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What do you look for in a server? (Poll)

What things are important to you in an MMO? (You can pick more than one)

  • Total voters
PvP (Fun and Balanced!):
Lets be real you won't ever have balanced in a server, simply cuz there will always be someone to whine that their character is not strong enough, but yeah who doesn't want balanced fun pvp battles, imagine seaging castles against other alliances/teams​
PvE (Hunting challenging monsters):
This is one of the most important points, in my opinion, if you get the players to do some interesting mechanics to kill a boss or even mini boss's you will get your players to enjoy the game so much more, since who doesn't want to kill a BAM(Big Ass Monster) with their friends;Perhpas Solo.​
Collecting Rares (Gatta love showing off items in your expensive house and having cool outfits!!):
Lets be real who dosn't want to have shiny shit to show your woman.​
Questing (I like to beat challenges and solve puzzles!):
In my humble opinion this go along with PvE hunting, but yeah doing puzzles its a good way to entertain good RPG players(Oh yeah this go well with Role Playing your other Point :p) if you have good puzzles you most likely will have players interested in find out the solution :)
Power Gaming (I want the be one of the highest levels! PG all Day!):
Bring it on! I'll be top :)

In reality if you wan't to have a susses full custom server (200 around Players[Lets be real Tibia is dying and OTs are run by RL servers]) you gotta do a mix of them all. you won't need to focus to much on botters since they will get bored, How so? since its a Custom server some of the better items will be found by doing puzzles/quest and they won't do em'.
Focus on PvE more than PvP but don't leave it just hanging. give hard quest quest that make your brain think harder, and reward the players for completing them, also for those HardCore PG make challenges, after 1,000,000,000 Monster killed give them some type of title. something that push them to keep on going

Thanks for your input :p

As for Balanced PvP, just because someone is whining, doesn't mean it isn't balanced. Players will ALWAYS complain about something, you just have to test it out yourself and you can use DPS Counters and other things to determine if it is balanced or not.
That's exactly my point Flat~ in your head and in numbers it will be balanced, but you are building a Game for others not for you. Don't get me wrong you can enjoy the game also; making it too. But in the eyes of the players it will never be, sadly enough.
This is not based on my opinion but in facts, you can look it up your self in big game names such as Blizzard's, League Of Legends, Dota, I belive even in FPS there will always be a way of say they are not balanced :p.

but you are correct :D hope you the best with your project :)
That's exactly my point Flat~ in your head and in numbers it will be balanced, but you are building a Game for others not for you. Don't get me wrong you can enjoy the game also; making it too. But in the eyes of the players it will never be, sadly enough.
This is not based on my opinion but in facts, you can look it up your self in big game names such as Blizzard's, League Of Legends, Dota, I belive even in FPS there will always be a way of say they are not balanced :p.

but you are correct :D hope you the best with your project :)

People will always complain, the funny thing is. The MORE people complain and the more posts and petitions are put up to get things changed, the more you KNOW people like your game.

Every single server I have ever created, had MULTIPLE players say they quit because "other players are brokenly powerful or cheating" when they weren't. And every single day the same players would message me about it.

If your server is good, and fun, and balanced, it doesn't mean there will no longer be whining little annoying brats (They will always exist). It means people will have fun and not quit due to unfairness (even if they say it is unfair).

The general mindset of most players is-if something kills them, it is overpowered. Player dies to UE Combo? Its OP, player dies to paralyze? Its OP, player dies because they ran into a trap? Map is broken and needs to be fixed. According to most players, it is NEVER their fault when they die, they will blame the game, and complain to you.

That's why the most important thing to know as a Game Designer is that players ARE NOT always right. Even the MAJORITY are not always right.

If every single player on your server wants you to increase experience by 100x and make it a fast rate server, but you KNOW there is no way you could make content fast enough and everyone would get bored and quit, then 100% of people are wrong, and you are right.

You are the Designer, you can see the world from on high and make logical choices. Sometimes the players will have good ideas, most of the time they won't. You have to know when to listen, and when to ignore.
Whether the player is right or wrong, they're your customer/consumer. You don't want to listen to them, you should start searching for a new job.
Whether the player is right or wrong, they're your customer/consumer. You don't want to listen to them, you should start searching for a new job.

I will listen, doesn't mean I have to follow their every command.

A good example is Titanfall (FPS coming out on March 11th)

Their forums are spammed by players of other FPS games asking them to remove Titans and AI and specific guns from the game.
Respawn has stated "The game is created in our vision to be as balanced and fun as possible, we hope you enjoy playing the game the way it is meant to be played".

A bad example would be Bloodline Champions:
A game that had no progression and was 100% skill based, and ALL of the Developer Videos had them talk about how they didn't want progression because they wanted the only difference between a noobie and a veteran to be skill. Otherwise it would be extremely unfair.

