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Xikini's Free Scripting Service. [0.3.7 & (0.3.6/0.4)]

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I whore myself out for likes
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Doing quick (30 min or less) scripts for [0.3.7 & (0.3.6/0.4)]
I am not here to fix your broken scripts, although I will give advice if requested.
I am here for script requests of scripts not already available on the forum.
If you require support for your scripting issues please make a thread in the support section.

For clarity's sake,
I will script actionscripts, creaturescripts, globalevents, talkactions, movements, npcs for you.
I will not script spells, weapons, raids or monster scripts.
Additionally, source editing, websites and database queries are a no go as well.

How to make shorter links to posts.
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A kind of weird script, but it only allows players to access the tile, if they are moving diagonally.

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
    local diagonalCheck = (fromPosition.y - position.y) - (fromPosition.x - position.x)
    local newposition = {x = position.x, y = position.y + 2, z = position.z}
    if diagonalCheck == -1 or diagonalCheck == 1 then
        doTeleportThing(cid, newposition)
        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
    return true
I think we will use this again somewhere on our server, but it's just a small fun script, figure I'd share it while bumping the thread. :rolleyes:
Trapped in a cell with a rusty door that won't open.
This door verbally abuses you.
And yes, you love it.
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
   local message = {"Your arms cannot move.", "The door is rusty.", "Your weak.", "Your strength is insufficient.", "Ha! Nope.", "Good luck on getting out.", "I'm not moving.", "Critical movement penalty.", "Door doesn't move.", "I'm made of steel.", "I ain't moving.", "Nope.", "Squeak, Squeak.", "I need oil."}
   return doCreatureSay(cid, "".. message[math.random(#message)] .."", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
@Xikini Looking for script which makes your summon collecting money from loot. I don't even know if this is possible, but I will give you the chance haha.
Thanks in advnace. :cool:

@Xikini Looking for script which makes your summon collecting money from loot. I don't even know if this is possible, but I will give you the chance haha.
Thanks in advnace. :cool:

That is an interesting idea :p
Is it command operated or automatic?
@Codex NG
Well if I understand good, I prefer automatic.
It should be like this: after summoning, summon automatically collecting money from monsters, which were killed by player.
@Codex NG
Well if I understand good, I prefer automatic.
It should be like this: after summoning, summon automatically collecting money from monsters, which were killed by player.
Why not just automatically loot the gold if the player has a summon, or do you want the creature to perform the action visually?
@Codex NG Yeah, I prefer the creature performs the action visually.

But I think that no one will do it for free so the "automaticlly loot the gold if the player has summon" would be cool too.
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Hello , can i request a script for 0.4
if i click on statue(actionid) and put item(xxx) on coal basin(xxx/xxx/x)
and click statue i get another item id on coal basin(xxx/xxx/x) , if no item on coal basin it says put the item on
and player with is in position(xxx/xxx/x ) can use the statue people from other xxx/xxx/x with clicks statue gets cancel back with POFF :D sorry for my broken english :D

edit. aswell on use statue it takes your 20 soul if player doesnt have enought soul on click statue it says "you don't have enought soul to change item"
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i need script to check if not have x premium days then you dont get to buy house

for exemplo you need 5 or more premium days to buy house

0.3.6 thx
i need script to check if not have x premium days then you dont get to buy house

for exemplo you need 5 or more premium days to buy house

0.3.6 thx
Oh oh.. I want to do this one! this looks simple.

Do you want it with the !buyhouse command?
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