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U.S. Fast Food Strike expanding to 50 states

You lost this one... getting a high school diploma or GED has nothing to do with laziness, intelligence, social status, or actually anything at all. Some of the most successful people in the world are drop-outs.

Truthfully the only thing high school is good for is to teach you about how to deal in a social environment when you are forced to interact with people all day. Which is VERY needed, but it has little to do with gaining knowledge you'll need for the future.

That's why I think you should get your diploma or GED, to help show that you're capable of succeeding and working in the real world. That's all.
Think about it, you're an employer; you have a person with no educational background, you don't know why this person was not able to complete 12 years of education or get a GED, the risk is way too high; and you have a person that passed all 12 levels of education, you are fairly certain this person is capable of dealing in a social environment and has some experience, you know this person worked hard to get a job at your place and should be dedicated to work at your place. Which one would you choose?
Okay, yes, I did call those kind of people stupid and lazy, but if you actually plan on completing your GED, then you're not stupid and lazy; that's the way I meant. And nowhere I said you don't deserve your job. $19/hr isn't actually high-end, so stop trying to think I don't think you deserve it. If you went on to get something like $60-80 an hour without completing your GED, I'd be pretty stunned. I just disagree, not saying you don't deserve.

my main point is this, high school dropouts, regardless of how much skills you have should not ever be paid more than the average high school graduates or college students and graduates.
Okay, you know what, you got me, you beat me. You've shifted my view. At least I'm admitting it.
I was wrong in some areas, but I (PERSONAL OPINION) still wouldn't hire a dropout over a graduate, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Okay, you know what, you got me. You've shifted my view a little bit. At least I'm admitting it.
I was wrong in some areas, but I still wouldn't hire a dropout over a graduate, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

My current employer did, he hired me and he isn't the only one. You don't fail life because you failed school.

How much do you make and what do you work with anyway?
Okay, you know what, you got me. You've shifted my view a little bit. At least I'm admitting it.
I was wrong in some areas, but I still wouldn't hire a dropout over a graduate, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I agree, having a piece of paper that proves you can do something does help.
You might be able to drive a car, but if you don't have a license I won't be getting in the car with you.

I just have radical views on our educational system and personally I think letting your children play video games 8 hours a day would be more productive than sending them to a school for 8 hours a day. So personally, that diploma or GED you have from "high school" shows that you can do 2+2=4 and know the basics of the English language, but who the hell wouldn't of learned that anyway?
My current employer did, he hired me and he isn't the only one. You don't fail life because you failed school.

How much do you make and what do you work with anyway?

I'm currently in an internship being paid $21.
The argument over high school diploma is sort of pointless to me. If I didn't need a diploma to get into my college of choice I wouldn't have stayed in high school as long as I did. Just to put things into perspective, I was the bottom of my class (actually I was ranked 648 out of 647 students because I was a jumping junior after failing/quitting for a year) and make out pretty well for myself regardless of the fact that I almost didn't graduate. I wholeheartedly agree that a diploma is almost necessary because lacking one is a gamble to employers, but besides that I think high school is a joke and waste of time. If you can find someone who is willing to take the gamble on you, you have just as much opportunity to be successful as someone with college education.

Hell, I even know someone (my brother-in-law) who only completed up to a "middle school" level of formal education but is currently employed as the CTO of a multi-million dollar firm. He probably had to work twice as hard as those sheep with sheepskin but his prior experience in the field, along with his long list of references from prominent members of the community, made his "education" irrelevant.
If you are good at what you do, and have passion in it and work hard. You will always be successful. Regardless of what school you have completed.
If you are good at what you do, and have passion in it and work hard. You will always be successful. Regardless of what school you have completed.

Far from the truth, being good at what you do, and having passion, does not mean you will succeed.

Location, and access to resources/opportunities FAR out weigh your actual ability to succeed.

Though, success is a matter of opinion to certain extents, but if we are talking about seer money making, and exposure, one being born in the USA has a far better chance of reaching the status of a millionaire and a superstar compared to, well, the rest of the world.

That has nothing to do with actual ability, passion, or hard work.

I will show a couple examples, though I am sure you will just shut them down without base, or thought of how the real world works.

