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Zaypay errors


New Member
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, I tried to fix zaypay to my site. I followed zaypay wizard, but it may not work. I get them here errors

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Tibia2\zaypay\includes\Zaypay.class.php on line 80

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Tibia2\zaypay\includes\Zaypay.class.php on line 90

Notice: Undefined variable: language_list in C:\xampp\htdocs\Tibia2\zaypay\includes\Zaypay.class.php on line 99

Notice: Undefined variable: country_list in C:\xampp\htdocs\Tibia2\zaypay\includes\Zaypay.class.php on line 99
Not Found

can any one help me?
and yet when I write I have a problem with my server. It is a TFS 0.3.6 and it works perfectly except that it crashes when I get around 15-16 players. :/

Does anyone know what the errors are?
Can you post your zaypay scripts please?

  $price_setting_id  = 60682;  // Id
  $price_setting_key = '7df73b464482dfd31c135d5a8ece7172'; // Hash
  $points_to_give = 4; // Points to give after to have paid
  $message_to_guests = "You MUST be logged in!";


$mysqlConn = $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "adijfn");

mysql_select_db("theforgottenserver", $mysqlConn);


  Name         : Zaypay.class.php
  Version      : 1.2.1-PHP5
  Description  : Create and Check payments at Zaypay.com
  Date         : July 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  By           : Zaypay International B.V. 2008 - 2009 (RDF)
  Last changes : Added optional amount to create_payment and list_locales 


  class Zaypay {
    private $price_setting_id    = 0;
    private $price_setting_key   = null;

    private $locale_consumer     = null;

    private $payment_id          = 0;

    private $request_method      = 'fsock'; // CURL or fsock
    private $request_url         = 'https://secure.zaypay.com';
    private $request_url_scheme  = null;
    private $request_url_host    = null;
    private $request_url_port    = null;

    private $error               = null;


    public function __construct ($price_setting_id = null, $price_setting_key = null) {
      if ($price_setting_id !== null and is_numeric($price_setting_id)) {
        $this->price_setting_id = $price_setting_id;
      if ($price_setting_key !== null) {
        $this->price_setting_key = $price_setting_key;

  Public Functions

     * locale_for_ip function.
     * @access public
     * @param string $ip_address
     * @return string locale of ip address
    public function locale_for_ip ($ip_address) {
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("/{$ip_address}/pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/locale_for_ip?key={$this->price_setting_key}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);

      if (isset($oXML->locale)) {
        return ($this->setLocale((string) $oXML->locale));
      else {
        return null;

     * list_locales function.
     * @access public
     * @return array with available countries and languages
    public function list_locales ($optional_amount = null) {
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("/{$optional_amount}/pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/list_locales?key={$this->price_setting_key}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);

      if ($this->checkXMLError($oXML)) {
        return false;

      foreach ($oXML->languages->language AS $language) {
        $language = (array) $language;

        $language_list[] = array(
          'code' => $language['code'],
          'english-name' => $language['english-name'],
          'native-name' => $language['native-name']

      foreach ($oXML->countries->country As $country) {
        $country = (array) $country;

        $country_list[] = array(
          'code' => $country['code'],
          'name' => $country['name']

      return array('languages' => $language_list, 'countries' => $country_list);

     * list_payment_methods function.
     * @access public
     * @param string $locale
     * @return array with payment methods
    public function list_payment_methods ($locale, $optional_amount = null) {    
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("/{$optional_amount}/{$locale}/pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/payments/new?key={$this->price_setting_key}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);

      if ($this->checkXMLError($oXML)) {
        return false;

      if ($oXML->{'payment-methods'}->{'payment-method'}) {
        $payment_method_list = array();

        foreach ($oXML->{'payment-methods'}->{'payment-method'} AS $payment_method) {
          $payment_method = (array) $payment_method;
          $payment_method_list[$payment_method['payment-method-id']] = $payment_method;

        return $payment_method_list;
      else {
        $this->error = $XML;
        return false;


     * create_payment function.
     * @access public
     * @param string $locale
     * @param int $method_id
     * @return array with payment data
    public function create_payment ($locale, $method_id, $optional_amount = null) {
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("/{$optional_amount}/{$locale}/pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/payments/create?key={$this->price_setting_key}&payment_method_id={$method_id}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);


      return $this->parsePayment($oXML);

     * show_payment function.
     * @access public
     * @param int $payment_id
     * @return array with payment data
    public function show_payment ($payment_id) {
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("///pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/payments/{$payment_id}?key={$this->price_setting_key}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);

      return $this->parsePayment($oXML);

