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TFS 1.3+ addon doll

Mateus Robeerto

Excellent OT User
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Most of the scripts that were posted didn't work or were buggy and couldn't add the addons, etc. I took the old script that works and adapted it for TFS 1.x, and now it's working fine!

How do I use it? Just type !addon mage and have the addon doll item ready.
local outfits = {
    [0] = {
        ["citizen"] = 136,
        ["hunter"] = 137,
        ["mage"] = 138,
        ["knight"] = 139,
        ["nobleman"] = 140,
        ["summoner"] = 141,
        ["warrior"] = 142,
        ["barbarian"] = 147,
        ["druid"] = 148,
        ["wizard"] = 149,
        ["oriental"] = 150,
        ["pirate"] = 155,
        ["assassin"] = 156,
        ["beggar"] = 157,
        ["shaman"] = 158,
        ["norsewoman"] = 252,
        ["nightmare"] = 269,
        ["jester"] = 270,
        ["brotherhood"] = 279,
        ["demonhunter"] = 288,
        ["yalaharian"] = 324
    [1] = {
        ["citizen"] = 128,
        ["hunter"] = 129,
        ["mage"] = 130,
        ["knight"] = 131,
        ["nobleman"] = 132,
        ["summoner"] = 133,
        ["warrior"] = 134,
        ["barbarian"] = 143,
        ["druid"] = 144,
        ["wizard"] = 145,
        ["oriental"] = 146,
        ["pirate"] = 151,
        ["assassin"] = 152,
        ["beggar"] = 153,
        ["shaman"] = 154,
        ["norsewoman"] = 251,
        ["nightmare"] = 268,
        ["jester"] = 273,
        ["brotherhood"] = 278,
        ["demonhunter"] = 289,
        ["yalaharian"] = 325

local AddonDoll = talkaction("!addon")

local msg = {
    success = "Full addon set successfully added!",
    invalidParam = "Command requires a valid parameter.",
    hasAddons = "You already have the addons for this outfit.",
    needDoll = "You do not have an addon doll.",
    invalidOutfit = "You must put a valid outfit name."

function AddonDoll.onSay(player, words, param, type)
    local param = string.lower(param)

    if (param == "") then
        return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg.invalidParam)

    if (player:getItemCount(9693) == 0) then
        return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg.needDoll)

    local outfit = outfits[player:getSex()][param]
    if not outfit then
        return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg.invalidOutfit)

    if (player:hasOutfit(outfit, 3)) then
        return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg.hasAddons)

    player:removeItem(9693, 1)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg.success)
    player:addOutfitAddon(outfit, 3)
    return true

AddonDoll:separator(" ")
Hello, could you help me with the following error?
addondoll.lua:50: attempt to call global 'talkaction' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Post automatically merged:

I managed to adjust it, it was just a lowercase letter:

local AddonDoll = talkaction("!addon") ----> local AddonDoll = Talkaction("!addon")

Thank you very much for the script :D
Last edited:
Hello, could you help me with the following error?
addondoll.lua:50: attempt to call global 'talkaction' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Post automatically merged:

I managed to adjust it, it was just a lowercase letter:

local AddonDoll = talkaction("!addon") ----> local AddonDoll = Talkaction("!addon")

Thank you very much for the script :D
Yes, I forgot to change it. But the edit option disappeared, there's no way to edit it. Then... haha.