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talk liek á n00bak game!!1

This game only fucking promoting the stupidity and the shit english level all the fucking forum users have. To me it's a thread where all the noobs can talk like they always do, without any improvement. So, bad luck lesser spawns
u pl yes -.-''' i hird you pl and u pl cuz u pl and u live småland is pl land and pl land is not roxor land sweden elite land u not u småland and småland is pl and pl is småland and u is pl and pl is noob and you ok?
no nub cuz nub is noob and noob is veri shameful cuz all laugh on ya and u dont like laugh cuz u noob and u say nub to other mean u noob cuz u tell nub and nub is not noob its nub and nub is a nub but the nub wont say he is noob cuz he is noob he knows it but the noob says to other too is noob and cuz noob its noob and becouse of noob its shameful and cuz of shameful some ppl take sucidie :>

lets go br style?

aSUHAUSAuhsASUHsUHSUHsUHASuhasUHASUHSUHsuhAUHSuhasuhsaUHsuhAUHSuhUHasuhsHSUHAuhasuhshuashuashuashuasuhshusuhAHUSasuhSUHauhASUHashuASHuashAUShausHAUShausHSUhaushaushuhaSUahsuAHSUahsuAHSUahsu br????++
eeeeeee?+++!1 i hef won coki en i seel coki or 33 gp en hermunia en wie cen hent dregun