     * verification_code function.
     * @access public
     * @param int $payment_id
     * @param string $verification_code
     * @return array with payment data
    public function verification_code ($payment_id, $verification_code) {
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("///pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/payments/{$payment_id}/verification_code?key={$this->price_setting_key}&verification_code={$verification_code}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);

      return $this->parsePayment($oXML);

     * mark_payload_provided function.
     * @access public
     * @param int $payment_id
     * @return array with payment data
    public function mark_payload_provided ($payment_id) {
      $XML  = $this->RequestURL("///pay/{$this->price_setting_id}/payments/{$payment_id}/mark_payload_provided?key={$this->price_setting_key}");
      $oXML = $this->parseXML($XML);

      return $this->parsePayment($oXML);

  Private Functions

    * @access private
    * @param string $uri
    * @return content of URL
    private function RequestURL ($uri) {
      if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
        $this->request_method = 'CURL';

      $url = parse_url($this->request_url);
      $this->request_url_scheme = (isset($url['scheme'])) ? $url['scheme'] : 'http://';
      $this->request_url_host   = $url['host'];
      $this->request_url_port   = (isset($url['port'])) ? $url['port'] : (($this->request_url_scheme == 'https') ? 443 : 80);

      if ($this->request_method == 'CURL') {
        return $this->RequestURLCURL ($uri);
      else {
        return $this->RequestURLFsock ($uri);

    * @access private
    * @param string $uri
    * @return content of URL fetched by fsock
    private function RequestURLFsock ($uri) {
      $buf    = '';

      $scheme = ($this->request_url_scheme == 'https') ? 'ssl://' : '';

      $fp = fsockopen($scheme . $this->request_url_host, $this->request_url_port, $errno, $errstr, 10);
    	if ($fp) {
    		$push = "GET {$uri} HTTP/1.1" . "\r\n" .
    				    "Host: {$this->request_url_host}" . "\r\n" .
    				    "Accept: application/xml" . "\r\n" .
    				    "Connection: close" . "\r\n\r\n";

    		fputs($fp, $push);
    		while (!feof($fp))
    		  $buf .= fgets($fp, 128);

        list($headers, $content) = preg_split("/(\r?\n){2}/", $buf, 2);

        return $content;
    	else {
    	  return null;

    * @access private
    * @param string $uri
    * @return content of URL fetched by CURL
    private function RequestURLCURL ($uri) {
    	$ch = curl_init();

      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->request_url_scheme . '://' . $this->request_url_host . $uri);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, $this->request_url_port);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/xml'));
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);

      $content = curl_exec($ch);


      return $content;

    * @access private
    * @param string $XML
    * @return XML in Object
    private function parseXML ($XML) {
      try {
        $data = new SimpleXMLElement($XML);
  		  if ($data == false) {
  		    return false;

    		return $data;
      catch (Exception $e) {
        return false;

    * @access private
    * @param object $oXML
    * @return array with payment_info
    private function parsePayment ($oXML) {
      if ($this->checkXMLError($oXML)) {
        return false;
      elseif ($oXML->payment) {
        return $this->object2array($oXML);
      else {
        return false;

    * @access private
    * @param object $payment_object
    * @return array with payment_info
    private function object2array ($payment_object) {
      $this->payment_id         = $payment_object->payment->id;
      $payment_array            = (array) $payment_object;
      $payment_array['payment'] = (array) $payment_object->payment;


      return ($this->payment_method_info = $payment_array);

    * @access private
    * @param object $oXML
    * @return true when error object is present
    private function checkXMLError ($oXML) {    
      if (isset($oXML->error)) {
        $this->error = $oXML->error;

        return true;
      else {
        return false;

  SET and GET functions

    * @param string $request_method
    * @return true
    public function setRequestMethod ($request_method) {
      if ($request_method == 'CURL' or  $request_method == 'curl') {
        $this->request_method = 'CURL';
      elseif ($request_method == 'fsock') {
        $this->request_method = 'fsock';

      return true;

    * @param string $locale
    * @return true when xx-XX
    public function setLocale ($locale) {
      if (preg_match('/^([a-z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})$/', $locale)) {      
        return ($this->locale_consumer = $locale);
      else {
        return false;

    * @return locale of consumer
    public function getLocale ($type = null) {
      if ($type !== null) {
        if (strstr($this->locale_consumer, '-')) {
          list($locale['language'], $locale['country']) = explode('-', $this->locale_consumer);
          return (isset($locale[$type])) ? $locale[$type] : null;
        else {
          return null;
      return $this->locale_consumer;

    * @return payment information
    public function getPaymentInfo () {
      return $this->payment_method_info;

    * @return payment ID
    public function getPaymentId () {
      return $this->payment_id;

    * @return error (if occured)
    public function getError () {
      return $this->error;



