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[USA] [10.98] OlympiaOT [] Full Custom [] A new way to play! [] Long Term Server [] Not for the weak

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Jan 30, 2023
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Good morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening! I will try to keep it short and sweet!

I wanted to share with you OlympiaOT, a custom PvP-PvM server.

Release Date: June 29th, 2024

Custom map

Experience rates
1-8 = 30x
9-139 = 10x
140 = 0x
(max level)

What's Different?
This is not your usual Tibia server, prepare yourself for a custom RPG experience.. also I hope you like grinding gear! Combat System has been changed, for combat there is a 50% chance of hitting your chest armor, 25% chance to hit legs, 15% chance to hit your helmet, 10% chance to hit your boots. Want to cast a spell? You need a wand for that!

No battle window, no aimbot system, no botting, just pure hands

Unique Spellbook system
Cast spells with a wand or using a talent that allows you to cast with a melee weapon. 10 pages of spells

Town vs Town
There are no vocations, simply join the game and choose a town to fight for. Elvine or Aresden
Your town members are your friends, if you kill them they drop nothing, and you get sent to Jail for a brief duration to think about your actions.

Talent System
ick from 15 talents to enhance your character based on your play style, your first talent unlocks at level 5, and your 2nd talent unlocks at level 40.

Enemy Kills
Following the trend of fighting the other town, you get rewarded Enemy Kill points whenever you successfully kill a enemy town member, with these points you can buy unique gear that is bound to you that comes with item set bonuses, such as more damage! Go become a hero of your town!

Stat System

There are no skill gains here, when you level up you gain 3 stat points to put on your character. Build your character your way!

Rebirth System
Once you reach level 140 (Max level) you have the option to rebirth back to level 1 if you so choose... with each rebirth you get an additional 3 stat points to start the game with, so at max rebirth (20) you gain an additional +60 points to spend on your character. However with each rebirth the experience rate decreases a bit, but fear not... read about the enchant system!

Item Rarity/Enchant
All monsters drop unidentified gear, simply identify them and enjoy your new bonuses. Further increase your enchantment levels with gems from elite monsters, chests around the world and disenchanting gear you do not want. Just to name a few enchants, experience, gold, hit ratio, physical damage, elemental damage, health recovery, mana recovery.. and more!

Crafting System
For you crafters out there, we do have some things for you to do! Gather ore, wood and plants/flowers.. create armor/weapons and potions.. such as invisiblity potions! While we have the RNG item drop system, crafted items have set bonuses as well as additional damage/armor bonuses, health recovery, mana recovery, and more!

Dive into some unique events... such as Crusade, Apocalypse and of course we have our own twist on Capture The Flag!
Crusade is a PvP event where you try to destroy the enemy city faster than they try to blow up yours, this is packed full of team work and organization
Apocalypse is a PvM-PvP event... fight through multiple waves of monsters, find your way through a maze, more monsters and a boss! Both towns battle eachother, as well as monsters trying to kill the boss... it is a DPS race, a bloodbath and more!
Capture The Flag - First town to achieve 3 captures win
Use the rewards to purchase items!

I tried to keep it short and sweet, this is just some of the features I wanted to bring to your attention.. plenty more to come!

Join today and become a hero of your town!
OlympiaOT Website

OlympiaOT Discord

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Very unique and surprisingly fun to play.
I can't imagine the pain it must have been to set up the Talent and Spellbook system. Hats off to the admin.
Server has a lot of potential imo.

Due to popular demand on changing the enchanting feature... we have updated the enchant system with some new features! Completely overhauled!

Enchanting Levels
There are 17 levels of gems, you can also now upgrade your gems for a 3:1 ratio to a higher level.. (3 Health Recovery Gems upgrade to one level 2 gem).. so on and so forth... this is done within the crafting system.

The new and improved Exp/Kill/Drop Tracker has been implemented as well

Come join the fun and start battling the other city, earn enemy kill points and work your way up to earning a Hero Set!
It definitely looks interesting! Is there something that does some light hand holding with the new talent and spell systems that guide you to the operations of it?
It definitely looks interesting! Is there something that does some light hand holding with the new talent and spell systems that guide you to the operations of it?
The spell system is pretty basic considering, it is just a different way of casting spells than just binding hotkeys to everything.. simply equip a wand, click the spell and click where you want it to go. (You can also bind 2 spells by clicking "Save To" slot)

Purchase new spells once you have the required Intelligence to cast them

The talent system can be found here which will guide you what each talent does.
Server has a ton of potential. I like the way it plays, just needs a little TLC here and there which I'm confident is coming!