Their forums were spammed with players saying they wanted Progression like League of Legends.
The day they added this progression they literally went from having around 50,000 players online to 50 players online (the game servers are now offline).

Players are not always right, and you should only take their advice as suggestions, not as commands.
Oh, and by the way. Player suggestions are responsible for the following Cipsoft updates:

HOTKEYS! (Oh yes Cipsoft Aimbot was player-suggested)
The Skull System! (Oh yes, players complaining about power abuse and mass pks brought on the skull system)
The end of Experience in Hardcore PvP (Oh yes, players complaining did this too)

Basically every update that changed Tibia in a way that many players presume is a terrible idea, was done due to players.

Oh yea, when they got rid of GMs, that was players complaining about GM Abuse.

Also, if you want to go by Majority Rule, Cipsoft should design their own Bot and code it into their next Tibia Client. Since the majority of people who play tibia use bot.
TLDR: When taking suggestions, they have to work with the theme, and service the game provides, otherwise you destroy what your game offers.

A general rule is that people CAN NOT know if they want something new, as they never experienced.

This leads people to continuously suggest things they are already comfortable with, and very rarely move outside of what they already know.

They also will suggest things that are catered to their OWN personal desires, to benefit themselves.

This is why when getting input from others, you have to take outside suggestions with a grain of salt, and work within the general CONCEPT of their ideas and suggestions, and work it into something that fits your own games rule sets and theme.

Flatlander mentioned Bloodline Champions getting -destroyed- by player input and suggestions.

The game sure did have a high skill cap to get involved with the game, but it was that style of play that had people playing the game to begin with.

People enjoyed the fact everyone was at a level playing field, and it was based 100% on skill if you won or lost.

When they added in ways to 'be stronger' (higher stats through items/crystals), it was a huge slap to the face to the people who enjoyed the game, and the actual NATURE of the game.

Bloodline Champions existed to be an outlet for players to win based off of their own skill (fast twitch action and strategy), but when players were winning due to increased stats (not their own skill), the game stopped giving the service people expected from it, so they went away.

Leaving almost nothing behind.

They changed their product so much, that it didn't give people want they wanted from the game leaving the game to fail completely.

Tibia has -almost- done this by removing the danger of player interaction, and simplifying their mechanics, but lucky for them it wasn't the -only- thing their game provided, so it still exists and has players.
The discussion in this thread might be one of the more interesting ever on OTland.
All of us need to work as a team but in our own ways to get OT forward and keeping it alive,
The hard part is to get out more custom nice servers instead of a majority of rl maps with hig exp.

Kind Regards,
The discussion in this thread might be one of the more interesting ever on OTland.
All of us need to work as a team but in our own ways to get OT forward and keeping it alive,
The hard part is to get out more custom nice servers instead of a majority of rl maps with hig exp.

Kind Regards,

I agree with you completely :).

If the OTLand community will ever grow again, it will be with custom OTs.
I agree, there many things that can be made with OT, even more if you know how to change the source (not my case :(), but many people have lot of ideas, many story lines and features to make a really good OT, many just need some help and a team to make something good
This shit is amazing, one of the most interesting threads over here.

I have to say that every custom server lacks the same thing: long-term vision.
You have to think about the long run, make a plan, and try to not deviate of your main goal.

Most teams are joined for a fresh start of the servers, but once it's launched there are a lack of updates, fixes, etc. The people playing in customs are always the best testers, and one bad step and you are out. It's sad, but it requires a lot of time and sometimes money. All of us who try to make a custom have family, work, etc and we need to take care of them. A custom server needs to be supported.

Maybe we need sponsors, like in football ;P
This shit is amazing, one of the most interesting threads over here.

I have to say that every custom server lacks the same thing: long-term vision.
You have to think about the long run, make a plan, and try to not deviate of your main goal.

Most teams are joined for a fresh start of the servers, but once it's launched there are a lack of updates, fixes, etc. The people playing in customs are always the best testers, and one bad step and you are out. It's sad, but it requires a lot of time and sometimes money. All of us who try to make a custom have family, work, etc and we need to take care of them. A custom server needs to be supported.

Maybe we need sponsors, like in football ;P

I agree with your whole post.
I don't mean to advertise or anything, but I'm trying to do exactly that.

A custom long-term project and server, following player's needs and their suggestions; with a good and motivated team.

I hope open tibia won't ever die.
Fantastic that you made this thread, this help's alot for us who makes our own custom server from the ground.. Reading what people feel about new-born server's and what players really want..

I read what @Sportacus said, and im totally agree to what he has written.. Player's will always find something that will give them selfes satifaction, but do not think of the other and new players.. If you are not careful with this, your server will,(with no doubt) get destroyed, eventually..