• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[SWEDEN] Aedra-Corporations | 10.76 | RL Map | XP Stages| Double Rates|


New Member
May 2, 2015
Reaction score


Aedra Corporations 10.76
~General Info~
IP: login.aedra-corporations.com
Account Creator: Aedra-Corporations.com
Port: 7171
Client: Tibia 10.76
Uptime: 24/7 *
Hosted in: Sweden (Running in between 30-60 mbit uprate)
Website: Aedra-Corporations.com
Map: Tibia Realmap
Server Type: PVP

Exp Rate: Using Stages as Following
  • 8-50 = x20
  • 50-80 = x10
  • 80-110 = x8
  • 110-150 = x7
  • 150+ = x5

Loot Rate: 2x
Skill Rate: 2x

~Additional Info~
  • AAC at website address.
  • Scheduled server clean every day at 4 AM (GMT+1)
  • Time based events. (Such as events every monday at 1 PM etc etc)
  • Offline Training is available for everyone.

This is a newly started server, that is hoping to run for a long time. We aim to implement every quest that is currently in-game as well as updated the map whenever it is updated. Additionally there will be a few custom tailored scripts and quests later on, at the moment we wish to see what interest exists to play on a server like this.
Aedra-Corporations hopes to be an active server with many activities and events to come. Coupled up with a good staff that hopefully can and will expand as the server grows, we all hope that players will have a good time visiting and staying on our server.

So what are you waiting for? Get to it already!

See you in-game!

* - The server might come down during maintenance and upgrades. And on rare occasions the power goes out due to bad weather or other conditions.

I can be notified via PM any questions about the server.
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