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Some IDEA'S, Please read GM!


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
At the moment I am level 109 in Rookgaard ( believe it or not )
And I wanted to ask if any GM could make a few update's in Rookgaard, for example:
A huge Rotworm Cave
Alot of Slimes?
Better wapon(s) then my spike sword ( Quest )
Hard monsters in Rookgaard, like dragons for example?

I'd really love it if some of this will come in Rookgaard, thanks in advance
that defeats the point of an rl map and rookgaurd i do agree rookgaurd should be updated to 8.31 including spawns and details
Well, I think they can make like a ghoul spawn, so people like Naglorian can reach level 200 in rookgaard, + it will attrect more people into this server :p
waste of time to be mapping in rookgaard for 2-3 ppls, focus on the 150 ppls in main please.
well, if they make updates in both rookgaard and main more members will be commin' for sure
And it aint that much work to just put some new and big spawns in it is it?