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[USA] [7.4 / Custom] Realesta - Recania [July 5th at 20:00 CEST] A New World | Real Map!

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Not disappear it lands on first place but the backpack is scrolled down, watch carefully :D

Professor's Team tried to deceive people by suggesting that Punio supposedly received 25cc from the administration. The truth, however, is that for 3 days, their entire team diligently collected this money by hunting Bonebeasts and Mummies in Coldwind, skinning bodies, and selling the acquired loot. As a result, they managed to accumulate 25cc more quickly and deliberately fielded a colleague from their own team to open the body and find the money publicly on Punio's stream.
We have logs of everything, so we can easily prove it if necessary, but for now, I don't see the need.

Provement cam:
Post automatically merged:

Because Punio, as a player, has many enemies and haters, there is a risk that they may try to subtly influence his audience by exploiting the fact that he streams live, using tactics like those described a few posts above. The person who should be hated now are the people who release these types of videos.
smells like bullshit
Hey just read... you can unban but only if banned by frags?
Usable ONLY after 'Excessive unjustifed player killing'
It doesn't remove your frags!
stop lying zemsta limborga died less than 48h after server start
2023-10-29 17:59:45Killed at level 60 bya mummy230358
I apologize for the confusion, however your statement only implies pretending to have no grounds for criticism. I wanted to clarify that it has been 46 hours, not 48, as I mistakenly stated earlier :D

also he went to hunt bonebeasts for few hours to recover after buying obsidian knife and other shit from store req to play properly on this p2w trash "low" rate server
Of course, the obsidian knife truly provides a tremendous advantage for paying players, how splendid!

e.g obsidian knife, postman scroll (who will spent 4h to make quest on start when u can get 1.2kk xp which is equal to lvl up from 40 to 53 it took us less than 5 hours to make 250k in 4 voc at 30lvls morning after server start

At that time, only two things gave you an advantage over other players in the early stage of the game: a slightly too high skinning rate and a somewhat unbalanced respawn of bonebeasts in Coldwind. Thanks to your feedback, we have already fixed this.

btw ban for frags is also a week and u can buy unban in store for 500 points xDDDDDD

One of the options allowing the unbanning of a character is a penalty for the number of frags acquired. We implemented this feature a long time ago to provide a chance for players who accidentally exceeded this limit to continue playing. As you probably know, in version 7.4, it is easy to do so.
Of course, the obsidian knife truly provides a tremendous advantage for paying players, how splendid!
it definitely does but coin price skyrocket really fast and its not worth buying it anymore unless u stay on spawn for more than 2-3 refills

At that time, only two things gave you an advantage over other players in the early stage of the game: a slightly too high skinning rate and a somewhat unbalanced respawn of bonebeasts in Coldwind. Thanks to your feedback, we have already fixed this.
why u keep talking about bonebeasts we did here one refill on 40 bp gfbs and barely got money back zemsta limborga went here as he was last person to actually play from our team hunt(to get 60lvl and do banshee) and u keep mentioning that he made lootbag worth of 20k xD its literally trash spawn but im not surprised u dont see it clearly u dont have idea how to balance spawns

and definitely getting free 130k on top of loot from them after 4h hunting trash mobs weaker than cyclops isnt unbalanced right?

One of the options allowing the unbanning of a character is a penalty for the number of frags acquired. We implemented this feature a long time ago to provide a chance for players who accidentally exceeded this limit to continue playing. As you probably know, in version 7.4, it is easy to do so.
yeah so ppl just ue instead of dying on 1x and unban 5min later great idea! suits long-term low rate
It is delightful to see punio team losing to brosforever who play with 200+ms, punio using GM to ban 3rd team (szarańcza) members for trying to enter the fight, later checking every bless NPC + aol with GM chars and perma banning everybody from chat who asked why did he ban szarańcza (when all they did was coming to fight with 50-80 lvls [punio told they are noob chars blocking]. It is fuckin 50-80 lvl, it ain't noob char
It is delightful to see punio team losing to brosforever who play with 200+ms, punio using GM to ban 3rd team (szarańcza) members for trying to enter the fight, later checking every bless NPC + aol with GM chars and perma banning everybody from chat who asked why did he ban szarańcza (when all they did was coming to fight with 50-80 lvls [punio told they are noob chars blocking]. It is fuckin 50-80 lvl, it ain't noob char
Hahahahha i was waiting for first crying kid who describe this situation on otland and here it is xddddd get a life
Realesta still top 1 seasonal war server 7.4 and punio still top 1 tibia 7.4 streamer, you did nothing to them xddd sad kid, you are nothing...
imagine calling another people nolifers, when you spend so much time watching another streamers XD @Analityk
lol? you're nolife, it's not me xddd hahaha so you watch punio and you spend so much time on punio streams, but you hating punio? xd you are 0 and your life is sad as fck, as i expect. now we have the proof, you know you are trash right? you should do magik z okna
you have no life, you hate realesta but you play, you hate puno but you play xd i cannot imagine how stupid and sad person you are xddd the worst thing is you're profesorek's fan.
around 15s after killing punio during war on darashia yesterday i got ban for HWID (i guess so as its not ip ban)

staff answer:

f) Hostile towards us
-The dissemination of false information is prohibited, as well as initiating propaganda about the server or engaging in any activities that could harm its reputation or contribute to a decrease in the player population.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation which reflects negatively on the entire account of the player in the future.

