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The Official Update Thread!


Staff member
Global Moderator
Premium User
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
United States
It's been a couple weeks since the server reset, and with some pretty phenomenal results! Ever since Crystallinus started, I began to doubt the expansion and future of Cyntara. I would have never left everybody%2
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Cyntara has made a gigantic improvement ever since I saw it start out as a small OTServer. Luckey (Red) has been a "tibia" friend for quite a long time. He has helped me with my OTs. Id just like to congratulate him and his team on a job well done on the server so far.

For the guild war system, that would be a great addition to your server, as everybody likes to PK eachother, hopefully that might work out.

Good luck on your server Luckey! I challenge you to beat my 374 player peak with my server (when you were on my team)!

Msg me if you ever need anything on msn.

My 2$ on the update, coming from a player which lost interest before & after the reset.

I know I've been an ass a few times, but when the update is here I will be there to test it and see how things improved. The major things that annoyed me was:

-Pre-update; Malice Demons were for me(level 1500 at the time) the only monsters to hunt for a decent leveling speed. This got so dull that I eventually retired. I know (or in-fact don't..) that it's very hard to design a handful monsters for this level range but being able to go to a different area of monsters while leveling brings alot more fun.

-The never ending discussions and stuff on the forums; I know I sometimes took part of it, mainly against Quenn Knight.. But after that it started to annoy the hell out of me which (this is not a lie) made me not even login anymore after reading the forums. The never ending 'YOU BOTTAR' and discussions, insults and shit like that was VERY tiresome.. Once again, I know I took part of it a few times but I've stopped doing it too when I realised how annoying it was.

-The Cyntara Crew: Once again, I don't know this is actual.. But what I found pretty annoying was that it was quite hard to get talking to a GM (which actually responded that is).. I do know that you, Red, and im sure you remember it too, that in the days that I started we actually had decent contact and I could always reach you when I first donated ever to a OT. How come this has vannished? That's what made me play this server more at that time, having contact with the server owner and being able to ask him stuff and receive some help as a newbie to donating for example, actually makes you donate because you get a better feeling about it. ;)After all it's RL cash we speak of we all work hard for.

-Quests: The one thing I FREAKING love(d) about this server were the fun quests! I remember that as non-donor, all of them were quite a challenge (as I did them on rather low level) and got me killed quite some time. I just hope the update will have fun quests added aswell, I really loved the level 175+ quest with behemoth/annih and everything put into one. Also maybe some more really tough quests like the 300+ one, but for the love of god I hated those physical immunes which I had to kill with explosions/hmms (as a knight). Then again it's designed as group quest, but I could solo it easely at that moment if they werent immune to my attacks.

Furthermore, the decision to reset was great, but it didn't cut it for me. I very much hope this update will rock our worlds and that I get interest again because I actually miss playing here. I think ill start tomorrow, going to pick up my new scooter now.

Can't wait for the update and I hope to see you soon, I know I havent posted shit on the forums yet but still I've been reading them nearly daily.

Let me silence your fears,

My 2$ on the update, coming from a player which lost interest before & after the reset.

I know I've been an ass a few times, but when the update is here I will be there to test it and see how things improved. The major things that annoyed me was:

-Pre-update; Malice Demons were for me(level 1500 at the time) the only monsters to hunt for a decent leveling speed. This got so dull that I eventually retired. I know (or in-fact don't..) that it's very hard to design a handful monsters for this level range but being able to go to a different area of monsters while leveling brings alot more fun.

A whole new leveling system is being implemented, one that will be MUCH easier to moderate, and keep players wanting more!

-The never ending discussions and stuff on the forums; I know I sometimes took part of it, mainly against Quenn Knight.. But after that it started to annoy the hell out of me which (this is not a lie) made me not even login anymore after reading the forums. The never ending 'YOU BOTTAR' and discussions, insults and shit like that was VERY tiresome.. Once again, I know I took part of it a few times but I've stopped doing it too when I realised how annoying it was.

Forum moderation will always be a risky thing. We currently have 5 moderators on these boards. And I'm starting to deal out punishments in-game for ill-posts. Hopefully this will be a sound thing.

-The Cyntara Crew: Once again, I don't know this is actual.. But what I found pretty annoying was that it was quite hard to get talking to a GM (which actually responded that is).. I do know that you, Red, and im sure you remember it too, that in the days that I started we actually had decent contact and I could always reach you when I first donated ever to a OT. How come this has vannished? That's what made me play this server more at that time, having contact with the server owner and being able to ask him stuff and receive some help as a newbie to donating for example, actually makes you donate because you get a better feeling about it. ;)After all it's RL cash we speak of we all work hard for.

Cyntara was a much more personal server back in those days.. There was a peak of 60 players. Hell, Cyntara doesn't reach as low as 60 even at 5am EST. I can't make tons of promises, but I'm going to try and get enough staff to handle each and every player (that they can understand) equally.

-Quests: The one thing I FREAKING love(d) about this server were the fun quests! I remember that as non-donor, all of them were quite a challenge (as I did them on rather low level) and got me killed quite some time. I just hope the update will have fun quests added aswell, I really loved the level 175+ quest with behemoth/annih and everything put into one. Also maybe some more really tough quests like the 300+ one, but for the love of god I hated those physical immunes which I had to kill with explosions/hmms (as a knight). Then again it's designed as group quest, but I could solo it easely at that moment if they werent immune to my attacks.

Sadly, this update is only introducing ONE major quest, which only leads you to a new boss. Which drops "quest" items as you may say. Quest ideas are hard to come by, but that's on the list for next update, for sure :thumbup:

Furthermore, the decision to reset was great, but it didn't cut it for me. I very much hope this update will rock our worlds and that I get interest again because I actually miss playing here. I think ill start tomorrow, going to pick up my new scooter now.

I can't promise it will rock everybody's world. But hopefully you'll see Cyntara in a new light. This update is going to separate Cyntara from most normal servers (and all other RoXoR servers). I can promise smaller updates afterward, more frequent and less big.

Can't wait for the update and I hope to see you soon, I know I havent posted shit on the forums yet but still I've been reading them nearly daily.


Glad to hear you're ghosting ^_^ . You'll get your first big lick of the update tomorrow.
