Good morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening! I will try to keep it short and sweet!
I wanted to share with you OlympiaOT, a custom PvP-PvM server.
Release Date: June 29th, 2024
Custom map
Experience rates
1-8 = 30x
9-139 = 10x
140 = 0x (max level)
Join today and become a hero of your town!
OlympiaOT Website
OlympiaOT Discord
I wanted to share with you OlympiaOT, a custom PvP-PvM server.
Release Date: June 29th, 2024
Custom map
Experience rates
1-8 = 30x
9-139 = 10x
140 = 0x (max level)
What's Different?
This is not your usual Tibia server, prepare yourself for a custom RPG experience.. also I hope you like grinding gear! Combat System has been changed, for combat there is a 50% chance of hitting your chest armor, 25% chance to hit legs, 15% chance to hit your helmet, 10% chance to hit your boots. Want to cast a spell? You need a wand for that!
No battle window, no aimbot system, no botting, just pure hands
Unique Spellbook system

Cast spells with a wand or using a talent that allows you to cast with a melee weapon. 10 pages of spells
Town vs Town
There are no vocations, simply join the game and choose a town to fight for. Elvine or Aresden
Your town members are your friends, if you kill them they drop nothing, and you get sent to Jail for a brief duration to think about your actions.
Talent System

Pick from 15 talents to enhance your character based on your play style, your first talent unlocks at level 5, and your 2nd talent unlocks at level 40.
Enemy Kills
Following the trend of fighting the other town, you get rewarded Enemy Kill points whenever you successfully kill a enemy town member, with these points you can buy unique gear that is bound to you that comes with item set bonuses, such as more damage! Go become a hero of your town!
Stat System

There are no skill gains here, when you level up you gain 3 stat points to put on your character. Build your character your way!
Rebirth System
Once you reach level 140 (Max level) you have the option to rebirth back to level 1 if you so choose... with each rebirth you get an additional 3 stat points to start the game with, so at max rebirth (20) you gain an additional +60 points to spend on your character. However with each rebirth the experience rate decreases a bit, but fear not... read about the enchant system!
Item Rarity/Enchant
All monsters drop unidentified gear, simply identify them and enjoy your new bonuses. Further increase your enchantment levels with gems from elite monsters, chests around the world and disenchanting gear you do not want. Just to name a few enchants, experience, gold, hit ratio, physical damage, elemental damage, health recovery, mana recovery.. and more!
Crafting System
For you crafters out there, we do have some things for you to do! Gather ore, wood and plants/flowers.. create armor/weapons and potions.. such as invisiblity potions! While we have the RNG item drop system, crafted items have set bonuses as well as additional damage/armor bonuses, health recovery, mana recovery, and more!
Dive into some unique events... such as Crusade, Apocalypse and of course we have our own twist on Capture The Flag!
Crusade is a PvP event where you try to destroy the enemy city faster than they try to blow up yours, this is packed full of team work and organization
Apocalypse is a PvM-PvP event... fight through multiple waves of monsters, find your way through a maze, more monsters and a boss! Both towns battle eachother, as well as monsters trying to kill the boss... it is a DPS race, a bloodbath and more!
Capture The Flag - First town to achieve 3 captures win
Use the rewards to purchase items!
I tried to keep it short and sweet, this is just some of the features I wanted to bring to your attention.. plenty more to come!This is not your usual Tibia server, prepare yourself for a custom RPG experience.. also I hope you like grinding gear! Combat System has been changed, for combat there is a 50% chance of hitting your chest armor, 25% chance to hit legs, 15% chance to hit your helmet, 10% chance to hit your boots. Want to cast a spell? You need a wand for that!
No battle window, no aimbot system, no botting, just pure hands
Unique Spellbook system

Cast spells with a wand or using a talent that allows you to cast with a melee weapon. 10 pages of spells
Town vs Town
There are no vocations, simply join the game and choose a town to fight for. Elvine or Aresden
Your town members are your friends, if you kill them they drop nothing, and you get sent to Jail for a brief duration to think about your actions.
Talent System

Pick from 15 talents to enhance your character based on your play style, your first talent unlocks at level 5, and your 2nd talent unlocks at level 40.
Enemy Kills
Following the trend of fighting the other town, you get rewarded Enemy Kill points whenever you successfully kill a enemy town member, with these points you can buy unique gear that is bound to you that comes with item set bonuses, such as more damage! Go become a hero of your town!
Stat System

There are no skill gains here, when you level up you gain 3 stat points to put on your character. Build your character your way!
Rebirth System
Once you reach level 140 (Max level) you have the option to rebirth back to level 1 if you so choose... with each rebirth you get an additional 3 stat points to start the game with, so at max rebirth (20) you gain an additional +60 points to spend on your character. However with each rebirth the experience rate decreases a bit, but fear not... read about the enchant system!
Item Rarity/Enchant
All monsters drop unidentified gear, simply identify them and enjoy your new bonuses. Further increase your enchantment levels with gems from elite monsters, chests around the world and disenchanting gear you do not want. Just to name a few enchants, experience, gold, hit ratio, physical damage, elemental damage, health recovery, mana recovery.. and more!
Crafting System
For you crafters out there, we do have some things for you to do! Gather ore, wood and plants/flowers.. create armor/weapons and potions.. such as invisiblity potions! While we have the RNG item drop system, crafted items have set bonuses as well as additional damage/armor bonuses, health recovery, mana recovery, and more!
Dive into some unique events... such as Crusade, Apocalypse and of course we have our own twist on Capture The Flag!
Crusade is a PvP event where you try to destroy the enemy city faster than they try to blow up yours, this is packed full of team work and organization
Apocalypse is a PvM-PvP event... fight through multiple waves of monsters, find your way through a maze, more monsters and a boss! Both towns battle eachother, as well as monsters trying to kill the boss... it is a DPS race, a bloodbath and more!
Capture The Flag - First town to achieve 3 captures win
Use the rewards to purchase items!
Join today and become a hero of your town!
OlympiaOT Website
OlympiaOT Discord
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