enters'
$config['site']['guild_motd_chars_limit'] = 150; // limit of MOTD (show in game?)

// E-MAIL config
$config['site']['send_emails'] = 1; // is acc. maker configured to send e-mails?
$config['site']['mail_address'] = "[email protected]"; // e-mail address
$config['site']['smtp_enabled'] = "yes"; // send by smtp or mail function (set 0 if use mail function)
$config['site']['smtp_host'] = "mail.gmx.com"; // address
$config['site']['smtp_port'] = 25; // port
$config['site']['smtp_auth'] = "false"; // need authorization? (set 0 if not need auth)
$config['site']['smtp_user'] = "[email protected]"; // login
$config['site']['smtp_pass'] = "xxxx"; // password

$config['site']['access_news'] = 2; // access level needed to edit news
$config['site']['access_admin_panel'] = 3; // access level needed to open admin panel
$config['site']['news_big_limit'] = 6; // limit of news on latest news page
$config['site']['news_ticks_limit'] = 5; // limit of ticker news on latest news page
$config['site']['forum_link'] = ""; // link to server forum, leave empty if server doesn't have forum
$config['site']['show_creationdate'] = 1; // show date of character creation 1 = yes, 0 = no (when use Search Player)
$config['site']['last_deaths_limit'] = 40; // max. number of death on last death page
$config['site']['players_group_id_block'] = 4; // don't show in statistics players with group ID higher (or equal) then (show tutors, senior tutors and normal players)
$config['site']['support_group_id'] = 2; // on game masters list show players with group id 2 or higher
$config['site']['shop_system'] = 1; // show server shop page? 1 = yes, 0 = no, use only if you installed LUA scripts of shop
$config['site']['download_page'] = 0; // show download page? 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['serverinfo_page'] = 0; // show server info page? 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['verify_code_shop'] = 0; // show verify code when player try to check premium code
$config['site']['gallery_page'] = 1; // show gallery page? 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval'] = 180; // time in seconds between e-mails to one account from lost account interface, block spam
$config['site']['show_marriage_info'] = 1; // show marriage, 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['show_skills_info'] = 1;
$config['site']['show_vip_status'] = 1;// show vip status, 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['show_vip_storage'] = 1;// the storage of vip
$config['site']['screenoftheday'] = 1;// show screenshot of the day
// layout, available layouts: rasta,tibiacom,darkritual
$config['site']['layout'] = "tibiacom"; // layout name
in the editor it says my town id is 1
not htdoc :p
server config

-- Account manager
accountManager = true
namelockManager = false
newPlayerChooseVoc = true
newPlayerSpawnPosX = xxxx
newPlayerSpawnPosY = xxxx
newPlayerSpawnPosZ = x
newPlayerTownId = 1
newPlayerLevel = 8
newPlayerMagicLevel = 10
generateAccountNumber = false
    -- Account manager
    accountManager = true
    namelockManager = true
    newPlayerChooseVoc = true
    newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1111
    newPlayerSpawnPosY = 839
    newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
    newPlayerTownId = 1
    newPlayerLevel = 10
    newPlayerMagicLevel = 0
    generateAccountNumber = false
Edit Delete 26 Sorcerer Sample 0 1 1 10 1 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 40 40 0 0 0 1111 839 7 [BLOB - 0B] 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201660000 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Edit Delete 27 Druid Sample 0 1 1 10 2 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 40 40 0 0 0 1111 839 7 [BLOB - 0B] 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201660000 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Edit Delete 28 Paladin Sample 0 1 1 10 3 170 170 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 1111 839 7 [BLOB - 0B] 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201660000 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Edit Delete 29 Knight Sample 0 1 1 10 4 190 190 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 839 7 [BLOB - 0B] 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201660000 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nooooo ideaaaaaaa.

