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Something I made when I got bored..

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Evil Mark

Active Member
Nov 23, 2008
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Just to let you know, I put an axe and some blood splash on the turtles head because I got bored.. Then I wanted to make it look as if it were caged :p
Its a good little island youve created there, id sure like to see some cities or something in the near future if you could :)
Hmn, it looks weird.. Specially the house. I am sorry but I can't say you what it makes looking weird.
Lawl alright.. But when you "can" tell me what's looking so awfully weird, I'll have a look at it. In my eyes it's a fine piece of work, but then again you're the judge.
Lawl alright.. But when you "can" tell me what's looking so awfully weird, I'll have a look at it. In my eyes it's a fine piece of work, but then again you're the judge.

Well, I am sure it is or it is connected with the house.:thumbup:

I think there are some things which don't fit to such a landscape like the red & white pillar.
Bump: Will it look better if I'll remove the rock ground on the bridge and the pillars?..
It is not that bad but you could try to be more but not everyone is perfect

Lawl alright.. But when you "can" tell me what's looking so awfully weird, I'll have a look at it. In my eyes it's a fine piece of work, but then again you're the judge.

How can you think that is a fine piece of work? :p lawl
It looks to me like the only problem you've got is the very same one as most of the young mappers have these days: You're trying to put all the sprites into one piece of work. I can see planks, wooden flooring, beach, new Carlin flooring, skull totems and all the other stuff on just a few sqm. It just doesn't go together. Maybe try focusing on a particular bit of the map or a specific setting, like nature, a beach or something like that, to make the work worth the efforts put in.

It's good to see you're creative though.

It looks to me like the only problem you've got is the very same one as most of the young mappers have these days: You're trying to put all the sprites into one piece of work. I can see planks, wooden flooring, beach, new Carlin flooring, skull totems and all the other stuff on just a few sqm. It just doesn't go together. Maybe try focusing on a particular bit of the map or a specific setting, like nature, a beach or something like that, to make the work worth the efforts put in.

It's good to see you're creative though.

