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Super Promotion


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, we all know that there's 1 promotion that makes u Elder Druid for example, Well i've got Roxor 8.54, And i got this super brain wich makes you super promoted, "Super Knight" Well , the thing is.. in spells.xml The Super vocations arent added to the spells. So if you get promoted to super you wont be able to do any spells. Does anybody have a spells.xml With the Super promotions added to the spells? Please..

+ How do i create an item that makes it only allowed for Super promoted?
for example:
	<instant name="Intense Healing" words="exura gran" lvl="11" mana="70" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/intense healing.lua">
		<vocation id="1"/>
		<vocation id="2"/>
		<vocation id="3"/>
		<vocation id="5"/>
		<vocation id="6"/>
		<vocation id="7"/>
		<vocation id="9"/>
		<vocation id="10"/>
		<vocation id="11"/><!--and above only change numbers from your vocation.xml-->
how to make super promotion? modify vocation.xml and set to new voc with id=9 and above with description of name and multiplications of skill, mana and rest another?
I helped?