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TFS 1.X+ Tfs 1.2 teleport player to Area Random


Advanced OT User
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
hello i am using tfs 1.2 to 8.6.
I need to do a function that will teleport the player into the red area (the position where he will be teleport need to be random), and cannot teleport into the green area (which is area pz).
How i can do it?

lowest x,y coordinates are top left.
highest x,y coordinates are bottom right.

You can use math.random to artifically throw the dice between lowest and highest x and y coordinate. If the randomed coordinate is in the center square, roll again until it isn't.

Alternatively mark the zones around pz into smaller zones, and do a math first to decide which section to go in, and then where in that section.
lowest x,y coordinates are top left.
highest x,y coordinates are bottom right.

You can use math.random to artifically throw the dice between lowest and highest x and y coordinate. If the randomed coordinate is in the center square, roll again until it isn't.

Alternatively mark the zones around pz into smaller zones, and do a math first to decide which section to go in, and then where in that section.
Better performance than rolling random positions until one is found, this guarantees you have a valid randomized position as soon as you need it.
-- needs to be somewhere where it only gets loaded once (lib file, OUTSIDE of an interface function such as onUse/onSay/onKill/etc)
TP_validPositions = {}
local fromPos = Position(1000, 1000, 7)
local toPos = Position(1050, 1050, 7)
local tempPos = Position(0, 0, fromPos.z)
for x = fromPos.x, fromPos.x do
    for y = toPos.y, toPos.y do
        tempPos.x = x
        tempPos.y = y
        local tile = Tile(tempPos)
        if tile and not tile:hasFlag(TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) then
            TP_validPositions[#TP_validPositions+1] = Position(tempPos.x, tempPos.y, tempPos.z) -- copying to avoid issues with table references

-- example
function onUse(player)
    local randomValidPos = TP_validPositions[math.random(#TP_validPositions)]
    return true
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lowest x,y coordinates are top left.
highest x,y coordinates are bottom right.

You can use math.random to artifically throw the dice between lowest and highest x and y coordinate. If the randomed coordinate is in the center square, roll again until it isn't.

Alternatively mark the zones around pz into smaller zones, and do a math first to decide which section to go in, and then where in that section.
Better performance than rolling random positions until one is found, this guarantees you have a valid randomized position as soon as you need it.

Thx you all!!!