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Team Straccy Ot


Straccy Ot xD
Sep 12, 2009
Reaction score

Today I came here to tell everyone about the project Straccy.
That me and Daniel have created for everyone.
So, all information is immediately below!
Check it out!


The lands of Straccy or Straccylands as usually called, is a different world from the earth, while similar.
This place is fantastic.
Dragons split with all riders, mages and archers.
Many amazing creatures roam the earth in search of lone travelers.
The nations are in conflict over territories in the various lands that we find here.
Shortly after the domain of men and their distribution throughout the world, began the era of pride.
In that era, there were wars and more wars among primitive tribes, by a simple torch with a pale fire.
The men lived in caves, because the devil's ice covered nearly all the dragons and monsters all around him.
There are, of course, very large areas that are already covered so many times that have become major land masses, as the Poets, Old'Era and Koiu.
Besides, there are several MARES connecting these points, and islands in these seas.
Feel comfortable.
The world is yours.
Enjoy it as you want, but know that the common people, this place is already full. Make a difference and the difference will make you famous.
And if you do not want to be famous or not dream of the glories that riches and fame can bring you, still have many options.
In fact, it has endless options.
Just look.
The world has progressed so after many years.
It seemed that there was no brake to the expansion. And even today there is ...

This is the beginning of a history of many years.


Straccy The project's main goal, let playes happy with your map propio, very RPG.Queremos to a different server, not the same as everyone who uses a map that has the Downloads section, we let the players thinking, how to resolve this quest, we want them to know that there is a UP-LEVEL only, is a game beyond disto.Queremos forming friendships, maybe even love? We want you to make a hunting groups, discover the mysteries ...
Work for your enjoyment.
And we just want it in return!
Team Straccy


Admin: Dan and Daniel [Full]

General Coordinator: [Harpies] [Full]

Head Mapper: Victor [Full]

Mappers: [Andre] [command] [Vitor] [vago][Full]

Chief Scripter: Victor [Full]

Scripter: [Victor] [Klyn] Our ADM Daniel will give advice. [Full]

Head Sprite: Andre [Full]

Sprite: [Andre] [Full]

Head Outift Maker:

Outift Maker: [Vaga]

MK Head: João Carlos

Monster Maker: [João Carlos] ADM Daniel will help. [Full]

NPC Head Maker: Victor [Full]

NPC Maker: [Neto] ADM Daniel will help. [Full]

Lead Programmer: Daniel [Full]

Developer: [Daniel] [Full]

Chief Historian: Chiquinhoo [Full]

Historian: [Chiquinhoo] [Full]

Hoster Chief: Daniel [Full]

Hoster: [Daniel] [Full]

Chief publisher: Chiquinhoo [Full]

Publicist: [Chiquinhoo] [Full]

Web Master Chief : [Vago]

Web Master : [Vago]

Chief Web Designer: TiagoCD [Full]

Web Design: [TiagoCD] [Gustavo] [Full]

Spell Maker: Neto [Full]

Spell Maker: [Neto] ADM Daniel will help. [Full]

Chief Designer: Lelio [Full]

Design: [Tiago MC] [Tiago CD] [Lelio] [Full]

Hotnews Chief Editor: Vinícius [Full]

Editor Hotnews: [Vinícius] [Full]


Fields marked by * _ _ are required.

Name :.......: Optional (If you wish to name, okay)

Age: .......: need talent and professionalism rather than age.

* Position Desired :......: Required

* Time in this area :.....: Required

* Msn contact :.......: If you want to send me a PM ok.

OBS own, or comment you want oque :........: Optional


Map Breakage

Map: 99.9%
Scripts: 100%


Experience: 30x to get to 5x (Stages)
Skills: 20x
Magic Level: 10x
Loot: 1x

PC Hoster
- Processador: Xeon
- FSB: 1033MHz
- Memória: 1024 MB
- Hard-Disk: 120 GB
- Transf: 1 TB
Up-link: 100 Megas

That is, we need Outift Maker, Web Master and a well experienced mapper.
OBS : This team is Brazilian.
But we are recruit members from other countrys.
We are looking for: Outfit Maker and a expert Mapper.