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Vem er victor offensive name on he's characters


New Member
Nov 17, 2007
Reaction score

He's insulting the gamemaster/community manager 'Aezol'
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Obviously jumboQ.

I would aswell if I were a GM on this server.
Why would I "GetTheFuckOut" <- if now thats what it means if I still play this server.

Stop acting like your something all the bloody time here at the forum.. You know urself that ur just a newbie kiddo irl, so why acting so cocky here? Now i tell u, quit it, or gtfo.
Stop acting like your something all the bloody time here at the forum.. You know urself that ur just a newbie kiddo irl, so why acting so cocky here? Now i tell u, quit it, or gtfo.

Am I really?
I'm not acting like I am something, atleast I answer some post at forum, you dont give a shit about what the players want dont you?, you and your team are just greedy for more money and thats 100% true facts.

A newbie kiddo inrl, yeah yippie, can I have a prize?

Am I really?
I'm not acting like I am something, atleast I answer some post at forum, you dont give a shit about what the players want dont you?, you and your team are just greedy for more money and thats 100% true facts.

A newbie kiddo inrl, yeah yippie, can I have a prize?


If i wouldn't give a fuck about our players, then how come me and Talaturen is working everyday to improve the server? Yesterday i spent over 3hours to fix the new 8.4 spells. Both me and Talaturen has good income irl, we don't do this for money. If we would do this for money, then we would probably already set on a character reset, like Ryan(owner of Narozia) did.
Now stop being so cocky and get true facts before you come here and state bullshit facts.
Since your insulting me inreal when not even knowing me, how come I can't poke you at your work? Same bullshit ;D
If you'd pull a server reset how do you think that would make more cash? 85% wouldn't play on.

Since your insulting me inreal when not even knowing me, how come I can't poke you at your work? Same bullshit ;D
If you'd pull a server reset how do you think that would make more cash? 85% wouldn't play on.


Because more players would join if there weren't level 1600+ players that kills everyone when they start?
Since your insulting me inreal when not even knowing me, how come I can't poke you at your work? Same bullshit ;D
If you'd pull a server reset how do you think that would make more cash? 85% wouldn't play on.


I insult you because im so sick of your cocky forum attitude. I know you are not even close to this IRL, and thats also annoys me.
Just stop being an ass and stating stupid comments to peoples.
And oh yeh, sorry for not replying to peoples posts here in the forum, i just post at those nessecary topics. But you on the other side, just comments every topic with stupid shits.. So once again, stop it or you wont be here anymore.
If there are 300 players online now, lets say 250 of them are over 120, if there would be a reset, 150 of them would quit, so it would take more than a month before it would reach 350 players once again.

Why does it annoys you that I'm far away from you inrl?
Are you going to hit me?:(
I'm bein rude to those who deserves it, before you say anything about "bein rude to others" find out some facts about them first.
Just because talaturen and you guys are good at computers doesn't mean your "UNHACKABLE".
No, I'm not hacking you, I dont know shit about computers ;D.

If there are 300 players online now, lets say 250 of them are over 120, if there would be a reset, 150 of them would quit, so it would take more than a month before it would reach 350 players once again.

Why does it annoys you that I'm far away from you inrl?
Are you going to hit me?:(
I'm bein rude to those who deserves it, before you say anything about "bein rude to others" find out some facts about them first.
Just because talaturen and you guys are good at computers doesn't mean your "UNHACKABLE".
No, I'm not hacking you, I dont know shit about computers ;D.


We would probably get high amount of players quickly again.
And no im not gonna hit u.. I said that you are not even close to this IRL, this kind of "forum attitude" you have here.
And why do you bring up unhackable shits? Try hack us if you want proof...
I edited my post 2x times so the post before is abit complicated as it seems.
As I stated, I dont know very much about computers, I play on them I dont need to know more about them.
Why would I hack the server I play?
You said I was bein rude to players at forum, the latest person I was bein rude to was a hacker who'v hacked several servers in the last weeks and yeah I know that for sure since a good friend of mine is in his team and it can be prooven.
Blablabla I wont wright more, I have other stuff to do.

If i wouldn't give a fuck about our players, then how come me and Talaturen is working everyday to improve the server? Yesterday i spent over 3hours to fix the new 8.4 spells. Both me and Talaturen has good income irl, we don't do this for money. If we would do this for money, then we would probably already set on a character reset, like Ryan(owner of Narozia) did.
Now stop being so cocky and get true facts before you come here and state bullshit facts.

This is not my business and nor do I care, but If you don't do this for money, how come you raised the limit of exp scrolls/player?
This is not my business and nor do I care, but If you don't do this for money, how come you raised the limit of exp scrolls/player?

Maybe because they're paying rl money for hosting this ot u know its not like they host ot with so much players on there own computer right? so theyre paying to host the ot so to not waste their own money they decided to make somethin like this shop but maybe the money they were getting for the stuff wasnt enough so they increased the limit of exp scroll per player?
Stop acting like your something all the bloody time here at the forum.. You know urself that ur just a newbie kiddo irl, so why acting so cocky here? Now i tell u, quit it, or gtfo.

Wow never seen this kinda language from a GM. Shouldnt you go ahead as a good example?

And btw, he's hacked. He never made those chars himself.
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all SHATA FAKA APA!½½!!!!111 ALL NUBS!11

ban Vem er victor if ya dont (lololololol u idiot??? he is playing with the owner look at the faking names..)