Looking forward to seeing this grow and mature :)
The spell system is pretty basic considering, it is just a different way of casting spells than just binding hotkeys to everything.. simply equip a wand, click the spell and click where you want it to go. (You can also bind 2 spells by clicking "Save To" slot)

Purchase new spells once you have the required Intelligence to cast them

The talent system can be found here which will guide you what each talent does.
Gave it a try for a little while last night, I think this will definitely be enjoyable to folks that like a more simplified oldschool feel to RPGs. I do have some feedback that may be beneficial.

You can add tooltips to nearly any button in OTUI, it would be very nice to have labels on the spells in the book as well as UI menu objects.

With the buildings having that "teleport to place" shop from old school RPGs, if you over purchase you can drop money on the ground that you will not be able to retrieve as you cannot kick\push it to the bank due to teleporting doors.

Melee even with high strength early is entirely weak compared to no intellect and spamming magic missile with a wand. Creatures are over meleeing and\or don't have enough ranged shooting abilities to punish casters.

Archers are strange, but I may not be understanding the stats. I'm assuming distance is effected by dexterity but it does not out right say it increases the damage, but you have to put a lot of strength early just to wear the bow and not benefit damage at all while doing so. I will say I got lucky and looted a rare poison bow which caused me to reroll and take the poison talent, it was good till 20.

Luck is a wasted stat, I added points and did not receive any chance to crit or increased crit damage.

There should be some sort of reroll mechanic early to not punish people trying to learn the game. IE; before 20 it's free to reroll talent\points because I already rerolled once and now I'm 20 and realizing it probably was a mistake in the long run to take the poison talent for archery for later game. I already rerolled once after getting level 10 or 11, I don't want to start fresh again.

Thanks for reading, these are my thoughts I hope you see the merit and benefit!
Gave it a try for a little while last night, I think this will definitely be enjoyable to folks that like a more simplified oldschool feel to RPGs. I do have some feedback that may be beneficial.

You can add tooltips to nearly any button in OTUI, it would be very nice to have labels on the spells in the book as well as UI menu objects.

With the buildings having that "teleport to place" shop from old school RPGs, if you over purchase you can drop money on the ground that you will not be able to retrieve as you cannot kick\push it to the bank due to teleporting doors.

Melee even with high strength early is entirely weak compared to no intellect and spamming magic missile with a wand. Creatures are over meleeing and\or don't have enough ranged shooting abilities to punish casters.

Archers are strange, but I may not be understanding the stats. I'm assuming distance is effected by dexterity but it does not out right say it increases the damage, but you have to put a lot of strength early just to wear the bow and not benefit damage at all while doing so. I will say I got lucky and looted a rare poison bow which caused me to reroll and take the poison talent, it was good till 20.

Luck is a wasted stat, I added points and did not receive any chance to crit or increased crit damage.

There should be some sort of reroll mechanic early to not punish people trying to learn the game. IE; before 20 it's free to reroll talent\points because I already rerolled once and now I'm 20 and realizing it probably was a mistake in the long run to take the poison talent for archery for later game. I already rerolled once after getting level 10 or 11, I don't want to start fresh again.

Thanks for reading, these are my thoughts I hope you see the merit and benefit!
Thanks for giving the game a shot!

I am looking into some tooltips on a lot of things for sure, the way the spellbook module works is a bit... more indepth so adding some extra things were kind of a challenge but I am working through it.

Good note about the money dropping, I will see what I can do to remedy a fix there

Strength gives very minimal increase in damage for sure.
Strength is more of a option where it unlocks weapons/armor, just like Intelligence for mages unlock more spells
Dexerity increases your hit ratio which is basically like "Piercing" through players/monsters armor values, the hit box system is not the typical Tibia style so it goes as follows -> 50% chance of hitting your chest armor, 25% chance to hit legs, 15% chance to hit your helmet, 10% chance to hit your boots.

