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What's best version to make OTS?


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
I ma thinking about make my own OTS, but i don't know what version of tibia client should i choose... 8.6 or later?
Go 8.6 if you dont mind botters, if you do? try anything higher then 8.6
8.7 since the mounts is nice over there, everything over 8.7 is kinda bad - or not well done ot's or those without cooldown bars <i really hate cooldown bars>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Merol 8.6 or 9.31 for some unique features. But if you make a server above 8.6. Make it a custom client.
8.7 since the mounts is nice over there, everything over 8.7 is kinda bad - or not well done ot's or those without cooldown bars <i really hate cooldown bars>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Then don't use it? There's an option to turn it off.
People don't realize this.

The latest client can have the same exact features of 8.6, the only difference is more items, more monsters, and other new things on the development side.
People, it's time to move on, stop using 8.6.
Then don't use it? There's an option to turn it off.
People don't realize this.

The latest client can have the same exact features of 8.6, the only difference is more items, more monsters, and other new things on the development side.
People, it's time to move on, stop using 8.6.

I would give you a high-five if I could.

I agree so much with Evan and Red, there's simply no point in using an old out-dated 8.6 client, all the features you have there you can replicate in the last client with minimal coding necessary, and you even get more items, monsters, outfits, I mean, there's simply no bad things about using new versions
I agree so much with Evan and Red, there's simply no point in using an old out-dated 8.6 client, all the features you have there you can replicate in the last client with minimal coding necessary, and you even get more items, monsters, outfits, I mean, there's simply no bad things about using new versions

Bad things about new version is that there is no elfbot, and thats what everyone needs lol
Bad things about new version is that there is no elfbot, and thats what everyone needs lol
the sad true
Thanks all of you for so many responds :). I gonna use the newest client (9.46). I need to read something about that, cause i am not playing tibia since 2 years :). There are so many things what should i know. ;)
Soon there will be no more 8.60 real maps. I promise they will all go down, and I will be certain I trace every single real map on the client 8.60 and make them shut down the server.