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[USA] [7.4 / Custom] Realesta - Recania [July 5th at 20:00 CEST] A New World | Real Map!

Server Website/AAC
Server Address
Server Port
Client Protocol


Veteran OT User
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score

Official Website:

Fan sites:

[World configuration]:
-Low rate 7.4 Realmap Server
-Datacenter Vint Hill, (USA)
-Custom made Antibot Client
-Advanced proxy system!
-Built-in cam system.
-Server save at 10:00 AM.

[Experience stage]:

Level 1 to 8 : 4x (first day 6x)
Level 9 to 30 : 3x
Level 31 to 60 : 2x
Level 61 to 80 : 1.5x
Level 81 to 120 : 1.3x
Level 121 to 999 : 1x

[Game Configuration]:
-Loot rate: 2.5x
-Magic rate: 1x
-Skill rate: 3x
-Spawn rate: 1x
-Raid rate: 1x
-Regen rate: 2x
-PvP-Enforced rate: 1x Formula

[Battle Configuration]:
-Frags to Red Skull: 3
-Frags to Ban: 6
-Frag duration: Golden Account: 12h, Free: 24h
-Unjustified player killing ban time: 7 days.
-Final ban time: 30 days.
-Red skull disappear when all frags gone.
-Warnings to 7 days ban: 1
-Warnings to 30 days ban: 2
-Warnings to deletion: 3

-Modified speed formula
-Expshare & Vocation Hunt
-Boosted spawns
-Instant travel "bring me to"
-Properly oldchool UHTrap
-Summons does not take experience
-Server is using account balance and transfer system in NPCs
-Advanced Tasks.
-Extensive Wiki page
-Live Cast system (Cast gives you 10% more exp if you enable it without password)
-Cam system (Each player is constantly being recorded and he decide what to share)
-Guild war system
-Advanced walking system
-Market system
-Loot analyzer system
-New house system that guest player cannot move items in house
-Anty skull bashing on battle
-Anti depot trash
-Global depot
-Protection of noob-chars during the war
-Re-open backpacks when re-login
-Boosted bed regeneration
-New Hunting Places.
-New Outfits.
-And many more.

Register faster and make a character on "Recania" 24h before the launch and you will receive an extra 2 days of Golden Account!
Send invitations for other players via our Referral System in order to receive an additional Premium Points!
If you are streamer message us, we will support you and promote you on our website in the Streamers sesion!​
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Hello everybody !

We are very pleased and proud to welcome you soon on Neveresta

A new adventure, with new content and new mysterious quests...
And of course the legendary Realesta's smooth engine for crazy PVP times !

Hail Neveresta !
I was stupid that I didnt play last edition...
I see another hoster want to open server before realesta that's why Im writing this post. I just want share my point of view.

Last edition of realesta was success, most of us could saw on punio streams that they were fighting everyday. I thought server will be dead after week but I was wrong. I was angry on me that I didnt join and didnt take part in this party ; p

Ruth is one of us, player, he also likes to fight and this help him to develop server in good way. I rly like his vision of war server.
He hosts enfo server where you can develop your skill and learn how his client works. For me its best client I have ever seen.

Smooth client + enfo + easy gameplay + low exp + cast system with mouse clicks + pvp highscores and many more its fking amazing : D

Everyone likes to kill punio and watch his cry on stream xd trust me that this brings ppl to server. There will be alot of players and I hope it will be better edition than before.

Dont make wrong choice. I wont blame other servers but for me if someone is good hoster of 8.0 that not means he knows how 7.x should be.

Guys just bring your friends, speak with them and invite them here IM SURE its best option if you like 7.x pvp

Good that you will be there. We got around 10-15 in main team so see you on battelfields _/
Pls stay kasteria with your amazing 8.x pvp and videos😂😂
You played kasteria? first news. Never saw any assassinho nor last man here. Only a level 88 ed that did nothing...
Useless player. Better stick to your medivia and hunt there with a bought paladin on a 100 players online server because that's the only thing you can do. While the BIG BOYS dominate 1.8k+ servers with an iron fist just like Dan.

apple red? worthless sh*t
legacy damodred? worthless sh*t
last man? worthless sh*t
I didn't even had the time to add you on the hunted list that you were already gone or hidden...
spoon? He didn't even start that was already banned from our ts.

Cya later nerds.
This server 2 weeks if so. Ruthless is 0 trustworthy.
And if you want a good 7.x server you just need to wait for CHAD Ryan to host another one.

This is just a chinese wannabe copy of a polish random hoster who left thais sewer rats to make custom ots.

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You played kasteria? first news. Never saw any assassinho nor last man here. Only a level 88 ed that did nothing...
Useless player. Better stick to your medivia and hunt there with a bought paladin on a 100 players online server because that's the only thing you can do. While the BIG BOYS dominate 1.8k+ servers with an iron fist just like Dan.

apple red? worthless sh*t
legacy damodred? worthless sh*t
last man? worthless sh*t
I didn't even had the time to add you on the hunted list that you were already gone or hidden...
spoon? He didn't even start that was already banned from our ts.

Cya later nerds.
This server 2 weeks if so. Ruthless is 0 trustworthy.
And if you want a good 7.x server you just need to wait for CHAD Ryan to host another one.

This is just a chinese wannabe copy of a polish random hoster who left thais sewer rats to make custom ots.