  // Start session engine
  // Makesure this is not a guest
  if(!isset($_SESSION['account'])) {

  $Zaypay = New Zaypay($price_setting_id, $price_setting_key);

  // Fourth step: check payment
  if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'paid' && isset($_POST['paymentid'])) {
    $zaypay_info = $Zaypay->show_payment($_POST['paymentid']);
    $status = $zaypay_info['payment']['status'];
    if (isset($zaypay_info['payment']['verification-needed']) and $zaypay_info['payment']['verification-needed'] == 'true' and isset($_POST['verification_code'])) {    
      if ($zaypay_info = $Zaypay->verification_code($_POST['paymentid'], $_POST['verification_code'])) {      
        $status = $zaypay_info['payment']['status'];

    if ($status == 'paid') {      
      include ('./pages/3-paid.php');
    elseif ($status == 'prepared' or $status == 'in_progress' or $status == 'paused') {      
      include ('./pages/2-pay.php');
    else {
      echo "An error has occured [{$status}]";

  // Third step: Let consumer pay
  elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'pay' && isset($_POST['locale']) && isset($_POST['paymentmethod'])) {
    if(!($zaypay_info = $Zaypay->create_payment($_POST['locale'], $_POST['paymentmethod']))){
      die ($Zaypay->getError());
    // Here you could insert the payment information into your database. For Example:
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO VAPUS_payment (payID, account_id, status) VALUES ('{$Zaypay->getPaymentId()}', '{$_SESSION['account']}', 'prepared')");
    include ('./pages/2-pay.php');
  // First step: Let consumer choose country and language
  else {
    if(!($locales = $Zaypay->list_locales())) {
    if (isset($_POST['locale_country']) and isset($_POST['locale_language'])) {    
      $Zaypay->setLocale($_POST['locale_language'] . '-' . $_POST['locale_country']);
    else {
    if(!($payment_methods = $Zaypay->list_payment_methods($Zaypay->getLocale()))){
Well, it's my Zaypay script, v0.1.1.

If you get that error, and no error about ssl, it means that your
$price_setting_id = 60682; and/or $price_setting_key is wrong. Did the default work?

They where:
ID 50912
API key 1dc76acbcdcdc45388256e40e0ef2180
Well, it's my Zaypay script, v0.1.1.

If you get that error, and no error about ssl, it means that your
$price_setting_id = 60682; and/or $price_setting_key is wrong. Did the default work?

They where:
ID 50912
API key 1dc76acbcdcdc45388256e40e0ef2180
Yes it works but it makes it like this :/

It works now but I have to send a text message to see how it works?
It depends on your setup, and your values.

Okey but if i choose like 2.89 euro (33kr) and select sms i got sms on my site and if i select phone i got phone but if i take both of them it will be phone :/
it works now, but if you call it costs (33kr) 3.19 euros and if you sms the costs (40kr) 3.87 euros. but I do not really understand this : Price Margin 10% and up to 100%
Calls are cheaper because telefon companies doesn't have so high fees on them. Price margin is if let say you put the price to 3EUR, but 3EUR is not avaible. Then you have a margin of 50%, it will allow the price to be up to 4.5EUR.
Calls are cheaper because telefon companies doesn't have so high fees on them. Price margin is if let say you put the price to 3EUR, but 3EUR is not avaible. Then you have a margin of 50%, it will allow the price to be up to 4.5EUR.

Thanks for all. but I have a question it is possible to do so they can donate various amounts. if you have the desire / want to help me with it?
You need the 0.2 version that isn't made public. Or just make multiple copies of the script (folders like: zaypay1, zaypay2, zaypay3 etc) and install it in index.php in gesior as pay1, pay2, pay3.
You need the 0.2 version that isn't made public. Or just make multiple copies of the script (folders like: zaypay1, zaypay2, zaypay3 etc) and install it in index.php in gesior as pay1, pay2, pay3.

Okey thanks but can you help me a little leg up xD
have tried a bit now but nothing happens when I press the (donate via zaypay)

		$main_content .= '<br /><br /><a href="?subtopic=buypoints&system=zaypay1"><h2>Donate via Zaypay (8 Points)</h2></a><h3>Donate via Zaypay to get 8 shop points. SMS/Call </h3>';

case "pay1";
                $subtopic = "pay1";
                $topic = "Support 8 points";
                $main_content .= '<div align="center"><iframe src="http://playot.no-ip.org/zaypay1/pay.php" width="98%" 
height="800px;"><p>Need IFRAME support, please download Opera,Firefox or Chrome</p></iframe></div>';

Original folder named zaypay and second zaypay1

I test with pay2 but don't works