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Suggestion Why can we even double post?

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Veteran OT User
Jan 23, 2011
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Hello, I made this thread because twice I have been warned for "spamming" (posting two good and useful posts in a row, replying to different people). My question is, why can we even double post? Why don't you add a feature that prevents us from doing so? It could be anything like a) A warning message when we try to reply to a thread where we have made last post, b) an automatic merge of post streaks. It could work only up to 24 hours (bumb rule) so you could make a new post again after 24 hours without getting it merged or c) anything else you can think of. It can't be that hard.
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And you can't use the edit button? And by the way you can't post for 30 seconds after your previous post.
It also can't be that hard to use the edit button instead of double posting, in fact, it's easier than adding that feature.
This is not kindergarden(or well, maybe we are). People who are new to online communities like otland, should learn to behave properly in a Forum. This will not only help you in otland, but also future forums you may find interesting in your life.
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Maybe I approached this from the wrong angle. What would be the positive effects for you [moderators and forum users]?

Moderators would get more tasks done on both sides since automatic merge system would be 99% safe and they would have more time over for other things.

Players would never have to worry about accidentily replying to two people in a row.

Forum would be cleaner and real spammers would get caught easy since they are not part of a crowd anymore. Finding them would be an easy task.

Once admins read all positive and negative they will decide wether it's worth the time or not. Maybe they don't mind a spending a few hours coding to improve the forum. Why would you aim to be the cheapest forum when you can be the best?

@Znote: I doubt there are many double post with just spam. Either they are just trolling and will still be banned, or they are just replying to several posts at the same time. Sure, you have the multiple quote function but it's obviously not optimal since it's faster to make two separate replies. If you prefer that we can call my suggested system "automatic multiquote system".

And no, doing easy repeatative tasks won't raise anyone. In work life they are removed one by one because humans suck at it so we should follow their example. Think of Otland is a huge motherfucking bridge without any fence. It's wide enough to walk over without any bigger problems and those retarded kids can learn by their mistake Darwin style. But wouldn't it still be more pleasant with a fence?
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There is no point at all in this thread... When you attempt to double-post, just edit the other post and say you're sorry for the double post. Or why you double-posted...
There is no point at all in this thread... When you attempt to double-post, just edit the other post and say you're sorry for the double post. Or why you double-posted...

So basically this proposal would just be an huge improvement, but not a new feature? Can people just tell me what negative side effects could come up once this is implemented? That there are other similar features that doesn't work as good is irrelevant, if anything it's a reason to implement this improvement. But what you suggested does not solve the issue targetted in this thread. Most double post come from people who accidentily forget about it or who don't care about it, to bump a thread within 24 hours for example.
Or.. u could just click the edit button..? u wont die doing it..
Or.. u could just click the edit button..? u wont die doing it..

I don't get it. Do people have problems reading? The issue is that sometimes you forget that you already replied to another person in the thread so you are unaware of you double posting. Your solutions to other issues is not relevant.

If I propose that Otland should start selling a new type of apples do you answer me bananas tastes better? I hope not, because that's a retarded answer. Now that you understand that logics are actually the same with my proposal, only outer factors have changed, please don't give me more stupid answers.
Haha epic thread, He wanna make a plugin so you CANT double post. Not that he WANNA double post...

Read haha
@up: what the hell did I just read?

@on topic: I think it's a good feature but it would be a waste of time creating and implementing it since - if you don't either see or remember that you are double posting on a thread - you need to see an ophthalmologist or buy a new memory for your brain. If you do, you'll realize the useful Edit button. =P
The reason to doublepost is to "bump" the thread so people will notice you wrote something. I mean if you edit your own post, most people wont notice it.
The reason to doublepost is to "bump" the thread so people will notice you wrote something. I mean if you edit your own post, most people wont notice it.

Bumping is allowed after 24 hours and so by then automerge would stop working. Already written if you read all.
well 1 reason is that you can edit your post with the time you posted so people also know, and it creates spam.. its pretty self explanatory
@up: Do you think it's a bad idea to add a feature that automatically finds rule breakers and turns them into legal users again? And your motivation is that you want people to report him instead so you can do the another boring and repeatative task instead of doing something more useful?

@up: It would only work within 24 hours of posting. Before that you are not allowed to double post. And when merging two posts it would of course edit first post, add second post with one empty line between and write time when it was edited. But automerge is a good name in my opinion.
@up: Do you think it's a bad idea to add a feature that automatically finds rule breakers and turns them into legal users again? And your motivation is that you want people to report him instead so you can do the another boring and repeatative task instead of doing something more useful?

That boring and repeatative task is my job in OtLand.
That boring and repeatative task is my job in OtLand.

Is your job to edit double posts and notify people the people involved? Because that part is what I called boring and repeatative. I'm sure there are more creative and interesting parts of your job as a moderator that you can spend more time doing if this "no-brain" task is removed.
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