Hello together,
i found this code and it works fine:
Is it Possible to edit the text like in this Post from [tfs1.1]
Best regards
i found this code and it works fine:
Update for TFS 1.2
Note: Attack speed, extra attack are not as straightforward to implement so they aren't yet. Charges can be easily implemented but isn't yet!
STEP 1: When an item is created we assign it random variations, this is done in the item.cpp class.
In the item.cpp class, inside the constructor with signature Item::Item(const uint16_t _type, uint16_t _count /*= 0*/)
Code:if (it.isFluidContainer() || it.isSplash()) { setFluidType(_count); } else if (it.stackable) { if (_count != 0) { setItemCount(_count); } else if (it.charges != 0) { setItemCount(it.charges); } } else if (it.charges != 0) { if (_count != 0) { setCharges(_count); } else { setCharges(it.charges); } }
Code://NEW - RANDOM if (it.armorRndMin > -1 && it.armorRndMax > it.armorRndMin) setIntAttr(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARMOR, it.armorRndMin + rand() % (it.armorRndMax + 1 - it.armorRndMin)); if (it.defenseRndMin > -1 && it.defenseRndMax > it.defenseRndMin) setIntAttr(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFENSE, it.defenseRndMin + rand() % (it.defenseRndMax + 1 - it.defenseRndMin)); if (it.extraDefenseRndMin > -1 && it.extraDefenseRndMax > it.extraDefenseRndMin) if (it.extraDefenseChance == -1 || (it.extraDefenseChance >= rand() % 101)) setIntAttr(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE, it.extraDefenseRndMin + rand() % (it.extraDefenseRndMax + 1 - it.extraDefenseRndMin)); if (it.attackRndMin > -1 && it.attackRndMax > it.attackRndMin) setIntAttr(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK, it.attackRndMin + rand() % (it.attackRndMax - it.attackRndMin)); //NEW - RANDOM
Next we need variables to store these random variation values, this is done in the items.h file inside the ItemType class.
Inside items.h
Code:int32_t runeMagLevel; int32_t runeLevel;
Code://NEW - RANDOM int32_t armorRndMin, armorRndMax, defenseRndMin, defenseRndMax, extraDefenseRndMin, extraDefenseRndMax, attackRndMin, attackRndMax, extraAttackRndMin, extraAttackRndMax, chargesRndMin, chargesRndMax, attackSpeedRndMin, attackSpeedRndMax; int32_t extraAttackChance, extraDefenseChance, attackSpeedChance; //NEW - RANDOM
STEP 3: Now we need to assign these variables when we load item definitions from the items.xml file. The loading happens in the items.cpp class.
Inside items.cpp
AddCode:} else if (tmpStrValue == "armor") { it.armor = pugi::cast<int32_t>(valueAttribute.value());
Code:pugi::xml_attribute tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_min"); if (tmp) { it.armorRndMin = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_max"); if (tmp) it.armorRndMax = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); }
Still in items.cpp Below
Code:} else if (tmpStrValue == "defense") { it.defense = pugi::cast<int32_t>(valueAttribute.value());
Code:pugi::xml_attribute tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_min"); if (tmp) { it.defenseRndMin = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_max"); if (tmp) it.defenseRndMax = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); }
Still in items.cpp Below
Code:} else if (tmpStrValue == "extradef") { it.extraDefense = pugi::cast<int32_t>(valueAttribute.value());
Code:pugi::xml_attribute tmp = attributeNode.attribute("chance"); if (tmp) { it.extraDefenseChance = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_min"); if (tmp) { it.extraDefenseRndMin = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_max"); if (tmp) it.extraDefenseRndMax = pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); } }
Still in items.cpp Below
Code:} else if (tmpStrValue == "attack") { it.attack = pugi::cast<int32_t>(valueAttribute.value());
Code:pugi::xml_attribute tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_min"); if (tmp) { it.attackRndMin= pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); tmp = attributeNode.attribute("random_max"); if (tmp) it.attackRndMax= pugi::cast<int32_t>(tmp.value()); }
We still define the variations in the items.xml file the same as before:
Code:<item id="2463" article="a" name="plate armor"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="armor" value="10" random_min="9" random_max="11" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="body" /> </item>
Is it Possible to edit the text like in this Post from [tfs1.1]
I wanted it to be static values instead of % values:
Low items had no differences, and high level items were too overpowered with % based changes.
I also wanted the rarity names to show up in lootlists:
I might see what else I can do here...
Bold rare items maybe? different colour? hmm...
Used the source differences here: GitHub - otbr/forsaken: A free and open-source MMORPG server emulator written in C++
To remove loot being handled in TFS source.
use notepad++ and the compare plugin, only a few lines in each.
Re-added loot being handled in LUA using lib/core/monstertype.lua as a base.
Spliced in the randomstats.lua code to execute on loot generate but before the lootlist broadcast.
Also tweaked the randomstats code due to grammar:
Code:-- Replace article if item rolls as epic if tiers[tier].prefix == "epic" then it_u:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARTICLE, "an") end
Because of the effort and steps needed: merge code into one + source edits to remove loot, I haven't posted the code itself.
If anyone wants this code, tell me and I'll try and sit down and write it all out.
Best regards
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