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Syntax & Sync's Script Services


Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score

[B]Sync[/B]   = [COLOR="green"]taking requests[/COLOR]
[B]Syntax[/B] = [COLOR="Green"]taking requests[/COLOR]


Thread re-opened, request away!
No longer fixing scripts, make your own thread.


Must be in correct format (see format below!)
Must not be already released


[B]Priority:[/B][I] (How fast do you need this script?)[/I]
[B]Reason of Request:[/B] [I](Why do you need this script so bad?)[/I]
[B]Description:[/B] [I](What is the function of this script?)[/I]
[B]Mod:[/B][I] (Would you like a mod or .lua version? (yes/no))[/I]
[B]Donate:[/B][I] (Donate and keep your script private? (yes/no))[/I]


We have a right to turn down any script upon request.
Private scripts price will vary depending on difficulty.
We only make scripts for newest [B]TFS (0.3.6+)[/B]
We are very strict on format rules. READ!
Links to public scripts will be posted in 2nd & 3rd post.


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Thank you Syntax for making my Gateway Channel.. if you don't mind, I'll make another request.

Speed reduction by cap use (in percentages)

Priority: High
Reason of Request: I believe if you are weighed heavily down, you it should have an affect on your speed. This will increase the value of weigh efficent items (ie light shovel), and make people think out what they bring with them, when they leave out to hunt.
Description: The function of this script is simple. The higher the % of cap you have used, the slower your character moves. Speed reductions don't occur you have 50% of your cap used. Here is a small table to help you understand the speed penalities vs cap % used.

Cap used			Speed Reduction
0%					0%
10%					0%
20%					0%
30%					0%
40%					0%
50%					10%
55%					15%
60%					20%
65%					25%
70%					30%
75%					35%
80%					40%
85%					45%
90%					50%
95%					55%
100%					100%

As you can see, I want when you have your cap maxed out, you can not even move. Also, the penalities only start when you have 50% of your max cap used, with only a small reduction of speed. I believe the handicaps for being over capped are small enough that they won't turn people off of the server completely, but enough to cause people to think about their cap.

Mod: no
Donate: no

on 100% cap used, u wont be able to move? atleast go 95% or smth ^^

function onKill(cid, target)
if(getPlayerFrags(cid) == 25)then
     doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 1)
         doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,"For obtaining 25 Frags you are now a gold skull.")            
                return TRUE    

can u please explain me where i need to add it??

function onKill(cid, target)
if(getPlayerFrags(cid) == 25)then
     doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 1)
         doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,"For obtaining 25 Frags you are now a gold skull.")            
                return TRUE    

Please help i need it important , where i need to add it?
and i must register anything?
Priority: As fast as you can!!!
Reason of Request: Becouse noobs trying to shut my server down.
Description: I need a script that make stops ppls to lagg my server.
They do like this, create multi accounts then they use Asta magebomb and login in temple then they spam utani gran hur in lvl 8 in like 15chars and they lagg the server. I need something that can stop them.
Mod: its up to you
Donate: yes
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Priority: Just when you have time, relax ;)
Reason of Request: No Cheating plax ;(
Description: I think there's a such script released, tested it but it didn't work aswell. So I would like a script for Anti Cheat, like Peoples can't kill same player 3 times in a row whitin 30 minutes. Or if you have a better idea to prevent Cheaters (PVP_E) Tell me ;)
Mod: Doesn't make any sense ;)
Donate: No, better keeping it released ;)
I was bored and i may of came up with an idea. Set the exaust in spells to 0 then add something of this sort to all your spells.

Its untested and may not work. heres an SD example

local exhausttime = 1 * 60 * 1000
local exhaust = createConditionObject(4096)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, exhausttime)

local combat = createCombatObject()
setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -2, -60, -1, -60, 5, 5, 4, 7)

function onCastSpell(cid, var)
doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
 if getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST) == FALSE then
	return doCombat(cid, combat, var)
return TRUE  	

thanks for trying >.< well the spell emotes, but has no effect OR exhaust =/ i changed the spell to exura to make it simple and test, i tested your sd but it didnt work at all so i put in exura and it shows the spell in orange letters like every other one but the spell neither heals you or gets exahusted...

if you can help or try something diff that would reallllyyy help me alot, either way ill be posting this on help forums to see if someone gets anything =)
I need it fast as possbile
Its to war server so nobady can cheat
i need it lua
Cheaters cant train 24/7 they have to kill to get lvl so they can train ml or skills.