guy i reported who disclosed my personal data and spammed it on trade calling people to pay me a visit irl still playing on this ot xD
around 15s after killing punio during war on darashia yesterday i got ban for HWID (i guess so as its not ip ban)

staff answer:
View attachment 79968

f) Hostile towards us
-The dissemination of false information is prohibited, as well as initiating propaganda about the server or engaging in any activities that could harm its reputation or contribute to a decrease in the player population.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation which reflects negatively on the entire account of the player in the future.

guy i reported who disclosed my personal data and spammed it on trade calling people to pay me a visit irl still playing on this ot xD

For sure, the choice to ban you is completely reasonable because what you did and what you wrote on the server clearly breaks the Realesta rule 2f) Realesta74.net - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (https://realesta74.net/library/rules). This breaking of the rule is easy to see in your messages and posts even on otland, especially if you look closely at the issue.

I would like to point out that your complaints on this forum are trivial and lamentable. Everyone is aware that you log onto the server solely to cause unusual harm and to engage in disputes with your long-standing adversary, Punio.
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For sure, the choice to ban you is completely reasonable because what you did and what you wrote on the server clearly breaks the Realesta rule 2f) Realesta74.net - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (https://realesta74.net/library/rules). This breaking of the rule is easy to see in your messages and posts even on otland, especially if you look closely at the issue.

I would like to point out that your complaints on this forum are trivial and lamentable. Everyone is aware that you log onto the server solely to cause unusual harm and to engage in disputes with your long-standing adversary, Punio.
thats why i got banned around 10 seconds after punio died right?

also punio broke exactly the same rule just today!

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thats why i got banned around 10 seconds after punio died right?

also punio broke exactly the same rule just today!

Don't try to make fools out of people by exploiting obvious differences. Joining a server with the declaration of intending to destroy or weaken it, and through excessive propaganda spam, is an act of destruction. Such behavior, combined with the mass elimination of other players, is different from a situation where someone like Punio, who usually supports the server and is our official streamer, in a moment of emotional frustration caused by opponents when he knows he will die, ironically exclaims: "Fuck this br server".
Don't try to make fools out of people by exploiting obvious differences. Joining a server with the declaration of intending to destroy or weaken it, and through excessive propaganda spam, is an act of destruction. Such behavior, combined with the mass elimination of other players, is different from a situation where someone like Punio, who usually supports the server and is our official streamer, in a moment of emotional frustration caused by opponents when he knows he will die, ironically exclaims: "Fuck this br server".
yea yea thats why i got ban right after punio died because we help manowar to box them until then u didnt care about us pking for a week with 90 ppl in party literally blocking entire boats for hours

just to back it up i've been banned 2 days ago at 19:47:17 and you can pretty much check it because i have usual "7 days" ban

literally 15 seconds after punio's dead on darashia Realesta74.net - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (https://realesta74.net/character/snivimach) (be fast as two more deaths and u wont see it on his death list)

right after this action

you can cleary see at second clip time of his death it lines up keeping in mind site is -1h polish time they even call my character name and tried to combo me cuz i was mwalling blocking and attacking timbaland with my team however right before dying by combo sd my character got banned xD letting their team travel away from darashia

So to sum it up you will be banned on realesta after getting punio dead like it was with kasti on kasteria only difference is that punio can tank more than one dead a day but still got his limit and will definitely use his gm power to gain advantage (or remove his enemies) on server as he did in past with "var checks" and checking people for botting (that was original reason i got banned btw) he must be surprised i was the only person not using rifbot on realesta so it took them 24h to find other reason to get me out of server xD
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Honestly I'm a lurker I never post anything, it doesn't matter if this dude who got banned is guilty or not. The way the Releasta team handled the situation is so extremely unprofessional, its like when you order food from Mcdonalds and not a good restaurant.
yea yea thats why i got ban right after punio died because we help manowar to box them until then u didnt care about us pking for a week with 90 ppl in party literally blocking entire boats for hours

just to back it up i've been banned 2 days ago at 19:47:17 and you can pretty much check it because i have usual "7 days" ban
View attachment 79975

literally 15 seconds after punio's dead on darashia Realesta74.net - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (https://realesta74.net/character/snivimach) (be fast as two more deaths and u wont see it on his death list)
View attachment 79976

right after this action

you can cleary see at second clip time of his death it lines up keeping in mind site is -1h polish time they even call my character name and tried to combo me cuz i was mwalling blocking and attacking timbaland with my team however right before dying by combo sd my character got banned xD letting their team travel away from darashia