There are plenty of young men/teenagers all across Europe, and even Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, that would make extraordinarily amazing American Football players, but due to their birth location, never had access to the programs/systems that make up the athletic structure in the USA, and thus will almost never get all recognized for their potential in the sport.

To be an American Football player, you pretty much have to be bred to take part in it (pee wee leagues, jr high team, highschool team, college, etc etc), and if you aren't apart of that system, you will always be overlooked, even if you are an amazing athlete.

We can also look at the music scene in Europe... being a musician that was born in Europe, pretty much means you will never have access to the multi-billion dollar industry in the USA. Very few talented musicians born in Europe will never see even a quarter of the success that American musicians get, despite being more talented (objective), and working more.

There just isn't as much of a structured system/industry compared to the USA.

There is also not an obsessive culture of greed when compared to the USA, ie, people (culturally speaking), are not driven as much to make tons and tons of money, and more concerned about the nature and quality of their life.

To get back on topic though, I see many of you are comparing how much you make an hour..

Success really isn't a 1 to 1 ratio with how much money you make, and nor is it a 1 to 1 ratio with how happy of a person you are.

Raising the minimum wage isn't a matter of letting people live 'in luxury' as some of you made it out to be, but allowing people to be respected in what work they perform, and to be able to live and thrive.

Not live in a manner that is similar to slavery, without almost any signs of escape.

If a person puts in a full weeks worth of work, week in and week out, they have the RIGHT to be able to live off of it. That's regardless of the work preformed.

That doesn't mean those with more 'skilled'/'labor driven jobs will be paid the same, they will continue to make more from their work as well.

The only people that would see a pay cut would be those that are grossly overpaid, and it would be for the benefit of all.

Government must play a rule in stopping the greed of the corporate world from dominating the lives of everyday people, abusing them, lowering the standard of living.

We also DO NOT LIVE IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, we have a much better standard of life, and to see some of you basically say that people deserve to live in poverty in this country is a shame.

We have too much wealth and resources to allow people in the USA to live in poverty, and we shouldn't let our fellow countrymen fail, we should be there to help pick them up, and help them succeed. No one should be left behind.

We also have a standard of living. We shouldn't create a society that is okay with people living in their cars because they are so deep in debt, due to them being paid so little.

We shouldn't think it's okay to let people live in the streets, or to suffer wondering where there next meal is gonna come from. Thats not a life I want, and it's not a society I want to live in, we can create (and have) a society that prevents that.

But slowly the right to thrive and prosper is being taking away by bankers and CEO's that see fit to pay people a slaves wage, and harass people to the point of suicide when it comes to 'debt'.
Same here, this is my lowly opinion on this.
Fast-food jobs should be for high school dropouts, it should be for people who fail to make the right life choices.
Work at fast-food restaurants, get some money, get your GED, go to college and get a real damn job if you want money.

Go tell that to the CEO of McDonalds (or any other fast food joint) who started off by selling burgers. Success is earned, not given. Just because someone is selling hamburgers on the weekends doesn't mean they are worthless human beings, LOL. A lot of the people who started the companies we see today did not finish school.

As for the strike - one issue that they should realize before putting their job on the line: they are easily replaced by anyone who needs a job, and there are millions unemployed in the USA.
Go tell that to the CEO of McDonalds (or any other fast food joint) who started off by selling burgers. Success is earned, not given. Just because someone is selling hamburgers on the weekends doesn't mean they are worthless human beings, LOL. A lot of the people who started the companies we see today did not finish school.

As for the strike - one issue that they should realize before putting their job on the line: they are easily replaced by anyone who needs a job, and there are millions unemployed in the USA.

You should read the rest of the thread. My understandings have been changed.
At least I don't go back and edit my posts to hide parts where I was defeated in an argument.

Honestly, I don't care anymore.
Oh please id kill for 9/hr flippin burgers or fries.
Not to mention working in one of the finest mcdonalds around the country {chicago's rock'n'roll, actually a pretty cool place o,o}

matter fact next time i drive by there ill be sure to yell out the window to get back into the kitchen and make me summore goddamn fries for your 9 bucks an hour while im out here starving for a fucking job.