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USA/ Absolut-RPG/ 8.50


New Member
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Welcome to Absolut-RPG Real Map 8.50!

The Absolut server has Anihilator Quest, Pits of Inferno Quest (POI), Arena of Svargrond Quest, Banshee Quest, Demon OaK Quest and alot of quests same as from the Real Worlds.

Come to play with us, the server is hosted on dedicated server without lag and freeze, online 24h/7!
All Vocations are balanced and revised.

Our rates:
XP: Stages!
1-50 = 100x
51-80 = 50x
81-100 = 40x
101-120 = 30x
121-130 = 15x
131-140 = 10x
141-180 = 6x
181+ = 3x
Skills: 15x
ML: 4x
Loot: 2x

SITE: Absolut-RPG - Latest News
If you have sugestions, talk with the gamemasters.

Started in November 1, 2009, So hurry to get the top Level!

Ip Address: absolut-rpg.servegame.com

hope now i posted right..the other one can be deleted..
ok normaly i would say exp rate doesnt make an rpg server... this however is not an rpg style rate set up.

please learn what rpg is before you disgrace it.