$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(1);
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][1] = array(1,2);
// sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4): $config['site']['newchar_towns'] = array(4);
here is mine i
$config['site']['worlds'] = array(0 => 'Server 1');
$config['site']['otslist.eu'] = 101; //server id in otslist.eu to show Players Online Chart (whoisonline.php)
$config['site']['quests'] = array('Annihilator' => 100,'Demon Helmet' => 2645,'Pits of Inferno' => 5550); // list of quests, 'questname' => storage-id,

// ACCOUNT config
$config['site']['one_email'] = 0; // one e-mail can be used only to create one account 0 / 1
$config['site']['verify_code'] = 0; // show verify code to block stupid scripts, set 0 if you have problems with image
$config['site']['email_days_to_change'] = 2; // how many days user need to change e-mail to account - block hackers
$config['site']['newaccount_premdays'] = 999; // how many days receive new account

$config['site']['create_account_verify_mail'] = 0; // when create account player must use right e-mail, he will receive random password to account like on RL tibia, 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey'] = 0; // let player generate new recovery key, he will receive e-mail with new rec key (not display on page, hacker can't generate rec key)
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey_price'] = 5; // you can get some Premium Points for new rec key
$config['site']['send_mail_when_change_password'] = 0; // send e-mail with new password when change password to account, set 0 if someone abuse to send spam
$config['site']['send_mail_when_generate_reckey'] = 0; // send e-mail with rec key (key is displayed on page anyway when generate), set 0 if someone abuse to send spam
$config['site']['send_register_email'] = 0; // send e-mail when register account

// CHARACTER config, format: ID_of_vocation => 'Name of Character to copy', load vocation name from $vocation_name[0] (below)
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][1] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
// sample, if rook only:             $config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(0 => 'Rook Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(1);
// sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4):          
$config['site']['guardian town'] = array(1);

// list of vocations on ots (world 0)
$vocation_name[0][0] = array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Sorcerer', 2 => 'Druid', 3 => 'Paladin', 4 => 'Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[0] - promotion level 0, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0
$vocation_name[0][1] = array(1 => 'Master Sorcerer', 2 => 'Elder Druid', 3 => 'Royal Paladin', 4 => 'Elite Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[1] - promotion level 1, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0

// list of towns on ots
$towns_list[0] = array(0 => 'guardian town', 1 => 'Thais'); // list of towns, id => 'name', $towns_list[0] - for world id 0