I don't believe that a melee weapon of 10+ attack is going to do more than damage than magic missile with no additional stats into Magic however.. sure magic is a bit easier at the beginning but I assure you they have their own sorts of struggles later on where warriors are more so shining, there is a balancing act which is hard to achieve in some cases.

Luck is not a wasted stat, it seems there is a visual bug when adding the stat because the client doesn't appear to like decimals.. if you simply relog it will show up (Now I understand that is workaround and I will look into fixing it so nobody else can be confused later on)

If you ask me for a scroll I am more than happy to give out as long as it is not abused :)

Thanks again for playing, maybe you will be back again!
The stats were definitely a bit confusing when I first started so...
A general overview for stats:
Needed to buy/use spells (a higher level spell needs a higher Intelligence stat).
Vitality: Adds Health and Health Regen*.
Strength: Similar to Intelligence, but needed to equip/use better weapons (melee/distance) and armors. Also seems to scale damage for the "Leap" spell.
Magic: This scales your Spell Damage, Max Mana and Mana regen*. (you want to pump this as a mage)
Dexterity: Dexterity seems to scale def, but more importantly it gives "Hit Ratio"**
Luck: Luck gives Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage (I believe it's 1 per 3 points of luck ?)

* Both Health and Mana regen procs every 15 seconds.
** Hit Ratio seems to be a power level of some sorts for physical dmg. If your hit ratio is bigger than the enemy you hit it for more and vice versa.


Note: Please correct me if I got anything wrong or am missing some details @Fischturd
played for a while. quit around 40, got kinda bored.

my suggestions: way to reset ur stats during early stages, for free. Better spells, really, these spells are boring lol, maybe its the starter city spells and there is more way later on? but the spells are not very unique or fun.

better pace of gear progression and more options

a way to get backpacks besides making characters to get them.

Display total int required for spell somewhere, so you can see how much you need

better descriptions on the stats and what they do in-game. hovering should show you.

more variety to hunting? kinda boring, nothing to spice up the hunts in the first 5-6 hours of gameplay.

anyways, ultimately i quit because i was bored. I unlocked almost all the spells i could and did not find a single interesting or cool spell. Ice spell was bugged taking the mana cost PER mob hit, and costing 0 if you hit no mob. I didn't like the gear progression, I had cosmic wand within my first 2 hours but it was not very good and that was the last wand i could see. Didn't feel like there was any content to look forward to after playing 5-6 hours. if this changes later on, i suggest revamping the early game experience cause it just felt pretty bland. Ran into nothing interesting while exploring, found no interesting mobs, looked at the crafting nothing looked too cool. the spells didn't excite me.

interesting server just think it needs to be developed more
Sepekus said:
my suggestions: way to reset ur stats during early stages, for free. Better spells, really, these spells are boring lol, maybe its the starter city spells and there is more way later on? but the spells are not very unique or fun.
You were level 40/140 of course you don't have any dope spells unlocked yet.
The way that the spells interact for pvp are quite nice. "Invis" is true invis (only your teammates can see you) except for the occasional sparkle. To counter that there is the "Detect Invis" AoE spell. Spells like "Absolute Magic Potection" is also great because it gives 100% immunity to magic damage for 60 seconds. Sounds over powered? Not really because I can cast "Protection against Physical" on my opponent preventing them from being able to cast "Absolute Magic Protection" on themselves.
Different kinds of magic also have different effects if you take the appropriate talent.
For example, the Lightning talent gives you a boost of speed each time you cast a lightning based spell. Fire gives a burn, Ice a slow, Earth boosts your def.
That said, I do think it should be made clearer to new players where they can get spells and it can be a bit difficult for new players to use the spellbook system.

Sepekus said:
a way to get backpacks besides making characters to get them.
This is impossible to do. You can not drop your bp on the floor/trade it to anyone.

Sepekus said:
Display total int required for spell somewhere, so you can see how much you need
Wiki is great: Spells | OlympiaOT (https://olympiaot.gitbook.io/olympiaot/gameplay/spells)

Sepekus said:
more variety to hunting? kinda boring, nothing to spice up the hunts in the first 5-6 hours of gameplay.
Go explore, there are a bunch of maps with different mob types. at level 138, I have not even come close to exploring all the different areas.