When you are level 8 and train magic level or skills you can have only 20 magic and 40 sword fighting, he have to take lvl 9 to take up magic more to 30 and 60 skills, if he dosent take lvl the skills dont go up.

Post if you have the script and if you not understand :p

Rep+++ to how can fix the script to me.

Priority: as soon as possible
Reason of Request: I tried to make one but it doesn't work, people in my otserver wanna buy amulets for war and wanna sell their amulets that they get on monsters :p
Description: npc that buys and sells amulets(buys with any amount of charges and sells with the amount on items.xml)
Mod: lua please.
Donate: no, I can't donate because it's hard for me to send money to a paypal account :~

Just one amulet being bought and 1 sold is enough for me
I dont know if you guys are still doing this but Ill give it a shot.

Priority: No real rush, unless the reason below affects my neurons
Reason of Request: Ive been trying to make this work for over a week and Im mentally blocked now, seriously this is busting my *****!
Well, we all probably remember those old Evolution XML servers where we had an item attribute called "increaseMagicPercent" (or increasePhysical--), if you havent heard of it, it was an attribute that would increase the total Magic damage dealt of the player with a percentage. This was usually seen on old 7.6 servers aswell, like when you worn a blue robe you would hit XX% more on everything magic-related (spells, wands, etc).

So, Ive been all over TFS sources and there is nothing like this. The only thing similar is the "magicpointspercent" attribute which modifies by a percentage the magic level, which would work for me if it wasnt because when you wear the item, the magic level on the visual bar of the client changes, and I dont want that.

I want it so when you wear an item, your magic dmg percent increases, period. How in hell?? Storages is the way I guess, but then I have no idea of how to modify the overall magic damage of a player in TFS, Ive checked all functions in doc and sources and Im just clueless. Is it even possible? Im certain you guys know better than me. Maybe my mental block is keeping me from seeing a silly mistake that you guys can spot.
Mod: I dont mind if MOD or lua, whichever is easier for you.
Donate: No

Thanks in advance. As previously stated, there is no rush, but this is a necessary feature of my current upcoming project which should be finished on around a month unless Im not able to make this work.
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Priority: Week or when you get around to it.
Reason of Request: Because I think it's out of my ability.
Description: When you hit a switch, It removes the deathorbs pictured below. (All of them)
Mod: .Lua Plz
Donate: No. I would not like to keep this private I believe in sharing and helping. As I feel I do my part.

My death Channel don't work, I want that it shows who die. Here is my script.
PS: Death Channel ID 10
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

local strings = {""}
local t, position = 1, 1

local deathType = "killed"
local toSlain, toCrushed, toEliminated = 3, 9, 15

if #deathList >= toSlain and #deathList < toCrushed then
deathType = "slain"
elseif #deathList >= toCrushed and #deathList < toEliminated then
deathType = "crushed"
elseif #deathList >= toEliminated then
deathType = "eliminated"

for _, pid in ipairs(deathList) do
if isCreature(pid) == true then
strings[position] = t == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. ", "
strings[position] = strings[position] .. getCreatureName(pid) .. ""
t = t + 1
strings[position] = t == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. ", "
strings[position] = strings[position] .."a field item"
t = t + 1

for i, str in ipairs(strings) do
if(str:sub(str:len()) ~= ",") then
str = str .. "."

msg = getCreatureName(cid) .. " was " .. deathType .. " at level " .. getPlayerLevel(cid) .. " by " .. str

for _, oid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
doPlayerSendChannelMessage(oid, "Death channel", msg, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, CHANNEL_DEATH)
return true
Priority: Not quite in a hurry.
Reason of Request: Takes ages to hunt and skin corpses at the same time.
Description: While the ownership delay (the 10 second delay) on corpses are in effect, you can still skin them (but no-one else, of course).
Mod: Any.
Donate: Not really; like they say, for a better Tibia, right? ;)
Priority: No need hurry
Reason of Request: Cant find and need for my server :@
Description: Basicly its a gem that will block all damage taken (spells, sds etcs) - duration: 5 secs. How works: You use this gem, then u get imune for 5 secs, and when u use it it will apear "Imune" and shot efect 10. After 5 secs apear only efect 10. and u can only use gem again in 1 min
Mod: .lua or mod - the one easier for u
Donate: no
"Doctor, there's no pulse...this thread is dying"
"It's been dead since Febraury 17th biatch! Now go and make a sammich!"