// list of monsters on ots - names blocked, you can generate list of your monsters in acc. maker admin panel ( Reload Monsters )
$config['site']['monsters'] = array("amazon","valkyrie","carrion worm","rotworm","rotworm queen","cockroach","kongra","merlkin","sibang","crystal spider","giant spider","poison spider","scorpion","spider","tarantula","achad","axeitus headbanger","bloodpaw","bovinus","colerian the barbarian","cursed gladiator","frostfur","orcus the cruel","rocky","the hairy one","avalanche","drasilla","grimgor guteater","kreebosh the exile","slim","spirit of earth","spirit of fire","spirit of water","the dark dancer","the hag","darakan the executioner","deathbringer","fallen mooh'tah master ghar","gnorre chyllson","norgle glacierbeard","svoren the mad","the masked marauder","the obliverator","the pit lord","webster","barbarian bloodwalker","barbarian brutetamer","barbarian headsplitter","barbarian skullhunter","bear","panda","polar bear","braindeath","beholder","elder beholder","gazer","chicken","dire penguin","flamingo","parrot","penguin","seagull","terror bird","bazir","infernatil","thul","munster","son of verminor","xenia","zoralurk","big boss trolliver","foreman kneebiter","mad technomancer","man in the cave","lord of the elements","the count","the plasmother","dracola","the abomination","the handmaiden","mr. punish","the countess sorrow","the imperor","massacre","apocalypse","brutus bloodbeard","deadeye devious","demodras","dharalion","fernfang","ferumbras","general murius","ghazbaran","grorlam","lethal lissy","morgaroth","necropharus","orshabaal","ron the ripper","the evil eye","the horned fox","the old widow","tiquandas revenge","apprentice sheng","dog","hellhound","war wolf","winter wolf","wolf","chakoya toolshaper","chakoya tribewarden","chakoya windcaller","blood crab","crab","frost giant","frost giantess","ice golem","yeti","acolyte of the cult","adept of the cult","enlightened of the cult","novice of the cult","ungreez","dark torturer","demon","destroyer","diabolic imp","fire devil","fury","hand of cursed fate","juggernaut","nightmare","plaguesmith","blue djinn","efreet","green djinn","marid","frost dragon","wyrm","sea serpent","dragon lord","dragon","hydra","dragon hatchling","dragon lord hatchling","frost dragon hatchling","dwarf geomancer","dwarf guard","dwarf soldier","dwarf","dworc fleshhunter","dworc venomsniper","dworc voodoomaster","elephant","mammoth","elf arcanist","elf scout","elf","charged energy elemental","energy elemental","massive energy elemental","overcharged energy elemental","energy overlord","cat","lion","tiger","azure frog","coral frog","crimson frog","green frog","orchid frog","toad","jagged earth elemental","muddy earth elemental","earth elemental","massive earth elemental","earth overlord","gargoyle","stone golem","ghost","phantasm","phantasm","pirate ghost","spectre","cyclops smith","cyclops drone","behemoth","cyclops","slick water elemental","roaring water elemental","ice overlord","water elemental","massive water elemental","ancient scarab","butterfly","bug","centipede","exp bug","larva","scarab","wasp","lizard sentinel","lizard snakecharmer","lizard templar","minotaur archer","minotaur guard","minotaur mage","minotaur","squirrel","goblin demon","badger","bat","deer","the halloween hare","hyaena","pig","rabbit","silver rabbit","skunk","wisp","dark monk","monk","tha exp carrier","necromancer","priestess","orc berserker","orc leader","orc rider","orc shaman","orc spearman","orc warlord","orc warrior","orc","goblin leader","goblin scavenger","goblin","goblin assassin","assasin","bandit","black knight","hero","hunter","nomad","smuggler","stalker","poacher","wild warrior","ashmunrah","dipthrah","mahrdis","morguthis","omruc","rahemos","thalas","vashresamun","pirate buccaneer","pirate corsair","pirate cutthroat","pirate marauder","carniphila","spit nettle","fire overlord","massive fire elemental","blistering fire elemental","blazing fire elemental","fire elemental","hellfire fighter","quara constrictor scout","quara hydromancer scout","quara mantassin scout","quara pincher scout","quara predator scout","quara constrictor","quara hydromancer","quara mantassin","quara pincher","quara predator","cave rat","rat");
// list of NPCs on ots - names blocked
$config['site']['npc'] = array('alice', 'oarkhal', 'equer', 'parkhal', 'leoric', 'sarkhal', 'pallo', 'riona', 'her miona', 'varkhal', 'eura', 'blitz', 'markhal', 'wengo', 'larkhal');
$config['site']['max_players_per_account'] = 10; // max. number of characters on account

// GUILDS config
$config['site']['guild_need_level'] = 50; // minimum level to create guild
$config['site']['guild_need_pacc'] = 0; // guild need pacc 0 / 1
$config['site']['guild_image_size_kb'] = 50; // maximum size of image in KB
$config['site']['guild_description_chars_limit'] = 1000; // limit of guild description
$config['site']['guild_description_lines_limit'] = 6; // limit of lines, if description has more lines it will be showed as long text, without 'enters'
$config['site']['guild_motd_chars_limit'] = 150; // limit of MOTD (show in game?)

// E-MAIL config
$config['site']['send_emails'] = 1; // is acc. maker configured to send e-mails?
$config['site']['mail_address'] = "[email protected]"; // e-mail address
$config['site']['smtp_enabled'] = "yes"; // send by smtp or mail function (set 0 if use mail function)
$config['site']['smtp_host'] = "mail.gmx.com"; // address
$config['site']['smtp_port'] = 25; // port
$config['site']['smtp_auth'] = "false"; // need authorization? (set 0 if not need auth)
$config['site']['smtp_user'] = "[email protected]"; // login
$config['site']['smtp_pass'] = "xxxx"; // password