So to sum it up you will be banned on realesta after getting punio dead like it was with kasti on kasteria only difference is that punio can tank more than one dead a day but still got his limit and will definitely use his gm power to gain advantage (or remove his enemies) on server as he did in past with "var checks" and checking people for botting (that was original reason i got banned btw) he must be surprised i was the only person not using rifbot on realesta so it took them 24h to find other reason to get me out of server xD
View attachment 79977

You may present various screenshots or evidence, but their significance is minimal in the context of the ban you received. It is important for you to understand that the decision to impose the ban did not arise from a single incident or the actions of one person, specifically Punio. In fact, after receiving numerous reports from the community, our support team was obliged to investigate the matter more thoroughly. Upon a detailed analysis, it became clear that your actions were detrimental to the server by violating a specific rule, 2f) Realesta Rules, which I will quote below:

-The dissemination of false information is prohibited, as well as initiating propaganda about the server or engaging in any activities that could harm its reputation or contribute to a decrease in the player population.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation which reflects negatively on the entire account of the player in the future.

Here are some logs and proofs of your pathetic activities on the server, so that everyone can be aware of who Professor really is, this is certainly not the behavior of a normal person. I will quote below:

[11/11/2023 11:7:29] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: trzebba
[11/11/2023 11:7:30] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: skonczyc
[11/11/2023 11:7:31] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: z otsem

[12/11/2023 12:34:55] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: ale my chcemy
[12/11/2023 12:34:56] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: napierdalac
[12/11/2023 12:34:57] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: wszystko
[12/11/2023 12:34:58] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: co sie rusza
[11/11/2023 11:7:17] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: i szykwoac sie nnowa iglice

[4/11/2023 7:29:18] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: i ots umiera
[10/11/2023 0:0:41] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: koniec otsa jest
[10/11/2023 0:0:41] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: koniec otsa jest
[10/11/2023 4:59:31] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: on this dedots
[10/11/2023 15:15:30] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: czy to koniec otsa?
[10/11/2023 16:47:28] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: czy to koniec otsa?
[10/11/2023 16:52:28] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: jebane trupidlo
[10/11/2023 16:58:16] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: i koniec otsa
[11/11/2023 11:7:13] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: trza otsa zajechac
[11/11/2023 12:33:57] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: ze ded ots
[11/11/2023 15:12:49] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: jebany orsh
[11/11/2023 15:42:6] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: zeby ots zdechl
[11/11/2023 16:21:27] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: zdechlica ots
[12/11/2023 12:19:40] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: zdechnie ten ots
[12/11/2023 12:34:59] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: na tym ots
[12/11/2023 17:48:27] (Mały Pies Melfo) Message sent to ...: ale rozjebany ten ots
That's not like "dedots", "zdechlica", "trup", "rozjebaniec" and many other words are common on your server? Even your buisness partner Punio talk like that on stream [not in a private conversation].
Ruth gave a proof that Profesorek is sick, mad kid with big emotional problems and you still protecting him? Are you Profesorek's dog from his discord? What a guy...
Punio talk like that only if he dies, and he says this for fun. You know that kid, so why you even talk about punio?
Profesorek's fanboys are the biggest cancer of open tibia servers. Why they come to seasonal war servers and kill everyone? All of their victims have aol or 20 gp in backpack. Looted items' worth is 0. Victims need like 2 minutes to make up for lost experience. You only ruin game for pvp players and you wasting yours and their time. That's sad. There is no point to pk like szarancza on war servers. You should go pk on tibiantis, where looted items are worth $$$ and people loose big cash after death.
Ruth gave a proof that Profesorek is sick, mad kid with big emotional problems and you still protecting him? Are you Profesorek's dog from his discord? What a guy...
Punio talk like that only if he dies, and he says this for fun. You know that kid, so why you even talk about punio?
Profesorek's fanboys are the biggest cancer of open tibia servers. Why they come to seasonal war servers and kill everyone? All of their victims have aol or 20 gp in backpack. Looted items' worth is 0. Victims need like 2 minutes to make up for lost experience. You only ruin game for pvp players and you wasting yours and their time. That's sad. There is no point to pk like szarancza on war servers. You should go pk on tibiantis, where looted items are worth $$$ and people loose big cash after death.
No one care about "$$$" in our team and yes, killing people on servers like this gives a lot of fun becouse they cry and trashtalk more than on real lowrate servers.
So did You really think that saying on stream "ded ots" is only for fun but when You send PRIVATE message like this to your friend then its way worse for server?