I have been searching through all posts about this topic and have yet to find any help on what I need help with, I can compile a 32bit version thats easy, however I am not sure how to put mingw64 into devc++, I have tried a few ways and I keep failing, I don't know if I even have the right files, if someone could just link me to the exact files I need that would be appreciated, or if anyone has the compiler setup for 64bit compiling if they could help me? I would greatly appreciate it, Using a VPS for a server and I am being told to decrease map or use 64bit compiled version, which I have plenty of ram on the VPS so I am not sure why it won't just work. Reached out to their support and they say its not on them, So I am just at my wits end on this one xD if anyone could help at all that would be great. and thank you in advance, I know there is a search function, but everything is so outdated and most of them never show the resolved answer.