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[USA] 8.54 Roxera 3x Exp RL Map Server


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Roxera has returned!
The original Roxera team has reassembled to bring you the best Tibia experience. Much like our old server, Roxera has a modified RL Map allowing for a more enjoyable time. Our primary focus is to bridge the fun of classic tibia (5.0 - 6.4) with the innovations of the modern versions. Things that would normally differ you from playing CIP's Tibia (ie. breaking spears, knights being an unplayable class, soul point requirements, and all the other CIP Noob friendly changes) have been altered or removed.

Here are some of our servers features...

-3x exp, 2x loot, 5x skills & magic
-Knight and Paladin attack speed, defense, and damage has increased with promotion in order to balance game play and PVP.
-Level requirements for spells, runes, and EQ have been removed.
-Creatures can be lured anywhere without disappearing, and map changes allow luring of creatures to town.
-Custom trainers with portal located in Thais temple. (AFK training in protected zone and allowed 24/7)
-Weapons and Armor have been modified slightly to increase damage and defense respectively, and reflect the original stats before they were lowered by CIP.
-Custom map adjustments, to remove unnecessary travel time and enrich overall game play.
-Working quests (anni, inq, demon oak, etc.) and custom ones allowing you to obtain long-sought items as they were originally obtained, allowing players to relive a bit of Tibian History.

Server is hosted in the USA by US Citizens who speak the English language correctly and in its intended capacity. GM Presence is important to us, as we're constantly striving for a balanced, and older style of game play experience.

Uptime will be constant, and monitored throughout the day. Both GM's Vanity, and Cutlass have been avid tibia players since tibia 5.0 and infusing our knowledge of Tibian History is a focus in server development. Player suggestions will be taken into consideration, and implemented if they genuinely improve our server.

Roxera will be hosted on a dedicated server (Windows 7 64 bit, Quad core phenom processor, 6 gigs ram). Again, uptime will be constant.

Login to account manager: account number :1 pw:1
(website coming soon)
Roxera's ip:



Client: 8.54

3x exp, 2x loot, 5x skills & magic

See you in game!
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Yes, the server is on a 100 Mbps connection on a dedicated PC and has a 24/7 uptime. There should be little to no lag depending upon your connection and location.
If its so serious and dedicated,why dont u have a website?
I hate it when they dont have a website
Website is in the works. We wanted to give players a chance to get started.

To me a website is less important than good game play. The functionality and playability of a server isn't dependent on a website. server oriented changes are my primary focus at the moment.
Just wanted to give it a try.
Seriously,delete the rook.
Players are having enough of trouble with rook in rl tibia,we dont need it on an ot.
Who has trouble with Rookgaard? It takes about 15 minutes to get level 8. Granted it may be a bit irritating, but it is part of the game. My advice to make it go a little faster, use a spear. I changed the attack to 30 as it was in the olden days and the skill advances are quick. I also made it possible to acquire the "Sword of Fury" (Spike Sword) so that players starting a knight can have the opportunity to get a weapon better than the starting EQ given to them once they reach the mainland.

Players have yet to complain about it but if the community finds it that despicable i will offer staged exp until level 8.
yes i see.
Thats why u have 3 players online
that may have been the case when you logged on. we've had about 15 players max. the server has been around for a week. im not expecting stellar numbers as there are plenty of other OT's out there for people to play. im just looking to create an OT where the players can have fun and deal with a staff that will interact with the community, not ignore them. if you dont like the OT then dont play it.

since the chief complaint im hearing from you regards newbie island, it would seem you have some trouble getting off. if you really need that much help, i will give you the 8 levels necessary to get to the main land.

Tibia - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game - Game Guides
You may want to consult this game guide if you still require assistance...
Ur so cool :)
I dont need help getting lvl 8,i can get it in 15 mins,but i dont wanna waste my team on it.Its booring.
Btw gz on 15 players max :D
Something has been mentioned to me that i'd like to make clear to those who are interested in playing. I'm designing this server to be one that players can enjoy for the long term. The original Roxera had over a year of uptime and a community of players that had exceeded an average online player count of 70+. I would love to match or succeed those figures with this version.
Ive been playing here for a week, and Ive watched the popularity increase with each passing day. I think you guys really have something unique, and worthwhile. I LOVE how you've balanced the vocations. Keep up the good work!