$config['site']['access_news'] = 2; // access level needed to edit news
$config['site']['access_admin_panel'] = 3; // access level needed to open admin panel
$config['site']['news_big_limit'] = 6; // limit of news on latest news page
$config['site']['news_ticks_limit'] = 5; // limit of ticker news on latest news page
$config['site']['forum_link'] = ""; // link to server forum, leave empty if server doesn't have forum
$config['site']['show_creationdate'] = 1; // show date of character creation 1 = yes, 0 = no (when use Search Player)
$config['site']['last_deaths_limit'] = 40; // max. number of death on last death page
$config['site']['players_group_id_block'] = 4; // don't show in statistics players with group ID higher (or equal) then (show tutors, senior tutors and normal players)
$config['site']['support_group_id'] = 2; // on game masters list show players with group id 2 or higher
$config['site']['shop_system'] = 1; // show server shop page? 1 = yes, 0 = no, use only if you installed LUA scripts of shop
$config['site']['download_page'] = 0; // show download page? 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['serverinfo_page'] = 0; // show server info page? 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['verify_code_shop'] = 0; // show verify code when player try to check premium code
$config['site']['gallery_page'] = 1; // show gallery page? 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval'] = 180; // time in seconds between e-mails to one account from lost account interface, block spam
$config['site']['show_marriage_info'] = 1; // show marriage, 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['show_skills_info'] = 1;
$config['site']['show_vip_status'] = 1;// show vip status, 1 = yes, 0 = no
$config['site']['show_vip_storage'] = 1;// the storage of vip
$config['site']['screenoftheday'] = 1;// show screenshot of the day
// layout, available layouts: rasta,tibiacom,darkritual
$config['site']['layout'] = "tibiacom"; // layout name
in the editor it says my town id is 1

Your problem is in 2 places..


// list of towns on ots 
$towns_list[0] = array(0 => 'guardian town', 1 => 'Thais'); // list of towns, id => 'name', $towns_list[0] - for world id 0

And here:

// sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4):           
$config['site']['guardian town'] = array(1);

Use this:

$config['site']['worlds'] = array(0 => 'Server 1'); 
$config['site']['otslist.eu'] = 101; //server id in otslist.eu to show Players Online Chart (whoisonline.php) 
$config['site']['quests'] = array('Annihilator' => 100,'Demon Helmet' => 2645,'Pits of Inferno' => 5550); // list of quests, 'questname' => storage-id, 

// ACCOUNT config 
$config['site']['one_email'] = 0; // one e-mail can be used only to create one account 0 / 1 
$config['site']['verify_code'] = 0; // show verify code to block stupid scripts, set 0 if you have problems with image 
$config['site']['email_days_to_change'] = 2; // how many days user need to change e-mail to account - block hackers 
$config['site']['newaccount_premdays'] = 999; // how many days receive new account 

$config['site']['create_account_verify_mail'] = 0; // when create account player must use right e-mail, he will receive random password to account like on RL tibia, 1 = yes, 0 = no 
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey'] = 0; // let player generate new recovery key, he will receive e-mail with new rec key (not display on page, hacker can't generate rec key) 
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey_price'] = 5; // you can get some Premium Points for new rec key 
$config['site']['send_mail_when_change_password'] = 0; // send e-mail with new password when change password to account, set 0 if someone abuse to send spam 
$config['site']['send_mail_when_generate_reckey'] = 0; // send e-mail with rec key (key is displayed on page anyway when generate), set 0 if someone abuse to send spam 
$config['site']['send_register_email'] = 0; // send e-mail when register account 

// CHARACTER config, format: ID_of_vocation => 'Name of Character to copy', load vocation name from $vocation_name[0] (below) 
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample'); 
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][1] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample'); 
// sample, if rook only:             $config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(0 => 'Rook Sample'); 
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(1); 
// sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4):           
$config['site']['newchar_towns'] = array(1,2); 

// list of vocations on ots (world 0) 
$vocation_name[0][0] = array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Sorcerer', 2 => 'Druid', 3 => 'Paladin', 4 => 'Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[0] - promotion level 0, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0 
$vocation_name[0][1] = array(1 => 'Master Sorcerer', 2 => 'Elder Druid', 3 => 'Royal Paladin', 4 => 'Elite Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[1] - promotion level 1, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0 

