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Complaint The Fuck?

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New Member
Mar 24, 2012
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Why did i get banned? apart from teh lulz..
I'd guess corruption

Didn't you post something negative about mastercores? You got banned by znote for no reason or something, i'm pretty sure that comment was removed and then you were banned for telling people the sad facts about mastercores and now otland.

Banned for teh lulz, really shows how mature the staff of otland is..
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Dunno, but the mods seem to have a bad reputation lately

You the guy someone keeps banning? then the mod probably got bored of stating a reason for every ban. You probably know why you were banned but now that the moderator screwed up by being lazy you took the opportunity to get some nice corruption threads going. This IS IF you keep getting banned.
My comment on mastercores was only 'Got Banned by Znote Lulz', but i created a new char on there and he's cool with me so. idont fucking get it.
Why does everyone think that every ban nowadays is about mastercores-.-'
I don't know the exact reason as to why you were banned, but most likely your constant use of offensive language and double postings, I say this from the warnings/infraction you received and by reading the Nerana thread

Again, I don't know the exact reason, wait until the mod that banned you comes online and he'll answer

Dunno, but the mods seem to have a bad reputation lately

We only seem to have a "bad reputation" because some people with no-life think we are abusing our power by deleting every bad post in mastercores thread and insta-banning people that do them

You the guy someone keeps banning? then the mod probably got bored of stating a reason for every ban. You probably know why you were banned but now that the moderator screwed up by being lazy you took the opportunity to get some nice corruption threads going. This IS IF you keep getting banned.
No, he isn't the one that is being constantly banned, that goes to Hoodnasty which already had over 30 accounts

Let us wait until the mod that made the ban replies, until then I don't want to see any sort of offtopic post, all of them will receive a warning(you have been warned)

I would if I could, I'm a board moderator, I can only moderate on the OpenTibia Section, so I don't have the power to close this thread, only Global Mods can
But I can still give warnings :p
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hm Flaming in Advertisement board threads, 2 warnings and 1 infraction before were not enough to warn him so..
hm Flaming in Advertisement board threads, 2 warnings and 1 infraction before were not enough to warn him so..

Show me the flamings?

And i don't Think putting 'For Teh Lulz' is very suitable for a mod.
^ Yeah if you're banned for a reason the mod should at least inform you why you were banned

If you don't have the decency to explain why someone gets banned you're not a suitable mod in my eyes.
Show me the flamings?

And i don't Think putting 'For Teh Lulz' is very suitable for a mod.

True, neither is the title of this thread ;]

stfu. maybe he is so amazing?

shut the fuck up, polish retard. you don't even know english, I was clearly stating the facts.

Why double & triple posting all the time?

Because i want to.

Don't be so mad, 500 players muah in ya dreams last version was 150 maximum, and what makes u think this time will be any diffrent everyone will just stick where there are or goto ambera's 2nd server or northera.net, 60 chars created take the hint people this ot is shite, hence why mr nerdrage is gettin so defensive.

Last version? its not a version, and secondly it has peak of 482 players. so how long was you on this ot fucking tard?

It was a slight confusion, but take into account that we watch users history, and sometimes they will get faster punishments. You are unbanished now, not like other ones who never get tired of remaking 2nd accounts to do their thing.
I do not need to do that sir, thread is locked now.
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