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[TFS-0.3.4PL2] Rings Error


New Member
May 1, 2009
Reaction score
Some (if not all) of the rings in my OT are not working :(

All the rings tested can be moved to the ring slot, but no glittery effect happens and no benefit from "using" them (they keep the brand new description even if you put them on)

I have not edited items.xml
I am using the DLLs posted in the latest TFS thread
Using mysql
Haven't edited movements.xml except to allow new vocations to use some items.
I have edited the vocations, but I doubt this is an issue since the ring bug is present in no voc. characters.

Any ideas?

After searching the Googles I know that I'm the first one with a fubar'ed ring system... so I must have broken something :p

Thanks in advance! (wish there was an auto rep system hehe)
You have changed your movements.xml?
I do not know exactly what this file are doing with rings because I never needed see it, but I'm sure in this file have something important about it ;)