• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

@talaturen!!! :@


Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
man wat's happens? i lost items in my house for te reset?
i have lost the:
Fireborn Giant Armor
Shield OF Corruption
The Avenger
Grasshopper legs
Zaoan Helmet
Broken Ring OF edding
worn of soft boots
boots of haste
and golden can of oil man
if u cant return back to me please post here i need info
i have pic's of my items...... post the thread please.......
Well, if they are 100% sure that's your then you will get your items back but I don't know what happened.
alot of things/hosues got cleaned including mine all we can do is wait and hope the admins can fix things
They got logs of everything so you'll get your things back! But I guess lost-ingame item is the last thing to fix in due the dots attack. Better to wait and let the coreteam do the great work by preventing the incoming attacks and be patient!
Seems like shitloads of people lost items last night, including me. Well, life is a bitch.
Send us an e-mail at [email protected] explaining what you lost and we will return it if we can see it on a tile in your house in the memory dump. Try to be precise about item count for stackable items, if something you tell us in the mail is not correct we'll just ignore your mail.
Hi today i died with bless and lost my bp with 60cc and stuff worth 10cc+. I don't know if there was some kind of glitch or any thing but i know that i bought bless yesterday and until tday never died until now. i died and lost all of my stuff in bp please msg me in the server my nick is : Drutex Von Maryla

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