Lastman just waste some time for made 80 ed next he quit because he knows that only non hands wasting time for hotkeye tibia xd

Your baits are too easy but keep going xd
Lastman just waste some time for made 80 ed next he quit because he knows that only non hands wasting time for hotkeye tibia xd

Your baits are too easy but keep going xd

No baits just the truth. And as I said early, you know shit about tibia. You only played 1 version out of 100's. I don't even want to lure you on kasteria since I already know how much of a crybaby you are. If you want to talk about something, first you have to play it. Since you didn't play real tibia nor 8.0+. You can't talk about it. Or atleast nobody worth gunna belive you. Stick to 7.4 thais sewer rats.

Kijek? who this random? I don't even know from who this small dog is. From ruthless. Or from Punio?

Always the same name. Always the same outfit. Always the same colours. Try harder to make a name.
Is knight boosted somehow on Realesta? Can somebody answer?
it's basically a server oriented to Punio. He gunna have unlimited cash. Unlimited runes... AND modified set. That's why he panicked so much when he made RS on the video. If someone looted that set without Ruth online, someone could see it's a set with boosted stats only for him.

Just think about it. Punio, someone who makes RS daily why would he panick on a server where he has unlimited money and runes? ;)
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Come on, I dont care about bullshits. I wanna know if knight vocation is boosted.
First of all. Ruth is a trashtalked aswell, he doesn't do it here because it's not "professional". But I know him and what things he does from behind. At the end he wants money and this is his job.

Second, the main difference is that I talk with knowledge about things I am sure about.
Meanwhile kijek, assassinho.. have 0 knowledge about what they're talking. And they just repeat the same excuses why they never played real servers over and over.

But it's fine, I like it. When I see them trashtalking servers I play, I gunna come here and trashtalk them with facts. At the very end I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than them. And they're no competence in the forums nor in life.

If you attack, be ready to be attacked someday :S
Nothing personal :)
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I was stupid that I didnt play last edition...
I see another hoster want to open server before realesta that's why Im writing this post. I just want share my point of view.

Last edition of realesta was success, most of us could saw on punio streams that they were fighting everyday. I thought server will be dead after week but I was wrong. I was angry on me that I didnt join and didnt take part in this party ; p

Ruth is one of us, player, he also likes to fight and this help him to develop server in good way. I rly like his vision of war server.
He hosts enfo server where you can develop your skill and learn how his client works. For me its best client I have ever seen.

Smooth client + enfo + easy gameplay + low exp + cast system with mouse clicks + pvp highscores and many more its fking amazing : D

Everyone likes to kill punio and watch his cry on stream xd trust me that this brings ppl to server. There will be alot of players and I hope it will be better edition than before.

Dont make wrong choice. I wont blame other servers but for me if someone is good hoster of 8.0 that not means he knows how 7.x should be.

Guys just bring your friends, speak with them and invite them here IM SURE its best option if you like 7.x pvp

Good that you will be there. We got around 10-15 in main team so see you on battelfields _/
Hello kijek28 and thank you very much for your enthusiasm !
We are waiting for you !!!!:cool:

it's basically a server oriented to Punio. He gunna have unlimited cash. Unlimited runes... AND modified set. That's why he panicked so much when he made RS on the video. If someone looted that set without Ruth online, someone could see it's a set with boosted stats only for him.

Just think about it. Punio, someone who makes RS daily why would he panick on a server where he has unlimited money and runes? ;)
Hello damnizationkast and thank you for your message,
Punio had privileges for his streaming 3 editions ago.
In Neveresta, Punio will absolutely not have any privileges.
By the way, we do not have modified sets. You can Forge ofcourse, but that's all.
See you ingame, you are very welcome if you want to say hi and try it !

Come on, I dont care about bullshits. I wanna know if knight vocation is boosted.
Hello duaduo23, thank you for your inquiry,
Knights are not boosted. They are already strong enough with explosions, magic level rate, skills rate, exori, and very powerful weapons. :)

First of all. Ruth is a trashtalked aswell, he doesn't do it here because it's not "professional". But I know him and what things he does from behind. At the end he wants money and this is his job.

Second, the main difference is that I talk with knowledge about things I am sure about.
Meanwhile kijek, assassinho.. have 0 knowledge about what they're talking. And they just repeat the same excuses why they never played real servers over and over.

But it's fine, I like it. When I see them trashtalking servers I play, I gunna come here and trashtalk them with facts. At the very end I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than them. And they're no competence in the forums nor in life.

If you attack, be ready to be attacked someday :S
Nothing personal :)
Hello duaduo23,
I think trashtalking is not mature and not constructive. And what you pretend on Ruth is not true (we are working over phone 7 hours a day for the server, for a month now), if he was not a truely kind and professional guy I would not put my time on Realesta.

However, you are right on one thing : he is professional. It's his job.
He doesn't have time to answer to dramas, he doesn't have time to directly manage the community 24/7.
He passes his time updating the engine, the client, the maps, the scripts, the server, answering to rule violations. So no, of course he is a busy man and he can seem cold at first and you can't talk about how the weather will be tomorrow with him. But that's because he is busy, not because he trashtalks or that he is not a nice man.
Anyway, we've been upgrading the whole team, so he will surely have more time to talk to the players, because he will have less work from now. And then you might change your mind :)

You are welcome to play anyway, and we can have a chat !
Kind regards,