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Lua UPGRADE SCROLL [canary server]


New Member
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
I need help with this script:
Click on some item an use with item to increase his tier
For example
If is thier 0 using scroll in item it change to tier 1
(And consume item)

If is tier 2 using scroll in item it change to tier 2..

And items can be increased to the maximum tier (10) for example...

I am using

Server Canary 13.21​

Please help me 🫣
Oh, no worries, thanks for trying and I'll be waiting, maybe the OP too :)
local UPGRADE_ITEM_ID = 44077
local MAX_TIER = 10  -- Maximum tier an item can be upgraded to

local function upgradeItemTier(target)
    local currentTier = target:getTier()

    if currentTier >= MAX_TIER then
        return false, "This item has reached the maximum upgrade tier."

    target:setTier(currentTier + 1)
    return true, "Upgraded to tier " .. (currentTier + 1) .. " successfully!"

local function onUseUpgradeItem(player, item, target)
    if item:getId() == UPGRADE_ITEM_ID and target and target:isItem() then
        local success, message = upgradeItemTier(target)
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, message)
        return success
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Use this item on an item to upgrade its tier.")
        return false

local upgradeItem = Action()

function upgradeItem.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
    if onUseUpgradeItem(player, item, target) then
        item:remove(1)  -- Remove the upgrade item if upgrade was attempted
    return true

local UPGRADE_ITEM_ID = 44077
local MAX_TIER = 10  -- Maximum tier an item can be upgraded to

local function upgradeItemTier(target)
    local currentTier = target:getTier()

    if currentTier >= MAX_TIER then
        return false, "This item has reached the maximum upgrade tier."

    target:setTier(currentTier + 1)
    return true, "Upgraded to tier " .. (currentTier + 1) .. " successfully!"

local function onUseUpgradeItem(player, item, target)
    if item:getId() == UPGRADE_ITEM_ID and target and target:isItem() then
        local success, message = upgradeItemTier(target)
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, message)
        return success
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Use this item on an item to upgrade its tier.")
        return false

local upgradeItem = Action()

function upgradeItem.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
    if onUseUpgradeItem(player, item, target) then
        item:remove(1)  -- Remove the upgrade item if upgrade was attempted
    return true

Hey, first of all- thank you very much for your time! :)

Since I am a total newbie before I try this script I'd like to ask you few questions- just so I make sure I get it right.

local UPGRADE_ITEM_ID = 44077
is that number just an example of an item ID that you chose? When creating different items using a GOD I use the command /i and I choose item id using this site: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Item_IDs. Looking at the number that was in your script I found that it is
Cave Chair44182, 44077
I am not sure if I understand but... can I like, for example, duplicate an already existing item with some ID (for example some parchment like stuff), give it a new ID of my choice (I'd most likely just give it some weird number like 99199 or something like that), to make sure I do not break anything that is already working in game, then adjust your script by using my new item's ID instead? If yes- is editing/ duplicating already existing items through the data base or simply through itemx.xml in my OTS folder (\data\items)?

My other question would be- once the script is "ready", where should I put it?

That may look silly for you but I am, as I said, at the very beginning of OTS journey :)
local UPGRADE_ITEM_ID = 44077
local MAX_TIER = 10  -- Maximum tier an item can be upgraded to

local function upgradeItemTier(target)
    local currentTier = target:getTier()

    if currentTier >= MAX_TIER then
        return false, "This item has reached the maximum upgrade tier."

    target:setTier(currentTier + 1)
    return true, "Upgraded to tier " .. (currentTier + 1) .. " successfully!"

local function onUseUpgradeItem(player, item, target)
    if item:getId() == UPGRADE_ITEM_ID and target and target:isItem() then
        local success, message = upgradeItemTier(target)
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, message)
        return success
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Use this item on an item to upgrade its tier.")
        return false

local upgradeItem = Action()

function upgradeItem.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
    if onUseUpgradeItem(player, item, target) then
        item:remove(1)  -- Remove the upgrade item if upgrade was attempted
    return true

now we need to add probability & tier removal, thx for the base, going to post script w this when i finish & make it work properly
Hey, first of all- thank you very much for your time! :)

Since I am a total newbie before I try this script I'd like to ask you few questions- just so I make sure I get it right.

local UPGRADE_ITEM_ID = 44077
is that number just an example of an item ID that you chose? When creating different items using a GOD I use the command /i and I choose item id using this site: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Item_IDs. Looking at the number that was in your script I found that it is
Cave Chair44182, 44077
I am not sure if I understand but... can I like, for example, duplicate an already existing item with some ID (for example some parchment like stuff), give it a new ID of my choice (I'd most likely just give it some weird number like 99199 or something like that), to make sure I do not break anything that is already working in game, then adjust your script by using my new item's ID instead? If yes- is editing/ duplicating already existing items through the data base or simply through itemx.xml in my OTS folder (\data\items)?

My other question would be- once the script is "ready", where should I put it?

That may look silly for you but I am, as I said, at the very beginning of OTS journey :)

Hey, first of all- thank you very much for your time! :)

Since I am a total newbie before I try this script I'd like to ask you few questions- just so I make sure I get it right.

local UPGRADE_ITEM_ID = 44077
is that number just an example of an item ID that you chose? When creating different items using a GOD I use the command /i and I choose item id using this site: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Item_IDs. Looking at the number that was in your script I found that it is
Cave Chair44182, 44077
I am not sure if I understand but... can I like, for example, duplicate an already existing item with some ID (for example some parchment like stuff), give it a new ID of my choice (I'd most likely just give it some weird number like 99199 or something like that), to make sure I do not break anything that is already working in game, then adjust your script by using my new item's ID instead? If yes- is editing/ duplicating already existing items through the data base or simply through itemx.xml in my OTS folder (\data\items)?

My other question would be- once the script is "ready", where should I put it?

That may look silly for you but I am, as I said, at the very beginning of OTS journey :)
Data/scripts and change id to item you want to use it. Must be useable like runes.