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[Sweden][8.54-8.57] Ravena Real New


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
General Information:
• Client: 8.54 - 8.57 •
• Online: 24/7 (Professional Dedicated Server) •
• PVP Type: PVP (Protection level: 60) •
• Site: Ravena.mine.nu •
• IP: Ravena.mine.nu •
• Port: 7171 •

• Skills: x44 •
• Magic: x30 •
• Loot: x4 •

• 8 - 50 = x130 •
• 50 - 100 = x110 •
• 100 - 130 = x50 •
• 130 - 150 = x20 •
• 150 - 170 = x5 •
• 170 - xxx = x3 •

# redSkullLength = 1day
# blackSkullLength = 3 days
# dailyFragsToRedSkull = 8
# weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 70
# monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 700
# dailyFragsToBlackSkull = 8
# weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = 75
# monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = 706

• 8.54 Full Zao Island
• 8.5 Improved Thais look
• 8.5 Carlin look
• 8.54 Warmaster addon!
• Yalahar
• Real Map + gengia, oken, pyre, Full Zao Island
• 100% Real Tibia Quests

-Yalahari Quest
-Demon Oak Quest
-Annihilator Qest
-Demon Helmet Quest
-Pits of Inferno Quest
-The Inquisition Quest
-Dark Armor Quest
-Dark Shield Quest
-Crusader Helmet Quest
-Blue Legs Quest
-DTD Quest
-Banshee Quest
-Black Knight Quest
-Orc Fortress Quest
-Behemoth Quest
-Svargrond arena 1
-Svargrond arena 2
-Svargrond arena 3
-Seal of Destruction
-and many others...

• Free Pacc
• Free 5cc in 45lvl, 8cc in 100lvl
• Balanced vocations
• Great guild wars
• A fun server for people that love to war
• Top Frags
• Professional Mapping
• All Working Potions
• This isnt all, join us to see what a wonderful server this is!
• Professional Mapping

How can it be professional mapping, when its a real map
we have new spawns ;p their 99% custom, some are old downloaded but most new, never seen :d and we are still trying to re-map old spawns and add even more new ones!

So come join us.
it's ok +/- play if bored, exp is ok. and nice pvp balance
and love the new spawns ;'p
Update tomorrow afternoon. More new spawns + we are editing thais abit, than will do gengia/pyre/oken edited. Vocations should be balanced atm, i hope so.

Welcome! And join us :D
Ye bro, will do asap. Can you link me to tibia.wikia of that place/quest?;p


Also any more suggestions. let me know.
Small update!

* Paladins spell Mas san, has been changed
* Knight & Paladins will gain less mana

Knights and Paladins, gained same mana as eds/ms so that's why we changed it.

Rashid now buys mpa, mms, golden legs, demon helmet, bohs. If any other items missing let me know.

-Bless now costs less than before
-Aol was 100k, now it's 50k.
-Spawn rate from 2x to 3x. Should be ok now.

Gm Ravena.