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Suggestion Why can we even double post?

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Veteran OT User
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hello, I made this thread because twice I have been warned for "spamming" (posting two good and useful posts in a row, replying to different people). My question is, why can we even double post? Why don't you add a feature that prevents us from doing so? It could be anything like a) A warning message when we try to reply to a thread where we have made last post, b) an automatic merge of post streaks. It could work only up to 24 hours (bumb rule) so you could make a new post again after 24 hours without getting it merged or c) anything else you can think of. It can't be that hard.
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Is your job to edit double posts and notify people the people involved? Because that part is what I called boring and repeatative. I'm sure there are more creative and interesting parts of your job as a moderator that you can spend more time doing if this "no-brain" task is removed.

I like merging double posts as well as doing any other Moderator task.
I like merging double posts as well as doing any other Moderator task.
Okay. I would still prefer a auto merge system though. Or if you could just stop sending me those annoying notifications every time you did it for me I wouldn't really care.
Okay. I would still prefer a auto merge system though. Or if you could just stop sending me those annoying notifications every time you did it for me I wouldn't really care.

Or if you could stop double posting...

Anyways, I do get what you mean.
Or if you could stop double posting...

Anyways, I do get what you mean.

The issue that is targeted with this proposal is when you forget you have already replied to another post in a thread. When I forgot to write something in the first reply or remember that I have already posted (maybe I'm replying to a post on the same page as my first reply is) I will of course edit my first post.
that would give the mods nothing to do.. they wouldn't be able to go e-thug tough guy on anybody thus they wouldn't be able to sleep at night
that would give the mods nothing to do.. they wouldn't be able to go e-thug tough guy on anybody thus they wouldn't be able to sleep at night

Maybe they could deal with trolls? I feel an urgent need for that in this moment, not far from here.
too busy merging double posts and sending notifcations


Something doesn't add up here. If you want keep bumping my thread with useless trolling but I won't reply to you anymore.
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