// list of towns on ots 
$towns_list[0] = array(1 => 'Guardian Town', 2 => 'Thais'); // list of towns, id => 'name', $towns_list[0] - for world id 0

// list of monsters on ots - names blocked, you can generate list of your monsters in acc. maker admin panel ( Reload Monsters ) 
$config['site']['monsters'] = array("amazon","valkyrie","carrion worm","rotworm","rotworm queen","cockroach","kongra","merlkin","sibang","crystal spider","giant spider","poison spider","scorpion","spider","tarantula","achad","axeitus headbanger","bloodpaw","bovinus","colerian the barbarian","cursed gladiator","frostfur","orcus the cruel","rocky","the hairy one","avalanche","drasilla","grimgor guteater","kreebosh the exile","slim","spirit of earth","spirit of fire","spirit of water","the dark dancer","the hag","darakan the executioner","deathbringer","fallen mooh'tah master ghar","gnorre chyllson","norgle glacierbeard","svoren the mad","the masked marauder","the obliverator","the pit lord","webster","barbarian bloodwalker","barbarian brutetamer","barbarian headsplitter","barbarian skullhunter","bear","panda","polar bear","braindeath","beholder","elder beholder","gazer","chicken","dire penguin","flamingo","parrot","penguin","seagull","terror bird","bazir","infernatil","thul","munster","son of verminor","xenia","zoralurk","big boss trolliver","foreman kneebiter","mad technomancer","man in the cave","lord of the elements","the count","the plasmother","dracola","the abomination","the handmaiden","mr. punish","the countess sorrow","the imperor","massacre","apocalypse","brutus bloodbeard","deadeye devious","demodras","dharalion","fernfang","ferumbras","general murius","ghazbaran","grorlam","lethal lissy","morgaroth","necropharus","orshabaal","ron the ripper","the evil eye","the horned fox","the old widow","tiquandas revenge","apprentice sheng","dog","hellhound","war wolf","winter wolf","wolf","chakoya toolshaper","chakoya tribewarden","chakoya windcaller","blood crab","crab","frost giant","frost giantess","ice golem","yeti","acolyte of the cult","adept of the cult","enlightened of the cult","novice of the cult","ungreez","dark torturer","demon","destroyer","diabolic imp","fire devil","fury","hand of cursed fate","juggernaut","nightmare","plaguesmith","blue djinn","efreet","green djinn","marid","frost dragon","wyrm","sea serpent","dragon lord","dragon","hydra","dragon hatchling","dragon lord hatchling","frost dragon hatchling","dwarf geomancer","dwarf guard","dwarf soldier","dwarf","dworc fleshhunter","dworc venomsniper","dworc voodoomaster","elephant","mammoth","elf arcanist","elf scout","elf","charged energy elemental","energy elemental","massive energy elemental","overcharged energy elemental","energy overlord","cat","lion","tiger","azure frog","coral frog","crimson frog","green frog","orchid frog","toad","jagged earth elemental","muddy earth elemental","earth elemental","massive earth elemental","earth overlord","gargoyle","stone golem","ghost","phantasm","phantasm","pirate ghost","spectre","cyclops smith","cyclops drone","behemoth","cyclops","slick water elemental","roaring water elemental","ice overlord","water elemental","massive water elemental","ancient scarab","butterfly","bug","centipede","exp bug","larva","scarab","wasp","lizard sentinel","lizard snakecharmer","lizard templar","minotaur archer","minotaur guard","minotaur mage","minotaur","squirrel","goblin demon","badger","bat","deer","the halloween hare","hyaena","pig","rabbit","silver rabbit","skunk","wisp","dark monk","monk","tha exp carrier","necromancer","priestess","orc berserker","orc leader","orc rider","orc shaman","orc spearman","orc warlord","orc warrior","orc","goblin leader","goblin scavenger","goblin","goblin assassin","assasin","bandit","black knight","hero","hunter","nomad","smuggler","stalker","poacher","wild warrior","ashmunrah","dipthrah","mahrdis","morguthis","omruc","rahemos","thalas","vashresamun","pirate buccaneer","pirate corsair","pirate cutthroat","pirate marauder","carniphila","spit nettle","fire overlord","massive fire elemental","blistering fire elemental","blazing fire elemental","fire elemental","hellfire fighter","quara constrictor scout","quara hydromancer scout","quara mantassin scout","quara pincher scout","quara predator scout","quara constrictor","quara hydromancer","quara mantassin","quara pincher","quara predator","cave rat","rat"); 
// list of NPCs on ots - names blocked 
$config['site']['npc'] = array('alice', 'oarkhal', 'equer', 'parkhal', 'leoric', 'sarkhal', 'pallo', 'riona', 'her miona', 'varkhal', 'eura', 'blitz', 'markhal', 'wengo', 'larkhal'); 
$config['site']['max_players_per_account'] = 10; // max. number of characters on account 

