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[Tf 1x+] Event Roulette

    if itemId == 26555 or itemId == 8982 or itemId == 26457 then --check if it is the ID of the LEGENDARY item
        broadcastMessage("The player "..player:getName().." has won "..item:getName().." from the roulette!", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) -- if it is a rare item to send in the broadcast
        for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
            if pid ~= cid then
                pid:say("The player "..player:getName().." has won "..item:getName().." from the roulette!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) -- if not legendary, send a common message

This part does not work :P doesn't announce if a player gets that item.
I've been testing this script in Nostalrius 7.7 version, but the script just doesn't work and there is no error in the log. "RealOTS 7.7, it's based on TFS 1.2".

Can i have some help ?
How to install that ?


I've been testing this script in Nostalrius 7.7 version, but the script just doesn't work and there is no error in the log. "RealOTS 7.7, it's based on TFS 1.2".

Can i have some help ?
How to install that ?

Is it a mod ?
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Got the script to work! But cant understand the chance to get a reward can anyone explain?
@PAPACU Nice work!

I could say how I configure it because I see that nobody explains it if it could explain me, to be able to integrate it

I would appreciate it very much
no mystery download all the code is comment
i make at lever id 1946 action id 18562 and i cant use lever ? tfs 1.3

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For some reason not working for me, i just edit the positions from left to right, but items appears in first and last tile only.
