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TFS 1.X+ TFS 1.5 Nekiro Downgrade Creature Spells Not Killing Creature Bug


Intermediate OT User
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score

While working on implementing various old real Tibia functions into Nekiro Downgrade TFS 1.5 GitHub - nekiro/TFS-1.5-Downgrades at 8.0 (https://github.com/nekiro/TFS-1.5-Downgrades/tree/8.0), I stumbled upon a critical issue affecting gameplay. I discovered that creatures that cast spells, such as dragons casting GFBs or fire waves, are not causing damage to the creatures around them. Could someone refer me to the function that handles this?

The Issue, TFS 1.5 Nekiro Downgrade:

Real Tibia Behaviour:

Check Combat::canDoCombat

These conditions seems kid of odd to me, check this on runtime with debugger (maybe in newer versions things have different behavior, can't tell)

Thank you so much. I managed to solve the issue by simply removing that condition. Currently, I'm attempting to locate the function responsible for managing experience gain. I want to implement an experience gain effect similar to what you see in the RealOTS video.

In Real Tibia, when a creature kills another creature (excluding summons), the killer creature should receive experience points