// GUILDS config 
$config['site']['guild_need_level'] = 50; // minimum level to create guild 
$config['site']['guild_need_pacc'] = 0; // guild need pacc 0 / 1 
$config['site']['guild_image_size_kb'] = 50; // maximum size of image in KB 
$config['site']['guild_description_chars_limit'] = 1000; // limit of guild description 
$config['site']['guild_description_lines_limit'] = 6; // limit of lines, if description has more lines it will be showed as long text, without 'enters' 
$config['site']['guild_motd_chars_limit'] = 150; // limit of MOTD (show in game?) 

// E-MAIL config 
$config['site']['send_emails'] = 1; // is acc. maker configured to send e-mails? 
$config['site']['mail_address'] = "[email protected]"; // e-mail address 
$config['site']['smtp_enabled'] = "yes"; // send by smtp or mail function (set 0 if use mail function) 
$config['site']['smtp_host'] = "mail.gmx.com"; // address 
$config['site']['smtp_port'] = 25; // port 
$config['site']['smtp_auth'] = "false"; // need authorization? (set 0 if not need auth) 
$config['site']['smtp_user'] = "[email protected]"; // login 
$config['site']['smtp_pass'] = "xxxx"; // password 

$config['site']['access_news'] = 2; // access level needed to edit news 
$config['site']['access_admin_panel'] = 3; // access level needed to open admin panel 
$config['site']['news_big_limit'] = 6; // limit of news on latest news page 
$config['site']['news_ticks_limit'] = 5; // limit of ticker news on latest news page 
$config['site']['forum_link'] = ""; // link to server forum, leave empty if server doesn't have forum 
$config['site']['show_creationdate'] = 1; // show date of character creation 1 = yes, 0 = no (when use Search Player) 
$config['site']['last_deaths_limit'] = 40; // max. number of death on last death page 
$config['site']['players_group_id_block'] = 4; // don't show in statistics players with group ID higher (or equal) then (show tutors, senior tutors and normal players) 
$config['site']['support_group_id'] = 2; // on game masters list show players with group id 2 or higher 
$config['site']['shop_system'] = 1; // show server shop page? 1 = yes, 0 = no, use only if you installed LUA scripts of shop 
$config['site']['download_page'] = 0; // show download page? 1 = yes, 0 = no 
$config['site']['serverinfo_page'] = 0; // show server info page? 1 = yes, 0 = no 
$config['site']['verify_code_shop'] = 0; // show verify code when player try to check premium code 
$config['site']['gallery_page'] = 1; // show gallery page? 1 = yes, 0 = no 
$config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval'] = 180; // time in seconds between e-mails to one account from lost account interface, block spam 
$config['site']['show_marriage_info'] = 1; // show marriage, 1 = yes, 0 = no 
$config['site']['show_skills_info'] = 1; 
$config['site']['show_vip_status'] = 1;// show vip status, 1 = yes, 0 = no 
$config['site']['show_vip_storage'] = 1;// the storage of vip 
$config['site']['screenoftheday'] = 1;// show screenshot of the day 
// layout, available layouts: rasta,tibiacom,darkritual 
$config['site']['layout'] = "tibiacom"; // layout name 

Good Luck!:thumbup: