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Complaint Wtf ¿?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
I made a thread in the support board asking for help, now when I was going to check it, its not there completely gone.

I don't have a clue about what was wrong with it, so at least i would like to "suggest" if some mod/admin deletes a post/thread they should send you a PM telling us what is wrong.
I'd like to add something, because it isn't clear yet to some people that post here

Thread titles like:
- "Help!"
- "Help plx!"
- "Help plx rep++!"
- "Help I giff rep fast plx!"
- "Look here pls"
- "Bug"
- "Error"

- and every other single thread named without describing the problem will get deleted, without further notice.
- also please note that you are not allowed to address specific users in your thread name, eg "Cykotitan please help me!"

This has become a real plague here so I'll be giving warnings and possibly infractions for those who are frequently breaking these rules.
"will get deleted without further notice"
And your thread title was:
"A little help"
So, I'd suggest you and everyone else to read carefully the "Stickies" threads where you're going to post :p
"will get deleted without further notice"
And your thread title was:
"A little help"
So, I'd suggest you and everyone else to read carefully the "Stickies" threads where you're going to post :p
Wuld also be better if the person who created the thread said a very short desc. of the problem.
:3 Ok, that's all I wanted.
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